Thursday Obsessions with Glued to My Crafts

Hey there lovelies!!! We have a fun treat for this week’s Bloggie Bestie!!!
Meet Stacey of Glued to My Crafts!
She’s here to share her Thursday Obsessions Link up Party!
We invite you to check out her post below, then link up YOUR own Obsessions post!
I’m sharing mine over at her place today as well!
Take it away Stacey….

Hello everyone! I’m Stacey and I blog over at Glued To My Crafts. I’m pretty excited to be “stealing” Kassi & Kayli’s blog for the day. Let me start with introducing myself. I’m a mother to a nearly two year old boy, who keeps me on my toes and inspires a lot of my posts. I’m also a wife to a wonderful man serving in the Air Force. I’m a girly-girl who loves cooking, crafting and inspiring. Ok, the last one is more of a “I hope I inspire you.” My blog is mainly about life experiences, recipes and craft creations. Everything I post can be recreated with simple, everyday items you probably already have in your house. Even though I’m a shopaholic, I’m all about saving money and using what you have already. I don’t spend a lot to be crafty, and neither should you.

Every Thursday, on my blog, I host a linkup party called “Thursday Obsessions.” I basically answer some silly questions and pick a favorite linkup from the previous week, that I’m obsessing over. Then anyone and everyone, can link up their obsessions, creations or recipes. Today we are a taking a spin on it together and swapping blogs to share our obsessions. I’m sharing my obsessions on their blog today, while they are sharing theirs on mine. I hope you get inspired by some of the linkups and of course link up your own!

You can follow me via GFC


Obsessively Loving– Jewelry; especially earrings. I feel naked if I leave the house without any on.

Obsessively Reading– For once in a long time, I’m able to finally sit down at night and read a book. The choice this week? Donna Kauffman’s Book Babycakes. (A Cupcake Club Romance) I admit it, I picked it up because it had cupcakes on the front. So far, so good.

Obsessively Watching– Dance Moms on Lifetime. Like any reality show, it’s probably all staged. As a mother, I know I wouldn’t put up with “Miss” Abby Lee. But then again, fame & money makes you put up with anything.

Obsessively Anticipating – Sad to say, my son’s birthday in a little over 2 weeks away. We’re going to go to Denver to celebrate. I still can’t believe he will be TWO. I know I will cry and be in denial that day. Probably eating a lot of cake & ice cream to drown my sorrows. And I’m an ugly crier, so it won’t be pretty.

Obsessively Listening- Silence. This isn’t the first time I have written this and probably not the last. Naptime is golden. So is silence.

Obsessively Waiting on– My husband to get ready for we can do some food shopping. He takes more time to get ready than I do.

Obsessively Wishing- Taxes didn’t go up this year. My husband’s paycheck was nearly $200 short. What the crap? And he got a pay raise! Way for them to mess with our budget. It’s not like we wanted to live a little.

Obsessively Needing– Food. We have decided to do more “clean” eating and live a healthy lifestyle this year. Which means lots of trips to the grocery store because fresh stuff does not last long. Sucks because it seems like it costs more in the end to eat healthy. BTW, hate Walmart with a passion.

Obsessively Crafting– Toddler Crafts for my Break Cabin Fever series, as well as a ton of Valentine’s Day crafts for a linkup party I have coming up. My craft room looks like someone threw up construction paper & glitter.


  1. Hey, Stacey! :) I decided to stop by and cheer you on! :)

    I am so with you on the taxes thing. Seems everyone I know was hit hard by this. :( Totally stinks. :(

    Have a great weekend, and I hope you get lots of comment love here today! :) Looking forward to our link-up, too!!!! 😀 Later, girl!

    • Thanks for stopping by Julie! I’m going to start calling you my little cheerleader lol. I can’t wait for our linkup either. Less than two weeks away. YIKES!

      • Hey, what are friends for? :)

        Yep, less than 2 weeks! I can’t believe it either! I feel very not ready, but I know it will go well, and we’re on track. :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks for the visit today Julie!!! And for the kind comment over at Stacey’s place! Hope your family is all well soon!!!

  2. Thank you for hosting!!

    Have an awesome day:)

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