Celebrating with a Shabby Apple Giveaway!

Let’s celebrate shall we?? Today is mine and the hub’s two year wedding anniversary!!

laughing wedding

AND baby girl decided to make her appearance this weekend!! Meet little miss Klara Beth Mortensen!!!

Klara and Mommy

So here’s to celebrating two years of fun and laughter with my mister and to becoming a mommy and daddy on July 6, 2013!!! I’ll be back to share more sometime later!!! Won’t you celebrate with us by entering to win a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple!?!

Shabby Apple is an online dress boutique that specializes in vintage and retro dresses. Here are a few of my favorites…

Shabby Apple Dresses

The Alice, This Day Forward and Belle de Jour.

Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will close one week from today on July 16th, and the winner will be announced the following day! Thanks for entering, for celebrating with us and good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. courtney b says:

    i love the alice dress

  2. Sarah C. says:

    My advice for new parents is to nap often. Your sleep = sanity.

  3. My advice for a happy marriage would be communication. No matter what, communication is key.

  4. Kate F. says:

    Always make time for each other.

  5. I just had my 3rd baby boy – sleep now!! LOL

  6. Sleep when the baby does for the first month-ish. A messy house is FINE. You will be cranky and get sick if you don’t get your sleep, though.

  7. Remember to let the little stuff go. Don’t get caught up on the things that don’t matter in the long run. Congratulations on 2 years and good luck with baby!!

  8. The key to a good marriage and a successful union is: love, understanding, the understanding and discussion …

  9. Congratulations! You’re going to be such wonderful parents!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  10. Cindy Gaarder says:

    Never go to bed angry….trust me….

  11. Congrats! Just take the time to enjoy all the little things along the way

  12. Congratulations! My advice for new parents is to take a deep breath when the nights get long and the baby has been fussy, and accept all offers of help! If you can get a few minutes or even an hour to yourself every day or two, it’ll do wonders for your sanity. 😉

  13. Rebecca Brewer says:

    Forgive yourself for all things that you do that don’t conform to what everyone else thinks you should be doing. You are the parents. Find your trusted sources, seek advice when you need it and then follow your gut.

  14. Rebecca Brewer says:

    And congratulations and 2 of life’s biggest and best blessings!!

  15. Henria O. says:

    Follow the 80/20 rule. Focus on the 80% of marriage life that is wonderful and enjoyable instead of the 20% that may not fit your idea of “perfection.”
    sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

  16. Congratulation for you,hope you have a great week . :)

  17. Congratulations to both of you! Klara Beth is beautiful, and so is her name. I may be a little partial, my middle name is also Beth. :) Rest and enjoy her! Love and hugs to all three of you!

  18. New parent tip: Always accept help of any kind when offered – a meal, babysitting. loan of baby clothes, etc.

  19. She is beautiful, Kassie!! Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Oh, advice for new mom – SLEEP WHEN SHE SLEEPS. Seriously – it saved my sanity for the first couple weeks. Even now if she’s going through a growth spurt and eats in the middle of the night, I will nap with her during the day. Ignore the pile of dishes and SLEEP. Dishes can wait, your sanity cannot.

  21. awe! precious! congrats on your anniversary and your growing little family!

  22. Date night!!!

  23. Adrianne B says:

    My advice for parents is to communicate with each other about your parenting goals!

  24. congrats on the anniversary and the sweet baby girl!!! She is just press! I can’t wait to see pic sessions in all her cute little cowgirl stuff;)

  25. Here is my advice for having a happy marriage and a baby: go on walks together–it will probably keep Klara happy and give you time to talk to your Husband. Also be intentional about your evenings together. At some point she will start to have a regular schedule and sleep a lot at night (hopefully) while you are awake. Feel free to veg out in front of the TV sometimes (we do that often) but also be intentional about playing games or just sitting and chatting sometimes with the TV off. We have a few card games that we an play with just 2 people, or the Wii or we just cook together or something. Not every night (that would be crazy) but at least once a week.

  26. Don’t keep secrets from your spouse. Talk to each other about everything!

  27. I think every mama follows her own heart when it comes to her children… But I will say that allowing your children to become who they are meant to be, loving them, encouraging them and believing in them makes for happy children. You are going to be a wonderful mother! Enjoy every second! Oh, and remember… There is no doing it perfectly, you will make mistakes, all is mamas do. Forgive yourself when that happens and move on. Many hugs being sent your way Sweet lady!

  28. ellen casper says:


  29. ellen casper says:


  30. For both: make time for each other. Kids, work & everything else can make time together fall to the bottom of the list, but it’s so important to being happy & healthy to enjoy time for just the two of you.

  31. She is so adorable and has so much hair! Congrats again.

  32. Sonya Morris says:

    I have been married for almost 18 years and my advice is when you are going through a rough patch to have patience it will work out…hopefully!

  33. Hannah J says:

    Be patient. Thats for new parents and for married couples, not much is worth fighting/getting angry about anyways. Take a deep breath and move on

  34. Aw, she is absolutely precious – congratulations again! Glad to see you are doing well! What a wonderful name you chose, Klara Beth – beautiful! Enjoy being a mommy! Hugs xxx

  35. My advice for a happy marriage is to never go to bed angry! Always work things out & never hold grudges. Your baby looks beautiful.

  36. Michelle C says:

    My advice for new parents is to listen to your instincts and to enjoy every moment because it flies by! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  37. ELIZA ELLIOT says:

    My new mom tip is to remember that the dishes and laundry can wait – enjoy the moments you have now.

  38. try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand where they’re coming from!

  39. advice for a good marriage is to serve your spouse and be quick to forgive

  40. Melancholy Smile says:

    Advice: it gets better. Truly. :)

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