The Black Shard; A Sequel and A Giveaway!!!!

Hey there lovelies! Remember the giveaway I hosted a couple of weeks ago for The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox? Well today I have a fun treat for you! The sequel to The Magic Warble entitled The Black Shard is now available and I have THREE e-book copies to share with three lucky Truly Lovely readers!!!

First, a little bit about the book…

The Black Shard

The Black Shard is 267 pages long with 1-2 pictures per chapter. It’s listed at a middle-grade read, ages 9-13. This story picks up where The Magic Warble left off, of course. It leads our main character, Kristina back to the magical world of Bernovem to be reunited with old friends from the first book. I was able to review The Black Shard and much like The Magic Warble, I found it to be a clean, fun read. Quick and easy to breeze through as an adult but the perfect story for the 9-13 age set.

And now, an excerpt from The Black Shard by Victoria Simcox….


The Black Shard image

Chapter 5, Recalling: Excerpt

While she was speaking, Kristina suddenly felt a tug on her pant leg. She looked down, and flabbergasted, her mouth dropped open. “Did I surprise you?” a familiar voice said.

“Oh, my gosh! Raymond!” Kristina said, full of surprise. Her eyes filled with warm tears as she bent down and scooped her former pet rat into her arms. After a long, heart-filled hug, Kristina placed Raymond down again. She noticed that Raymond had grown a little larger, mostly in his belly area. “Wow, Raymond, somebody must be feeding you very well.”

“Yes, I must say, maybe a tad bit too well,” Raymond said, standing on his hind legs and patting his full belly.

Kristina looked behind Raymond and saw another rat, patiently waiting for him. “Are you going to introduce your friend to me?” she asked Raymond. Raymond turned to look at the other rat. “Come a little closer,” he whispered nervously.

Timidly, the other rat went to stand beside him. “Kristina, this is my girlfriend, Lilly,” Raymond said. Kristina’s eyebrows rose and the first thought that popped into her mind was, your girlfriend? Uh … You didn’t ask my permission to have a girlfriend.

Lilly lowered her head in a humble bow and then held out her little pink paw toward Kristina. Kristina crouched down and shook it.

“Pleased to meet you, Kristina,” Lilly said. “Raymond has told me wonderful stories about you and him.”


So fun, right!?! Raymond is back! 😉 NOT to give away an spoilers or anything… Now onto the giveaway! Again, we’ll have three winners, the giveaway is open to both U.S. and International participants. Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will end on Thursday June, 20th at midnight and the winners will be announced the following day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for entering and good luck!!!

WIWW – Lilla Rose Hair Clip Review and Giveaway!

Hey there dolls! Today my WIWW post is centered on hair! I have a LOT of hair… Every time I visit a new hair stylist, without fail, they comment on HOW much hair I have… It’s not really that it’s thick, it’s just that there is a lot! So needless to say I have always been fairly skeptical of those hair clips that are supposed to hold all of my hair in place all day long. So skeptical that I don’t ever wear them….

But then Kendra of A Proverbs 31 Wife approached me about reviewing a Lilla Rose Hair Clip… She even picked out a few specific clips from their extensive collection that reminded her of me! How could I say no to that!?!

Lilla Rose Hair Clip Giveaway

So I went in skeptical, but when this pretty Bright Start Within a Horseshoe flexi hair clip arrived at my door packed so prettily, with instructions, thank goodness, I was excited to try it out!

Lilla Rose Hair Clip review

The one I received is a Medium – they come in Mini, Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large and Mega sizes. Like I said before, I have a LOT of hair, but the medium was the perfect size to hold my hair in both a half up do like this one…

hair clip idea

Or even an entire ponytail!! I was very pleased to find that it was really easy to use (there are instructions included with your order, or they have videos available on the website) and that it held my hair in place! Phew! Skepticism deterred!! Plus, it’s WAY gentler on my hair than a run of the mill hair tie and adds a little something to an everyday outfit!

Lila Rose Flexi Clip

Lucky for you ladies one Truly Lovely winner will WIN their very own Lilla Rose Flexi Clip this week!! Kendra has generously offered one flexi clip of the winner’s choice valued at up to $15! Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will close one week from today and the winner will be announced on June 6th. The giveaway is open to US and CA residents only; winner must not have won a Lilla Rose giveaway in the past year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a Lilla Rose clip in exchange for my honest review, as always opinions shared here are 100% my own!

