
So today I’ve decided to join in with Becky of Choose Happy’s Currently Link up for the first time… Fun fun! 😉 You should join in and link up with us!

Currently I am….

Photographing… my sweet girl in the midst of her naps. I know this napping thing won’t last forever and she’s so cute when she’s snoozing!

Klara and Tate Sleeping

Klara Sleeping

Enjoying… sitting outside on our back porch with my Klara girl. It’s one of her favorite things and the weather is SO nice right now!

Klara Outside

Working on… getting my 10,000 steps a day with my FitBit tracker. I’ve been joining in some challenges with friends to see who gets the most steps throughout the week. I have yet to win a single challenge!!! Must step up my game! Anyone have a FitBit? Let’s be friends!


Excited for… my niece is coming to spend some of her Spring Break with us! Klara just loves her and I have missed getting to spend time with her since we moved and she moved. Anyone have ideas for fun things to entertain a teen over break??

Klara and Taylor

Loving… days spent with the hubs and Klara on horseback. He’s trying to rope more now that work has settled down and Klara is getting braver every time she gets to ride our horse, Lady. Even going a tiny bit all by herself!

Nate and Klara on Lady

What are YOU up to currently??

Fancy This Fridays # 176 and Features

Happy Fridays lovelies!!! Another week gone, how was yours?? Mine went well, I shared my recommendations for this summer’s reading list if you’re interested.

We also had some fun link up at last week’s Fancy This #175 party!! Here are the features…

These Pipe Cleaner Dancing Princesses from Zing Zing Tree are just the cutest!!! They look so easy to make and would be fun for the little ladies in your life to play with!


Next up, Allie from Gator Mommy Reviews shared this yummy looking recipe for Smores Brownie Bowls! Don’t they look delicious!?


And finally, Maria of Krafty Cards, Etc. shared her idea for Recipe Organization. Something fun like this would add a pop of color to your kitchen, an added bonus to the organized recipes!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays and Features #164

Happy Friday friends!!! How was your week? In case you missed it I shared our 2014 The Color Run experience this week.

Don’t forget this coming Wednesday is 20Wishes Progress time!! There will be another awesome giveaway for those that linkup with us! If you haven’t shared your list yet, we’d love to have you join us!!

Now here are the features from Fancy This #163!

First up, Allison of I think We Could be Friends shared The Mighty Girl Book List for 2014. It’s a reading list for middle school aged girls with mighty female characters. Allison says she’s doing the list to introduce her girls to awesome girl role models. Now THAT is something we can get behind!!


Next, these pretty Romantic Lace Candle Holders from Christine at The DIY Dreamer would’ve been perfect for Valentine’s Day but really I’d love them in my house anytime!!

Romantic Lace Candle Holders

And finally, Twix Cookie Recipe!?! Yes please!!! Erika of Living Frugal with Erika shared her yummy recipe with us!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays #155 and Features

Happy FRIDAY!!! So, with Thanksgiving being last week, we skipped the Fancy This link up to be able to spend more time with our families. But we are back in full swing today!

In case you missed it, we are hosting a giveaway for a Pampers Celebrating Firsts prize pack.

Here are the featured from Fancy This #154!

We’re right in the midst of the holiday season! To help keep you organized Shanice of City of Creative Dreams made a To Do/To Buy printable! Click over to her site to download your copy!

To Buy & To Do Printable

Next up we love this festive Clementine Crate Centerpiece from Melissa and Stephanie at Two It Yourself. I bet it smells amazing!!

Clementine Crate Center Piece

And to round out this week’s features, Jerri from Simply Sweet Home shared a Frozen Peppermint Pie recipe! Sounds so yummy and perfect for this time of year!!!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays #149

It’s Friday!!! Whoot!!! How was your week lovelies? This week seemed to go by fast for me for some reason. Maybe it’s because I had a couple of fun things to share… I showed you the horse I got for my little lady and a yummy recipe featuring Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies!

And now here are the features from Fancy This #148.

First up, how cool is this Convertible Pallet Bed from Cara at Craft Dictator. It converts from a sitting area to a bed in her guest room!!

Covertible Pallet Bed

Next Angela of A Typical English Home has a Hogwarts Pumpkin Stencil to share with you so you can carve your very own Hogwarts Crest Jack O’ Lantern! I’m a Harry Potter fan, so I love this!!! So fun!

Hogwarts Pumpkin Stencil

And finally Judy of In His Grip shared a yummy recipe for White Chocolate Candy Corn Krispies! These sound delicious!!!

White Chocolate Candy Corn Krispies

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays 147 and Features

Happy Friday friends!!! So… guess what today is!?! Today is MY BIRTHDAY! Whoot!!! Normally I plan a week or more of fun posts. But like I said when I shared my Halloween Table Topper Tutorial yesterday, having a new baby changes everything! I just haven’t had time to put anything like that together this year. But I’m OK with that. 😉

I did share a few other posts this week though, in case you missed it… First up, I shared a fun snack idea and review of Sargento Cheese Sticks. I also shared 9 fun wedding ideas from our wedding bonanza 2013 adventures!

