Maternity Leave – Meet Chrissy

Hey there friends! While I’m away loving on my brand new baby girl and all the stuff that comes with it I have asked a few friends to BABY sit Truly Lovely! They each have a fun post to share with you to give you a little something to hold you over until I can come back and share cute baby pics and the like… ;) So please share a little love with each guest poster here and be sure to click over and check out their blogs!

Today’s guest is Chrissy of Whimsical Poppysmic!

Take it away Chrissy….


Hello dear friends of Truly Lovely!
I am Chrissy from Whimsical Poppysmic
Now you might be wondering what that name means and 
where it comes from. Head on over here for the story behind it.
First of all I would like to thank Kassi for having me during her much needed blog break
to welcome her sweet baby girl into this world. Enjoy being a mommy, Kassi!
Here’s a little bit about myself
I am from Germany, born in northern Germany near Hamburg and somehow ended up in the southern part of the country near Stuttgart. I am married to my best friend and soul mate (I know, totally a cliché, but oh so true), Stefan. We’ve been a couple for 20 years now, 10 of which we have been married. I am the mom to my wonderful daughter, Leonie, who turned 10 this past May (whoa, time sure does fly). I started blogging in late 2010 during our time as expats in the suburbs of Chicago where we lived from September 2008 to August 2011. You can read more about that special time of our lives over here.
All in all I was able to spend 7 years of my life in the US – the first 4 years were from age 6 to age 11 with my parents and sister in Ft. Rucker, AL where my dad, who is a retired helicopter pilot of the German Army, was sent as a flight teacher. I always wanted to return to the US, so when the opportunity arose there was not a single doubt on my mind not to go. We loved living there and we hope to be able to return one day for good – that’s how much we love America.
Living abroad isn’t as easy as one might assume, but returning home can be way more difficult than leaving, ever heard of the 5 phase of being on the road? It can be hard, really hard when homesickness sets in, it can be very challenging and it can be an adventure you wouldn’t want to miss. I love writing about it  like here or here, but I also enjoy reading about other peoples experiences living in foreign country.
I love anything handmade, I even had my own Etsy shop for a while, but since I started working part-time I just didn’t have the time anymore. So now I knit for myself, my family and friends, I love embroidery, I crochet (love granny squares) and I recently started sewing. I have done quite a few handmade trades and am always up for one!
I bet by now you already guessed that I write about pretty much anything on my blog. Sometimes you can find a good rant (we all have to let it out every now and then, right), I am participating in Project 52 for the 2nd year in a row and usually post my updates on Sundays
I am just a “normal” part-time working mom with “normal” problems, worries and joys in life. 
I would love for you to come over and say hi, cause I just love meeting new bloggers and making new friends! You can find my blog here or you can tweet with me over , in case you are on Instagram, I am  and you can also follow me on . 
Please make sure to leave a link where I can find you!
Thanks again for having me!



Thank you Chrissy!!! It’s so fun to have a friend that lives abroad! Hope you’ll take a second and go check out Chrissy’s blog! Oh, and be sure to check out her Instagram feed as well… She posts the most beautiful photos of her Germany!!! :)

What I Wore – Baby Shower Style

Hi there lovelies!

What do you think of my new favorite shirt!? I’m liking the shape, the grey stripes…
How well it pairs with my new capris…
Guess where I got it… Wal-Mart! Guess how much… Less than $10.
Yep! New favorite for sure!

Top – Wal-Mart, Capris – Kohl’s, Necklace – The Shine Project, Shoes – Toms

I love this outfit so much! I really feel like it’s a good representation of the ‘style’ I’ve been working towards.
It’s laid back but not slouchy. Comfortable and cute. The shirt is light weight, and hangs in a way that feels so much more flattering than a fitted shirt, but better than something baggy… Hope that makes sense. haha

I wore it to the baby shower I hosted for my dear friend, Meghan, this last weekend. I wore sandals instead of the Toms as shown above, trying for something a tad dressier.
I was comfortable, felt like I was dressed up enough to fit the occasion and dressed similar to the guests.
Perfect baby shower attire. At least for this baby shower. 😉

 Don’t you think momma to be, Meghan, looked lovely in her dressy tank?!? :)
I got my hair done too… Did you notice the change from the top picture to this one? Oh, and don’t mind the red teary looking eyes… Allergies are kicking my tush this week!!

Apparently I take mixing punch quite seriously…. ;)

Did you miss the baby shower post yesterday? You can see all the fun details here!

