Pumpkin Spice, Boots and Leaves….

Happy Saturday lovelies!!!

Remember the September Sponsor Spotlight theme…?
Since the first official day of autumn was last week this month’s theme is FALL!!!
Each of our lovely sponsors has shared their answers to a few Fall specific questions as well as their favorite fall photo.
We’d love for you to take a minute, see what YOU have in common with each of these pretties, then click over and make a new friend!

Today we are thrilled to introduce you to our Large Ad Sponsors!!!

FYI: You can follow ALL of our Sponsors on ! 😉

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We’d love to know… What’s YOUR favorite thing about fall???

A Taste of Fall….

Happy Saturday sweet friends!!!

Today we are excited to introduce the September Sponsor Spotlight theme!
Since the first official day of autumn is only a week away this month’s theme is FALL!!!
Each of our lovely sponsors has shared their answers to a few Fall specific questions as well as their favorite fall photo.
We’d love for you to take a minute, see what YOU have in common with each of these pretties, then click over and make a new friend!


Today the spotlight is on XL sponsor, Christi of Christi Lynn!!!

Sweet miss Christi has the most ADORABLE Etsy shop… Two of my favorite items are shown below!

How cute is that !?! And I REALLY want a for myself! Perfect items for the coming Fall, don’t you think?!?

So, go say hello to Miss Christi, eh? She’s a doll! You’ll love her, we promise! 😉

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Do tell, what’s your favorite FALL scent????

Enjoy the rest of your weekend pretties!!!

Sponsor Spotlight – Alisha Hunsaker Photography + Giveaway!!!

Happy Saturday Lovelies!!!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!! I am knee deep in baby shower prep for one of my best friends today!
So while I’m off making treats and decorating, I’d love to introduce you to our good friend…

Alisha Hunsaker Photography!!!

All photographs provided by Alisha Hunsaker Photography.

Alisha is a freelance photographer based in the Phoenix, AZ area. She’s also a long time, real life friend!
Her grandparents are from my hometown… along with her sister, Brianne, we spent several summer days as kiddos trolling around our little rural community! Paying visits to the little mercantile, riding bikes, and the like…

Now little Alisha is all grown up with the cutest little family.

She just so happens to also take the most lovely photographs… Family photos, engagements, weddings, maternity… If you live in the Phoenix, AZ area and are looking for a photographer, Alisha is your girl!

Here are a few of my personal favorites from her photography portfolio….

Alisha Hunsaker Photography

Alisha Hunsaker Photography

Alisha Hunsaker Photography

Speaking of her sister, Brianne, she just had a baby… Alisha took her maternity photos and they are so fun!!!

Alisha Hunsaker Photography

If you live in Arizona and are willing to travel to the Phoenix, area or live in the Phoenix area we have a special giveaway for you today!!!

Alisha is giving away a coupon for HALF OFF any photography session to one lucky winner!!!
(Wedding sessions are excluded from the giveaway.)
Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Winner will be drawn and announced on Monday, Sept. 17th.
Good luck dolls!!!

Alisha Hunsaker Photography

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for entering lovelies! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!
OH! And check out Alisha’s guest post on coordinating outfits for your next family photo!!

Back to School Medium Ad Lovelies

Happy weekend lovelies!!!
Remember August’s Sponsor Spotlight theme???

Back to School!!!

Each of our lovely sponsors has shared a school related photo as well as the answers to a few school related interview questions! Read through, get to know these pretties… You’ll LOVE them. We do! ;)

Today we are thrilled to introduce you to our medium ad sponsors!



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So… do tell friends!! What was YOUR fave subject in school?
Fave extracurricular?
Fave school lunch???

Happy rest of the weekend!!!!

Wedding Weekend!!

Well, our brother is a married man!!! Crazy sauce right?!?
This growing up business is wearing me out… haha!

If you’d like engagement photos via Iphone… Kayli’s your girl! ;)

So today let’s celebrate the nuptials of my brother and new sister in law with a few fun wedding links… 😉

This sweet lady and her hubby celebrated 12 years of wedded bliss this April! She even shared some sweet wedding photos circa 2000 to celebrate! 😉

 How pretty is this wedding gown pinned to this pretty girl’s wedding idea board!?!

Source: alfredangelobridal.ca via on


November 2012 marks 14 years for this happy couple! If I were you I’d click over just to see that gorgeous bouquet… 😉

This pretty girl ELOPED!!! And still had a gorgeous wedding! She even did a recap series sharing tips on how to have your own perfect elopement! :)

Looking for a wedding photographer?? I highly recommend our friend, Alisha Hunsaker! She’s a freelance photographer based in the Phoenix, AZ area…

 Going to a wedding anytime soon? Here’s a few mani’s from Chelsea’s Mani Monday posts you could try out!

 A pretty wedding in Sonoma, north of Napa, California!

 I adore these wedding photos of our girl, Megan’s, wedding in front of this Cinderella mural.

Here are some REALLY cute ideas for wedding shower gifts!

 How about a navy and champagne wedding color palette?

are a classic bridal accessory!!!