What I’ve Been Reading Lately and a Giveaway!

Hey there lovelies! According to my 20 Wishes list I am well on my way to reading my goal of 50 books that I WANT to read in 2013.

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kassi has
read 22 books toward her goal of 50 books.

I’ve read 22 so far this year and I’m working on the 23rd as we speak. I enjoy looking through other reading lists and finding fun reads to add to my own, so I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve read lately in case anyone is looking for something similar. Oh, and at the end of this post you’ll find a fun book giveaway!

So first up, the Beautiful Creatures series. First of all, the first book came out as a movie a couple of months ago, which caught my interest, and thanks to one of my favorite book bloggers (shout out to Marissa of Rae Gun!) I joined a book club on GoodReads where they were listed. They are in the young adult genre, something along the lines of Twilight or Divergent. The stories are a little bit darker than most YA books I’ve read, but I still thought it was a fun read overall. The writing is not at a level of other popular YA books, but if you’re looking for a breezy read just for fun, here you go!

Beautiful Creatures


Next up, The Dirty Life: On Farming Food and Love. I really enjoyed the story behind this book. It’s a true life story written by a woman that goes from city living in New York City to farm living in up state New York with her soon to be husband. It’s really a fun take on the city girl goes country theme made popular by The Pioneer Woman. My entire background is based in agriculture, it’s what I studied in college even so I wasn’t surprised by some of her more detailed farm adventures… But a word to those that aren’t as acclimated in agriculture… Don’t read this book around lunch time… There may or may not be detailed stories of the cooking of ALL animal parts… Just sayin…



Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay is my new go to gift for new moms or baby showers. This book is HILARIOUS. I marked it 5 stars on GoodReads! It’s one woman’s take (a comedian no less) on the advice that gets thrown at you from the baby books, well meaning acquaintances, your mother in law… as soon as you get pregnant. It really helps to make light of the situation and just really helps calm your nerves about people sharing opinions you didn’t ask for, or about things you are certain you might be doing wrong because ‘perfect’ moms don’t do it that way. Such a good book!!!



Now that brings me to my fourth book. Technically it was a book I read as part of my 2012 reading challenge, but I enjoyed it and would like to share it with you today! 😉 The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox is the story of a young girl suddenly pulled into a magic world that includes fairies, a prince, talking animals and more. I think this is the perfect story for kiddos of the say 9-13 age range, give or take a few years. But even as an adult I found it to be a fun, easy read.


Here’s a little ditty about the author…

Victoria was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, to an Austrian immigrant mother, and a Dutch immigrant father. She now lives in Western Washington with her husband, Russ and their three children, Toby, Kristina, and William. Her other family members are a Chihuahua, named Pipsy and two cats, named Frodo and Fritz. Besides being an author, Victoria is a home-schooling mother of twelve years and an elementary school art teacher of eleven years. In her spare time, Victoria enjoys managing her two older children’s Celtic band. She also loves writing, reading, painting watercolors, hiking, good movies, and just simply hanging out with her family and friends.

Victoria Simcox

You’ll find that the main character in The Magic Warble is named for her daughter, Kristina… Too fun, right!?!

Today Victoria is offering not one but THREE lucky Truly Lovely readers their very own e-book copy of The Magic Warble!!! Enter below using the Rafflecopter widget. The giveaway ends at midnight on Mother’s Day and the winners will be announced on Monday May, 13th. Thanks for entering and good luck!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tell me friends… What have YOU read lately???

Kayli’s Birthday and a Shabby Apple Giveaway {CLOSED!}

Today is Kayli’s birthday!!!!! Happy birthday sweet sister!

To celebrate we’ve partnered with Shabby Apple to give one lucky reader a $50 gift card to buy any Shabby Apple pretty you prefer!

Since it’s Kayli’s birthday I asked her to choose her three favorite Shabby Apple items. After much deliberating and deciding she finally chose (unbeknownst to her) a special birthday Shabby Apple outfit!

Shabby Apple Giveaway

Miss Kayli chose a pretty blue and white checkered dress, some lovely spring wedges and a classy necklace to top it all off! So friends, what would you choose for YOUR special Shabby Apple Birthday outfit?? If you win the $50 gift card, the choice is yours!

