
So today I’ve decided to join in with Becky of Choose Happy’s Currently Link up for the first time… Fun fun! 😉 You should join in and link up with us!

Currently I am….

Photographing… my sweet girl in the midst of her naps. I know this napping thing won’t last forever and she’s so cute when she’s snoozing!

Klara and Tate Sleeping

Klara Sleeping

Enjoying… sitting outside on our back porch with my Klara girl. It’s one of her favorite things and the weather is SO nice right now!

Klara Outside

Working on… getting my 10,000 steps a day with my FitBit tracker. I’ve been joining in some challenges with friends to see who gets the most steps throughout the week. I have yet to win a single challenge!!! Must step up my game! Anyone have a FitBit? Let’s be friends!


Excited for… my niece is coming to spend some of her Spring Break with us! Klara just loves her and I have missed getting to spend time with her since we moved and she moved. Anyone have ideas for fun things to entertain a teen over break??

Klara and Taylor

Loving… days spent with the hubs and Klara on horseback. He’s trying to rope more now that work has settled down and Klara is getting braver every time she gets to ride our horse, Lady. Even going a tiny bit all by herself!

Nate and Klara on Lady

What are YOU up to currently??


  1. I really want to get a Fitbit. I’d love to better track my steps and hopefully it would motivate me to move more haha. Stopping by from the Currently link up!

  2. Klara is getting so big! I love that picture of her on Lady.

  3. Hey there! I’m stopping by from Currently. How do you like your FitBit? I have the Spark People Activity Tracker and use it alot. I love the website and resources too, but my treadmill has a built in FitBit sync which would be really handy!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I wear mine every single day and love it! I just sync mine to my iPhone, makes it nice to keep it all up to date!

  4. Wow, how lovely they are! I love these pictures!

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