For this week’s Fancy This Fridays party let’s see what you’ve been up to lately! Feel free to share older posts as well, we don’t mind!!! But before we jump into that, here are the features from LAST week’s Fancy This Fridays party.

Since it is MY birthday today lets feature one of my favorite things… PUMPKIN RECIPES!!! Yum!!!

First up Lauren of Teach Me How to Cookie shared a yummy Pumpkin Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Icing recipe!!!

Pumpkin Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Next these Pumpkin Cheesecake Crumb Bars from Darcy at The Ruffled Stitch sound AMAZING!!!!

pumpkin cheesecake bars

And last but not least Cara of The Craft Dictator shared a recipe for a Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake! So tasty!!!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!

Fancy This Fridays #146 and Features

Hey there friends!!! Happy Friday!!! In case you missed it I shared a sweet baby gift idea this week. How has your last full week of September, first official week of Fall been???

Before we get into the link up for Fancy This 146 here are the features from Fancy This 145!

First up, this Barnyard Birthday Party from Nichole of Pinkie for Pink is absolutely adorable!!! The entrance decor, the banners, the sweets!!! Everything is too cute!!!

barnyard birthday party

Next up Maisy of Becoming Alice shares the complete and easy to follow tutorial for making this Love Word Bracelet! Think of the possibilities… Names, sports teams, catch phrases… So fun!!

Love bracelet

And last but not least Sunglasses and Starbucks shared her recipe for a Pumpkin Spice Latte!!! Perfect for the first week of fall, yes??

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays #143 and Features

Hey, hey Friday!!! So glad to see you! This week got away from me peeps. For real. Weddings bonanza is in full swing (I’m a bridesmaid for a wedding next Saturday AND the Saturday after that for another wedding). This week I did get a chance to share some 20 wishes progress and the 20 wishes link up is up!!! But other than that, it’s been overwhelming trying to get things done!!!

So real quick, here are the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party… Then I have to run to little miss Klara’s two month doctor appointment!! Busy, busy around here!!!

First up, how darling is this First Birthday Dress shared by Diana of Diana Meredith Designs! Her little Audrey is just a doll, right?!


Next up Happiest Mom on the Blog shared her Custom Ceiling Fan blades! Perfect for your little one’s bedroom!!!

custom cieling fan blades

And finally it’s been a long week, and the next two are going to be crazy busy, so this weekend it would be nice to sit down with a YUMMY S’Mores Martini like this one from Jodie at Juggling Food Family and Chaos.


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays #142 and Features

Happy Friday and Happy Labor Day weekend!!! It’s been a busy week on Truly Lovely this week! In case you missed it I shared the Rustic Mason Jar Centerpieces I created for my friend’s bridal shower. I’ll have more photos from that next week! I also shared a website for making fun personalized products and a sandwich that sounds AMAZING! To round out the week I talked about my skin post-baby.

We’ve also decided to re-open sponsorship on Truly Lovely starting in September. We are now offering only TWO options for sidebar ads, a swap ad and a sidebar banner ad. There are only three banner ads available to provide for maximum exposure and attention paid to the promotion of your site! There are still two banner ads available and a few swap ads! Check out our Advertise page if you’re interested.

So, what have YOU been up to this last week! Link up with us and share!!! In the meantime, here are the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party!!!

First up, speaking of bridal showers, Ashley of Ashley’s Dandelion Wishes shared a cute DIY bridal shower! LOVE this cute hitched banner!!


Next, Stephanie of The TipToe Fairy is running a series on flavoring cake mix cupcakes! These Root Beer Float cupcakes she whipped up sound delicious!!!


And finally, Ashley of With a Sparkle shows us how she organized her jewelry inside her closet!! Love the idea of having everything in one location!

jewelry organization

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!

Fancy This Fridays #141 and Features

Happy Friday friends!!! Kassi here this week! Things have been crazy busy around here lately, thus the lack of regular posting. Kayli started school again yesterday. I’m hosting a bridal shower for one of my best friends tomorrow. Lots of crafting has been going on for that! So instead of sharing what we’ve been writing this week, we want to see what you’ve been up to!!!

Here are the features from Fancy This 140!

First up, I am really digging these Pom Pom Pens from Katie at The Crafty Blog Stalker! They’re colorful and fun, plus they use up your fabric AND washi tape stash!! Win-win!!

pom pom pen tutorial

Next, Debbie of Simple Joys of Home shares with us how to test an egg for freshness. I knew there were ways to do it, but have never really tried… Now I know! haha.

testing eggs for freshness

And to round out this week’s features, remember these fun bottle pendant necklaces from your teen/childhood years? I always loved these. Well, Artsy VaVa and her daughter, Carrie, created a Fairy Dust Bottle Pendant. So cute, right!? And a fun project to do with your kiddos!

fairy dust necklace

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!