Linking to these fun parties by the way! Hope you’ll check them out!

pleated poppy

Have you met Mrs. Robinson???

Happy Saturday pretties!!! 
So have you met Mrs. Robinson!?! She’s a sweet wife and momma, and as we speak is on her way moving to Arizona! I couldn’t be more excited to have her closer to yours truly! 😉

She’s a large ad sponsor of Truly Lovely for both July and August… So since we missed getting her feature posted in July, she’s getting her very own feature post to get August rolling!!!

Remember July’s sponsor spotlight theme???
July is all about summer so that’s the focus of this month’s sponsor feature posts.
Each lovely has shared a summer photo and a few summer related interview answers!
Please take a minute to read through, see what you have in common with the lovely Megan and be sure to leave her some bloggie love! 😉

Make friends with Megan:

* Blog * * * *

Enjoy the rest of your weekend pretties!
And be sure to send Megan some safe moving wishes!!! 😉

Christmas in July Gift Exchange

Hi pretties!!!

SO today is the Christmas in July link up over at Everyday is a New Adventure??
Do you know Alyx? She’s one of our favorites!!

Any who, I’d like to introduce you to my new friend
Lori of A Crazy Walk on the Safe Side!!!

Such a lovely right!?! Inside and out! :) I was paired with her for the Christmas in July swap!
So a few things you should know about Lori…. We have a lot in common! (Well done on the match up, Christmas in July girls!!!)

  • She’s a 20 something newlywed
  • Fur mommy
  • College grad
  • She likes to read
  • Southern girl
  • Love her WIW posts!
  • She likes lace, burlap, florals and sparkly nail polish

 Click on over to A Crazy Walk on the Safe Side to see what I sent her!!!

Here’s what I received in my package –

Pink Essie Nail Polish, Turquoise Essie Nail Polish, a pedicure stick, a lovely journal and some chapstick!
I LOVE the chapstick already! It’s a new staple!  I’m wearing the pink polish as we speak. It’s called Off the Shoulder in case you’re interested. 😉 So excited for a pedicure day this coming weekend! And I am looking forward to writing in my pretty new journal!!

Thanks so much to Miss Lori for taking the time to choose gifts that fit me so well! :)
And to the ladies of the Christmas in July exchange! You girls rock!

Have a good rest of your week dolls!!!!

Summer Fun – Lg. Sponsor Spotlight Part 1

Happy Thursday lovelies! 

So, since we didn’t have a Bloggie Bestie scheduled for today… Everyone’s recovering from their 4th of July shenanigans I suppose… haha, we’ll do a sponsor spotlight!!!
By the way, if you’re interested in being the next Bloggie Bestie click here!

Let’s kick off July with the introduction of some amazing ladies!

July is all about summer so that’s the focus of this month’s sponsor feature posts.
Each lovely has shared a summer photo and a few summer related interview answers!
Please take a minute to read through, see what you have in common with these pretties and leave them some bloggie love! You’ll want to hang out with these girls! Promise! 😉


Be friends with Breenah!!! 

* Blog * * * *


Connect with Chelsea!!!

* Blog * * * * 


Kick it with Katherine!!!

* Blog * * * * *


Extra cool brownie points to you if you click over to each of these three ladies’ blogs and tell them you’re coming by from Truly Lovely! 😉

Enjoy the rest of your day sweet friends! Hope you had a happy 4th!

Blog Angel Reveal!!

Hi there lovelies!!! 

So… remember this post in the middle of June? Where I talked about being a blog angel for someone and having one in return? (Update: Just found out our angel was Linda of Two Succulent Sisters! Thanks doll!!!)
At the time I was having trouble thinking of things to do without giving it away (i.e. my partner finding out I was their angel…). Well, since then I threw all caution to the wind and just went for it!!!

Allow me to introduce you to my recipient.

Tico and Tina!!! 

 They are the funnest couple! Together they make up Tico and Tina,  and they’re working on their Blank Canvas Tour. Click each of the links to read more. You’ll want to, I promise!!!

So… Ways that I helped them… Like I said in my last post, Tico and Tina were a hard site to help at first.
They really have their stuff together! So… to start with I went through and followed/liked all of their social media blogs, etc. And there is a lot! These guys are EVERYWHERE! Then, I sent an email to the friends that commented on the midway post and asked that they all follow them.  Turns out a lot of them already did, because well, these guys are awesome. 😉

Then… I joined in their IRLO (In Real Live/Online) Mashup Race. Go TEAM COFFEE!!! Whoot! You’ll see some more stuff about that later. Our team was late to the game, but we’re going at it full force now!