This would make a great gift for the bride from her groom!!!

 Ashley had a gorgeous beach destination wedding!

Melissa has a WIW Wedding post! So fun!

  for your bridesmaids’ champagne/wine glasses!!!

 Aw yay! A Precious Moments cake topper!!! I love Precious Moments, FYI!

Now they had a HUGE wedding party! How fun!?! :)

 Don’t wish your !!! Make sure you get what you want!

Impromptu date nights with your hubs after the wedding are always a good idea!

ENJOY the rest of your weekend peeps!!!

Linking this up here! 

Back to School Large Ad Lovelies

Happy Saturday sweet friends!!!
Remember August’s Sponsor Spotlight theme???

Back to School!!!

Each of our lovely sponsors has shared a school related photo as well as the answers to a few school related interview questions! Read through, get to know these pretties… You’ll LOVE them. We do! ;)

Today we are thrilled to introduce you to our large ad sponsors!


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Well there you have it! :) Our sweet large ad sponsors for August!  Gotta say we’ve got some overachievers in this crew… I mean come on… who chooses Statistics or Calculus as their favorite school subject!?!?! heehee.
We consider all of these dolls our good friends, so I do hope you’ll click through, get to know them and say hello!
Each one of them is very active in their shared networks, so I promise they’ll respond!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend peeps!!!

Back to School Brittany

Hi there lovelies! 

For the first official sponsor spotlight of August let’s introduce you to August’s theme!

Back to School!!!

Each of our lovely sponsors has shared a school related photo as well as the answers to a few school related interview questions! Read through, get to know these pretties… You’ll LOVE them. We do! 😉

So first up this month, one of our fun XL sponsors

Befriend Brittany:

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 About Miss Brittany – She is a psychology student who likes to bake cupcakes, has a poodle named Laci and a thing for making lists. Speaking of lists she has a Life List that includes fun things like getting her bachelor degree in psychology then getting into grad school. She also wants to get a tattoo, run a 5K and go on a cruise!

Brittany is brand new to blogging… Only blogging since May. Right now as of “press time” she has nearly 50 followers… What do you say we help her make it pass that 50 and on closer to 100!!! 😉
She really is a sweetheart that writes a fun blog and will be a lovely bloggie friend to have in this blog world!

Enjoy your Sunday pretties!!!

Have you met Mrs. Robinson???

Happy Saturday pretties!!! 
So have you met Mrs. Robinson!?! She’s a sweet wife and momma, and as we speak is on her way moving to Arizona! I couldn’t be more excited to have her closer to yours truly! 😉

She’s a large ad sponsor of Truly Lovely for both July and August… So since we missed getting her feature posted in July, she’s getting her very own feature post to get August rolling!!!

Remember July’s sponsor spotlight theme???
July is all about summer so that’s the focus of this month’s sponsor feature posts.
Each lovely has shared a summer photo and a few summer related interview answers!
Please take a minute to read through, see what you have in common with the lovely Megan and be sure to leave her some bloggie love! 😉

Make friends with Megan:

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Enjoy the rest of your weekend pretties!
And be sure to send Megan some safe moving wishes!!! 😉

Summer concerts, hikes, and vacations….

Happy Saturday pretties!!!
It’s time for another Sponsor Spotlight!!!

July is all about summer so that’s the focus of this month’s sponsor feature posts.
Each lovely has shared a summer photo and a few summer related interview answers!
Please take a minute to read through, see what you have in common with these pretties and leave them some bloggie love! You’ll want to hang out with these girls! Promise!


Join Jenny:

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Link up with Linda & Carol:

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Hang out with Ami:

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FYI – Ami is revamping her shop so she’s having a TOTAL CLEARANCE SALE!
Use the code everythingmustgo for 75% off everything!!!



Make friends with Melissa:

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Kick it with Kodie:

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Check in with Kristine:

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Our thanks to these lovelies for all of their support!!! We love ya ladies!!! :)
Interested in being included in Truly Lovely Sponsor Spotlights? More info here!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend dolls!!!

July Sponsor Group Giveaway

Happy Saturday Friday Lovelies!!!
{I had originally planned to post this FABULOUS giveaway tomorrow… but I’m headed out of town for the weekend, and really want it to get the attention it (and these sweet sponsors) deserve!)
If you’re looking for Fancy This Fridays just scroll down or click here.}

Let’s celebrate July, summer, the weekend, whatever you want to celebrate!!! 😉 With a GIVEAWAY!
An AMAZING giveaway at that! Our sponsors ROCK, just so you know… 😉

So… here’s what the lucky winner will receive…
















So much awesomeness all in one place!!! :) Thanks to these lovelies for gifting some fun prizes!!!
It would be super cool of you if you’d click over to each link (click on the image) and say thank you to these pretties for spreading some prize love! 😉

Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below! Winner will be announced on July 30th!
Please keep in mind that I do verify entries… So if you’re chosen, and you didn’t actually complete the entry, I’ll choose a new winner who did.
Good luck and thanks for playing!

a Rafflecopter giveaway