We’re having a….

I’ve been putting off sharing ‘publicly’ baby’s gender for a couple of reasons.

First we wanted to tell our family and close friends. ✓ That’s done.

Second when we went to get our sonogram I was only just under 17 weeks. Some say that’s a little early to be completely certain, so I was waiting for our second sonogram just in case… But I decided if I get another sonogram and for whatever reason it’s different, I’ll just tell you then. 😉 The sonogram tech was 99% certain anyway. She even told Nate that she could be wrong… But she wasn’t. haha.

So blog friends, officially now you know, we are having a….


Yes, that’s baby girl Mortensen’s cute little foot in the sonogram photo! I have others, even one where it’s obvious she’s a girl. The sonogram tech even wrote GIRL on the photo! But sharing her uh-huhs on the Internet didn’t seem all that classy… 😉

A few days after the sonogram that fortune was in my fortune cookie! Perfect timing, right!?!

If you follow me on Instagram (@Kassarie) or you might’ve guessed it already anyway… I’ve shared a few of the cutest little onsies our friends got for us after finding out.

One for mommy… {Thanks Kayce and Dusty!!!!}

baby girl

And one for daddy…. {Thanks Tracey!!!}

daddy is a team roper

Even in our announcement post, you might have noticed that the little boots for baby were red, cowgirl boots. So far I’ve restrained from buying all the cute little dresses and outfits I’ve seen. The boots have been my only purchase for baby girl Mortensen. It has been tough though especially with her Auntie Kayli sending cute pictures of the sweetest outfits she finds in different stores… 😉

We have decided on her name, but unless I change my mind we don’t plan to share it until later on. {With these preggo hormones running rampant mind changing is a very real possibility… haha.} The sisters in law dubbed her baby Kate {Kassi + Nate} until we shared her name with them a few weeks ago. Her name won’t be Kate, but for now we’ll say it does start with a K like her mommy’s. So if you have any guesses, I would love to hear them??? 😉

presents from Chile

Baby girl presents brought all the way from Chile from her Papa Mike!

We had originally planned on having a gender reveal party or something cute and fun, but when it came down to it getting everyone together for something like that wasn’t easily done and we were just way too excited to share. So we did. :) Most of our family found out via phone call or text message and we’ve told a few close friends as we’ve seen them since then.

I am THRILLED we are having a girl!!! I know it’s completely cliche to say that I didn’t care either way when we found out we were expecting, but at that point in time I really didn’t… The hubs was hoping for a boy… The team roper in him was hoping for a little partner I guess. But I say little miss has every opportunity to be a kick a$$ team roper just like her daddy!!! And just as good or better than any boy! Am I, right!?! 😉

So a girl it is… Bows, lace and horses! So excited for our little cowgirl to get here in July!!!

Linking this here:

life rearranged


  1. Congrats!!! Girls are so much fun! ♥

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Lena! Can’t wait to buy my sweet girl cute outfits like little miss Ruby’s! 😉

  2. So exciting! Having a baby girl is tons of fun :)
    “But sharing her uh-huhs on the Internet didn’t seem all that classy” THANK YOU. I know it’s just a baby and it’s just a sonogram, but c’mon people. They may not want their nether yayahs (thank you Amy Farrah Fowler) displayed online no matter how small they were.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Right!?! And I don’t know about you but regardless of how tiny I don’t think it’s cool for any strangers to be checking out baby… That’s just too weird!!!

  3. Awwww I guessed boy, but I am so very happy for you an your hubby!!! What am exciting time! Congratulations!!!!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thank you Janine! I’m sure a boy would have been lots of fun too! 😉

  4. Congratulations!! What an exciting time! ‘Can’t wait to hear her name, although I really like Kate. A dear friend of ours named their daughter Katherine Louise – after both of her grandmothers. When she was small, they called her Kati Lou! ‘Love that! Now she’s a grown up and prefers Kate. That lil gal is so blessed to call you Mommy! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I actually have a close friend named Katherine Louise that we called Katy Lou in college… She too goes by Kate though! What a fun coincidence!!! And thank you Marci! I am so excited to be her mommy too!!!

  5. Congratulations on your baby girl!!


    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Lacey!!! We are so excited to get to meet her in a few short months!!!

  6. I am so, so excited for you and Nate!! And yay for little girls!

    Is it Kelsey?

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Fun, right!?! I’m excited!!! And no… Not Kelsey, but that would be a cute one! 😉

  7. I am so happy for you guys, what a great post. I wish you guys all the happiness in the world and an easy pregnancy.

  8. Congrats on your little girl! That’s so awesome and sweet, wish you the best!

  9. That is so awesome!! Congratulations!!! Bring on the bows, lace and ruffly buns! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Exactly!! I can’t wait for all the little girl clothes and accessories cuteness!!! My mom mentioned the other day how excited she is to have a little princess running around again in dress up clothes and crowns! haha!

  10. Congrats! Girls are such a joy … mine just turned 20 and i’ve loved every moment of her life. :)
    xo Heidi

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Aw, how exciting!!! I have several nieces and nephews and gotta say I love both, but little girls are just so fun!!! All the cute girl clothes and activities! We are so excited!!

  11. Awesome, a baby girl! Congratulations! xxx

  12. What great news! I’m so excited for you! My hubs and I agreed to keep our last one a secret from everyone, including family…AND from him! I was the only one that knew the sex of our baby! The only agreement between us, was for him to call me ahead of time when he was coming home from work so I could make sure I had hidden any evidence of sewing projects for the baby. And he truly didn’t find out until the birth! (But then his mom was a bit upset at me..)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Too fun! That would’ve been WAY to hard for us… Well, that and he was with me at the sonogram… But we had people mad at us for waiting to tell them and we only waited a few weeks! Can’t win them all I guess.

  13. Aww congratulations on your sweet baby girl! Can’t wait to find out her name and follow the rest of your pregnancy journey. Eek all these lovely pregnant ladies sure is making me miss being pregnant!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks lady! We are excited!!! You just had your third not too long ago, right!?! SO exciting!

  14. Congratulations! A little girl, how nice! Girls are such fun to shop for. Clothes are so much cuter now than they were when my kids were babies.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      The clothes for little girls are adorable these days right!?! It’s been tough to make myself not stock up before our baby showers and what not… It’ll be fun to shop for all the cute accessories and things later too! :)

  15. Hi Kassi,I’m so happy for your new baby.It’s very excited time for you.I’m not sure but I think ,your baby is a boy . Congratulations

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      😉 Thanks Fariba!! She’s actually a girl… But it’s fun to guess right!?!

  16. Congrats! I bet you are so excited!


  1. Fancy This Fridays #123 and Features! says:

    […] happy Friday lovelies!!! In case you missed it this week we shared what baby Mortensen is going to be, Kayli and I wore a few fun tees from Old Navy, I shared a wish I marked off my list […]

  2. […] since we announced that we are expecting and the gender of our little one, we’ve been receiving some of the cutest baby clothes from our friends as gifts. I’ll […]

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