 Then… I volunteered to help out with their Blank Canvas Tour! You are now talking to the HEAD OF HR!!!
Speaking of which, if you have already committed to be a street team member would you mind shooting me an email of your blog, your location and what not? 😉 Thanks! OR if you’d like to join the street team, check out this link!

And just for good measure I joined with Mrs. White to create a new blog award for those blogs spreading inspiration around blog land… Guess who was one of our awardees…? 😉 Yep, Tico & Tina!

I really hope I have been a good blog angel for you guys, Tico and Tina!! It’s been a real pleasure trying to help spread your ideas and purpose!  I look forward to continuing as a team member and bloggie friend! :) SO lucky to have been assigned to be your blog angel!

Borrowing an idea from Miss Lena of Mom2MemphisandRuby, I’d like to wrap up my month as your blog angel with a FREE XL ad space for July! 😉 I’ll shoot you an email asap!

Oh, and tell me… Did you know it was me? 😉

Have a lovely rest of your week dolls!!!

The Modern Muse Award

Hey there dolls!
Today we’d like to share a little something fun with you!

Do you know Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife? She’s one of our newest bloggie friends!
We’ve joined together and decided to spread some positive support around blog land!!! To do so we created a BRAND NEW blog award of sorts.

Modern Muse Award

The Modern Muse award is for those blogs that are continually working to share inspiration throughout blog land!
Be it through tutorials, how tos, featuring other bloggers, consistently commenting, etc…

Each of these fun blogs is continually showing support for other bloggers including us here at Truly Lovely!!!

Today we’d like to award The Modern Muse to…. 

Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs

 Tico and Tina of The Beauty of One

 Alyx of Everyday is a New Adventure

 Megan of and here’s to you Mrs. Robinson

THANKS for being a POSITIVE inspiration to us and your other followers/readers/friends!!!!

So, the entire point is to keep the support and POSITIVE rolling!
Here’s where YOU come in!
First, please click over and check out the blogs we’ve awarded above… say Congrats and share some encouragement with them! 😉  Then click here to visit Mrs. White’s post to see who she awarded The Modern Muse award and share a little encouragement around with her awardees.

By now you will have spread encouragement and inspiration to over eight new blogs!
BUT you’re not finished yet….

Grab a button above and share The Modern Muse award with at least FOUR of your most supportive and encouraging bloggie buddies! To those we’ve awarded, we would love if you would be able to participate as well.
With this award there’s no need to share random facts, do weird posts, etc… Just grab a button and pass it on to someone that you feel deserves to be acknowledged for their happiness in this blog world of ours.

Let’s spread a little LOVE and SUPPORT around blog land, eh peeps! :)

And go!

Sponsor Spotlight – Nicole of This Little Momma

Happy Saturday pretty friends!!! 

Remember June’s Sponsor Spotlight theme? – Don’t you think June is a great month to get to know a little more about the lovelies on our sidebar? I think so too! ;)
So I’ve asked our sweet sponsors to answer a few basic questions so we can get to know them better!
Hope you’ll take a second to see what you have in common with these lovelies, then click over and make a new friend!

Today we’re excited to introduce you to another of our XL ad sponsors for June!

Here’s a few words from the lovely Nicole…I started my blog in 2009 to document our home renovations for our family. Flash forward to 2011 and I felt the urge to blog again. I blog about anything and everything. I love fashion, diy, and design but my most important role is a mother to my sidekick, L. My hopes is that he will be able to look back at this little blog someday (ya know since I don’t scrapbook). I’ve made the decision after much prayer to change the name of my blog so I can separate my personal blog from my business. Oh and did I mention I’m a blog designer??”

Kick it with Nicole:

* Blog Design Blog * Brand New Personal Blog * * *

Enjoy the rest of your weekend pretties! OH and go enter our June Group Giveaway if you haven’t had the chance yet! :) Lots of awesome prizes to be won!

A few of the sweetest ladies on the web….

Happy Saturday pretty friends!!! 

Remember June’s Sponsor Spotlight theme? – Don’t you think June is a great month to get to know a little more about the lovelies on our sidebar? I think so too! ;)
So I’ve asked our sweet sponsors to answer a few basic questions so we can get to know them better!
Hope you’ll take a second to see what you have in common with these lovelies, then click over and make a new friend!