Enter to win:

*Mandatory Entry: Like , then comment below that you did.
*Comment below with your favorite Shabby Apple dress.
*Like , then comment below that you did.
*Follow or subscribe to Truly Lovely and tell us in the comment section below what method you use (i.e. RSS, Email, etc).
*Receive an extra entry for every place you share the giveaway (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc). Just be sure to leave the link of the share in the comments section below!

The giveaway will close in one week, on Tuesday, March 12 and the winner will be announced the following day. Must have a U.S. shipping address to enter.

In the meantime, for those of you that don’t want to wait to see if you win the gift card, you can take 10% off your Shabby Apple order using the discount code: trulylovely10off!!

Thanks for entering dolls! And good luck!

Date Night Ideas and a Giveaway!

Valentine’s Day is only a month away! It seems like we just wrapped up Christmas but we’re already on to the next holiday! I do enjoy Valentine’s Day though… Sharing a little something with those I love is always a highlight.

This year I’m already ready with one of the hubs’ gifts! A custom date night love coupon book from Datevitation. {Don’t worry, he doesn’t read the blog unless I ask him to, so this won’t be a spoiler!}

Datevitation is such a fun idea! They are the first online platform where you can create a custom love coupon book for your significant other or even for a friend! There are over 200 unique date ideas to choose from, everything from a little something naughty for the husband to a little something fun for a girls’ night out idea.

Each coupon book comes packaged in a fun ready to gift box. There are over 60 book cover options to choose from with various holiday and other special occasion options. You can see I chose a Valentine’s Day cover with wedding rings for my hubs in the photo above.

Inside each cover is a page that you can customize with a note completely written by you, a simple To: From: message, or they even offer some really cute poems and prompts to get you started. I chose the To: From: option so I have space to hand write a love note myself. 😉

With over 200 fun dates to choose from it took me awhile to narrow it down to just five… But I think I chose a few that the hubs will especially love… Things like going out for a steak at a nice steakhouse. How convenient that they even provide a space to write down the date the coupon was used, right!?!

Or a movie of his choice at the theater. Just saying, I seriously doubt he chooses a chick flick… 😉 But that’s completely ok!

I was really impressed with the layout of the Datevitation website. They set it up so you customize each feature of the book as you go along. Then they provide you a complete preview before placing your order. I was also impressed with the shipping! My love coupon book arrived in my mailbox in just a few short days! Perfect!

Today one lucky Truly Lovely reader has the chance to win their very own customized Datevitation coupon book!!! Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be drawn and announced on Wednesday, January 23rd. This giveaway is only open to U.S. residents or those that can have their book shipped to a U.S. address.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you’re looking for even more fun date ideas be sure to check out the Datevitation blog where creators, Alex and Olga Karpman a husband-wife team, offer video ideas for dates and other romantic gestures.

Now each coupon book normally starts at just $20 for five custom dates but for a limited time Truly Lovely readers can get their very own coupon book for only $10!!!

Use the code trulylovely for $10 off your purchase through January!!!


Thanks for entering lovelies and good luck!!!!

Disclosure: I received a free Datevitation coupon book in exchange for my review of their product. As always all opinions shared here are 100% my own!

December Sponsor Group Giveaway

YAY for the weekend!!! Any big plans out there for the coming New Year?
Are you partying with friends or enjoying the evening at home?
Regardless, we have a fun giveaway for you while you’re here!!! Meet our December sponsors and the fun goodies their giving to one lucky winner!!!!







Lots of fun goodies up for grabs right?!? A winner will be drawn and announced next week on January 7th.
Enter using the Rafflecopter below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mrs. Smith’s Pies for the Holidays + A Giveaway!

This post brought to you by Mrs. Smith’s. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hey there lovelies! Do you have your holiday menu all planned?

Might I make a suggestion for dessert? Mrs. Smith’s Signature Deep Dish pies!


There are four different deep dish pie flavors; Dutch Apple with Caramel Sauce, Cherry Pie with Butter Fudge Sauce, Peach Pie with Cream Cheese Icing and Pumpkin Pie with Cream Cheese Icing!

My family had two clear favorites…

Mrs. Smith's Deep Dish Pies

Apple pie has always been a family favorite, but the Deep Dish Dutch Apple Pie is a unique apple pie twist. It’s crumbly top crust combined with the Caramel Sauce is almost like an apple cobbler dessert without all the work! So yummy and my personal favorite!

