It’s been a long time coming…

We’ve re-branded!!!! We started Truly Lovely back in November of 2010. We have loved it here. We have thrived here. But after blogging for so long under the Truly Lovely name it’s starting to feel less and less like us.


It’s been a long time coming, a long time planning and scheming, but we’ve decided to take our brand and move it to a new space. Kassarie & Kayliray. It’s us, just us, as we are. What we love, who we love.

We are going to keep Truly Lovely active so our old posts, pins from our old content, etc will still be available to us and you guys, but from now on we won’t be blogging here… We hope you’ll move with us. We’d REALLY hate to lose any of our longtime blogging friends. We love you guys!


  1. Congratulations on the new blog Kassi! I will definitely follow your new blog as well.

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