Today we are pleased to introduce you to our Large Ad Sponsors!!!


sponsor spotlight

A little about Lindsay…Hi! I’m Lindsay, wife, momma, crafter, jewelry maker and the girl behind Little Mudpies. I have always loved jewelry. I recently opened my Etsy shop and I could not be happier! Creating jewelry has always been a passion of mine. I also have a little blog where I share my adventures as a momma of two little boys, my crafts and creations, an occasional recipe or tutorial. Stop by and say Hi sometime!!

Be Lindsay’s friend:

* Blog * * * * 


Every day is a new adventure

According to Alyx…I’m Alyx – wife to Mike, bookworm, cyclist, designer, grad student, pillow hog, blog addict, etc. etc. We just made the move from Germany to the US, and are back in the grand ole state of Nebraska. I’m a die hard Husker fan, and live for college football Saturdays. I live by the motto “Every Day is a New Adventure,” hence the blog name. Obviously.

Kick it with Alyx:

* Blog * * * Shop *


They Call Her Meghan

Take it away Meghan…Hi! My name is Meghan & I blog at They Call Her Meghan.  I’m a newly 20 something Christian who loves life.  I think the small things in life are often the most important, and I try to have my blog reflect my love of those moments.  I’m going to school for court reporting, and I won’t pass up a movie marathon with my “little” sister Mady.  I always love meeting new people and following their stories, so stop by & say hi!

Join Meghan:

* Blog * * *


Modern Modest Beauty

A few words from Jenny… “I am a wife, a mother of 2 and a flight attendant.   My blog is about fashion, beauty, travel and my life in general.  I love any activity involving the outdoors and I’m always looking forward to my next adventure! The attached picture is my husband and I in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Meet up with Jenny:

* Blog * * * *


Happy in Life Young in Love

A little about Clara…I am a free-spirited loving person who puts 100% into everything! I married my sweet husband when I was a Junior in College and we are looking forward to married life outside of college now! I blog about our life and adventures with our dog Sox, as vegetarians, and everything you can think of!

Kick it with Clara:

* Blog * * * *


Irish Italian Blessings

According to Katherine…I’m just an Italian girl married to my Irish hubby and we have been blessed with our daughter Kaylin and son Braden, and of course, our Bulldog Dozer. I absolutely love my life, I’ll never know what I did to deserve it, but I’m eternally grateful. I love to laugh and smile and use my blog to share my attitude. I love the beach, I’m a tank top and flip flops kinda girl and I adore having a glass of white wine with my girlfriends. I’ve recently opened up an Etsy shop! My most recent creations are yummy chocolate covered oreos, drizzled with colored chocolate with custom favor tags. They’re perfect favors for any party! Oh and I think the ladies at Truly Lovely are just amazing! {You know we had to highlight that fact! ;)}
The pic attached is of me and my hubby, it’s my fave because you can really tell how in love I am with this man!

You’ll want to be friends with Katherine:

* Blog * * * *


Hope to see you back here tomorrow for our June Group Giveaway! :)

Enjoy your Saturday!!!

Fancy This Fridays 80 + Blog Angels

Happy Friday!
I love being able to say that… I love it when Friday is here, don’t you!? 

So today before we get to the Fancy This Fridays link up… Let’s talk Blog Angels, shall we? It’s a project for the month of June, put together by Rosie and Katlyn. The basic premise is you were either invited to participate (thanks Rosie) or you joined up to be and get a “Blog Angel”.

The whole thing is anonymous, so I don’t know who my ‘angel’ is and my person doesn’t know that I’m their ‘angel’… But through the month of June you’re supposed to try to help your partner out by sharing their blog, doing something nice for them blog/Internet wise, etc. etc. All without them finding out who you are.

So this is the halfway point link up… Let me tell you, it’s hard to find ways to help out without giving it all away! Especially if you get assigned to a blog that pretty much has all of their stuff together! BUT I’ve been trying!

I’ll be honest too… I hadn’t even thought about who Truly Lovely’s angel might be. I was so busy trying to think of ways to help out the blog I had been assigned… Then I had an email exchanged with Rosie awhile back and she asked if I’d been trying to figure it out… From then on I started watching… But nope. No idea who it is! I have noticed a few new friends sharing my posts via twitter… Blog Angel? Is that you?? haha. All will be revealed on June 30th…

Until then…. Anyone have any fun ideas of ways to help out another blogger without them knowing who you are??

Onto the linky!!! So… what have you fancied up this last week? We’d love to see!!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! Have a lovely weekend!!!!