Mrs. Smith's Deep Dish Dutch Apple Pie

Some of my family members, including my dad, prefer a berry pie during the holiday season. That’s where the Deep Dish Cherry Pie came in. Drizzled with the Butter Fudge chocolate sauce a slice of this pie looked like it came straight from a high end restaurant. Very decadent!

Mrs. Smith's Deep Dish Cherry Pie

If you’re thinking of adding Mrs. Smith’s Deep Dish Pies to your holiday menu you can find a list of retailers here. They’re also on Facebook! For ideas on customizing your pies or other fun recipes, check them out on Pinterest!!!

Now, since you’re here 😉 Mrs. Smith’s is offering one lucky winner a coupon for one of their Deep Dish pies, your choice as to flavor. AND a $50 Williams Sonoma gift card! In the spirit of being able to customize your dessert, Mrs. Smith’s is giving you a gift card to help customize your home!!!

Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Winning entries WILL be verified.

Entries include commenting on which of the 4 deep dish pies you will choose if you win, what you’ll spend you’re $50 Williams Sonoma gift card on if you win and following Mrs. Smith’s on Facebook and Pinterest.

A winner will be chosen and announced on December 27th!

Good Luck!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving and a Pick Your Plum Giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving dolls!!! :)

WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOU! Our blog readers and friends!
Just as a little thanks for sticking with us, we’ve got a fun giveaway for you today! In between chowing down on some yummy Thanksgiving food, spending time with your loved ones and relaxing, we hope you’ll take a second and enter to win!

Have you heard of Pick Your Plum yet? It’s an online deal site, where you can receive the daily deal in your inbox and purchase that item online. They share their daily deal on their as well, so you have the chance to ‘Get it before your neighbor!’

One lucky winner will receive a box of Pick Your Plum goodies valued at $75!!!

It might include some fun craft supplies like some colorful twine….

Some fun baking items like maybe a cute cupcake stand…

It might contain some lovely home decor items… maybe personalized wooden words for your walls…

The contents of the package will be a surprise, but it’s guaranteed to be awesome! 😉

Enter to win below using the Rafflecopter form! Good luck!!!
A winner will be chosen next Thursday, November 29th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a Happy Thanksgiving friends!!!

November Sponsor Group Giveaway!!

Hi friends!!! Happy Saturday!

Let’s throw a little more fun into your weekend with this month’s Group Sponsor Giveaway!
There will be ONE winner, and that lucky lovely will receive….







Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below! The giveaway will be open until midnight on November 26 and the winner will be announced that day! Thanks for entering and good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!! Oh, and if you’re so inclined I started a page for it! 😉 Thanks dolls!

Guilty pleasures, relaxation and a GIVEAWAY!

As the holidays get closer and closer… preparations for gifts, decorations, dinners, guests and more are all under way. It can get a little overwhelming, right? Sometimes you just need to chill out and take a break!!! At least I do.

Honestly, one of my favorite ways to recoup and relax during the cooler months is to sit on the couch with a warm drink and a magazine! PEOPLE Magazine is one of my favorite guilty pleasures! They always have the scoop on what your favorite celebrities are up to… who they’re dating, what they’re wearing! You can find out all the latest juicy Hollywood news in just one issue.

I know it might seem a little bit shallow, but I kind of pride myself on knowing the latest celebrity gossip. Nobody wants to be the last to know who J.Lo is dating… especially if he’s so much younger! 😉 Or who this year’s recipient is of the Sexiest Man Alive title! Bradley Cooper is definitely a favorite… 😉

Sure, I care how the economy is doing, I worry about crime statistics, I even stress over political issues… But personally, I need a break from the heavier news headlines from time to time! Don’t you??? And PEOPLE Magazine is often the perfect distraction!

Speaking of the Sexiest Man Alive… PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue will be available in stores on November 15th! How’s that for ‘needing a break from the stressful holiday planning’ timing! It will only be available for two weeks so don’t miss out on getting your own copy!

I already told you Bradley Cooper is one of my favorites… 😉
But who do YOU think will win the Sexiest Man Alive for this year?
If you could have a vote in choosing who it might be, who would YOU vote for??
Hugh Jackman is never a bad choice! 😉

To celebrate the upcoming  PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue they’re giving one lucky Truly Lovely winner a $20 gift card to Walgreens!
To enter you only have to answer one question….
Giveaway will end at midnight on November 20th and winner will be announced that day!
Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy READING lovelies!!!

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™, but all my opinions are my own”