Fancy This Features #63

Happy Monday lovelies!!!
We have a HUGE announcement we’d like to share with you today… 
We have started the move to WordPress!!!
We are working with the very lovely Sara of Lady Jane Designs and can’t wait to get everything moved over!!

That said… You’ve probably heard that Google Friend Connect will be no more for non-Blogger blogs starting in March… We’d love for you to follow us in some other form so you won’t lose Truly Lovely once we make the move… Options to follow include:

Via Email:

Enter your email address:

Delivered by


Follow me on Hellocotton

<——- There’s also Linky Followers, on our sidebar… Or any of these options. :)

So… we are excited to make this blogging transition and hope you’ll be there with us! :)

NOW! Onto the features from Fancy This Fridays #63!!!

How ADORABLE are these baby boots from Rose at A Rosie Sweet Home!?! 
She even made her own pattern!!! SO CUTE!!!

We ADORE this pantry makeover from Ashley at Domestic Imperfection
You’ll want to click over to see all the usable space she came up with!!! 
Just look at that awesome before and after!!!

We barely got a McAlister’s right before I finished my grad program and had to move… But I enjoyed it while I could and the tortilla soup was one of my favorites!!! This recipe from Donna at Loopy Loop Creations is sure to remind me how yummy it was!!! 

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you lovely ladies mentioned above. 
Also, if you were featured over on the , please grab a button!!!


Thanks for linking lovelies and thanks in advance for choosing to stick with us as we make this big blogging move!!! :) We are SO grateful for those of you that choose to read and follow along with Truly Lovely! 
It’s because of you that we have decided to continue to try to grow this blog the best we know how!!!
So again, thanks!!!

By the way, our 500+ Follower Giveaway Celebration is STILL OPEN for entries!!! All the !

Christmas Cards 2011

Scroll down to see our 2011 Christmas Card! :)

Since this is our first married Christmas, I thought the ‘Our Family Name’ cards from Shutterfly would be perfect to share us as a married couple. It highlights my new last name and features several of our wedding photos. 
Let’s be honest, the year you get married is really the only time you can get away with using wedding photos, so I did. :)

This is the second year I’ve sent cards from myself and the hubs. 
I stamped each one in red ink with our return address stamped courtesy of the fun stamp I purchased from 
They did a great job on my stamp!! 
Highly recommend them!!!

I really love how they turned out. 
How about you? Do you send holiday cards?
Do you do a handmade card? Photo card? 
I’d love to see if you have a link!

I mentioned it yesterday, but we’ll be on holiday vacay through Monday! 
SO see you back here next week!!!

Merry Christmas 2011 from 
Truly Lovely!!!

Our Family Name Christmas Card
Send Christmas cards personalized with your family photos.
View the entire collection of cards.

Our Gift to You!!!

Sign up to sponsor Truly Lovely in 2012 before January 1st…
and take 10% off!!!
Discount includes all ad sizes! Small, Medium and Large!

For size examples and more information . 

Or shoot us an email at trulylovely.laney @ 
(minus the spaces of course…)

Just wanted to let you know….

I know this is two posts in one day… but I have a few quick things to share. :)

First, the Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway will be open until Monday, December 5th so there’s still time to get entered if you haven’t already!


Don’t forget to check out these lovelies that are in the midst of sharing some fabulous Holiday ideas!!
You can see my contribution to !

nifty thrifty things the blue velvet chair homework project possessed meridian road modern country style home sweet homemade Jill Ruth & Co.



Starting December 5th we’ll be participating in this:

There will be a TON of blogs hosting some AMAZING giveaways, but here at Truly Lovely you’ll have the chance to win some Scentsy 
(’cause that’s what Kayli and I do…) 
AND a Large Ad Space on Truly Lovely for the month of January (a $10 value). 

So that’s a Christmas THREE pack of Scentsy Scent Circles
Christmas Scents Included: Silver Bells, Sentimental Cider and Christmas Cottage

And a Large Ad on Truly Lovely for January 2012! 
Large Ad size (200×150)

A Truly Lovely prize package valued at $30! 
Hope you’ll pop back over on December 5th to enter to win!
Until then, you can check out the other blogs that will be participating in the giveaway below!

Hope to see you back here tomorrow when I share another post on redecorating my guest bedroom!
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!

Fancy This Fridays #47 and a WINNER!

Happy Friday Lovelies!!! 

A couple of things before we get to the Fancy This Fridays party…
Did you know Truly Lovely is a sponsor of the I am blog’s Take a Stand in October campaign?

You can submit photos of your shoes as you “Take a Stand” against cancer. 
Proceeds from the event will be donated to Stand Up 2 Cancer

This was my entry! And this was my bloggie friend Vicki’s entry… 
There are lots of fun ones, you should definitely check it out! 
AND get behind an AMAZING cause!!!


Next… A HUGE thank you goes out to our sponsor Digital Scrapbooking Albums for offering a giveaway of a 249 page premade digital scrapbook bundle!

THANKS also to all who entered the giveaway and helped to spread the word!
We have the BEST readers and bloggie friends here at Truly Lovely!!! :)

The winner of the giveaway is….
Who is…. 
Email on the way! 
If you do not respond within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. 

Now… Onto the party! :) We’re so glad you’re here!!! 

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog
On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. 
We don’t mind… 
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely. 
That would rock. :)

Have a LOVELY weekend sweet friends!

Fancy This Features #44

I kinda love this month… For several reasons…
But mostly because it’s my birthday month! 
FYI… You should be sure to pop by tomorrow for a BIRTHDAY surprise. 😉
There may or may not be a giveaway involved… hint hint. 

By the way, I’m hosting a giveaway over here this week!
Be sure to stop by J&Ms Eye Candy to get entered to win!
And a giveaway here on Wednesday
What can I say… My birthday puts me in a giving mood… heehee. 


We had 47 fabulous Fancy This Fridays link ups this last week!!

First, I am LOVING this lace t-shirt linked up by Steph at Southern Fairy Designs!
I would SO wear that on a daily basis! 

Next, how adorable is Kara’s little miss, of Mine for the Making!!! 
She made her THREE adorable Fall skirts!!
SO cute!!!

And finally, check out this GORGEOUS craft room from Jenni at Kissed by a Frog
She has been working so hard on it for weeks!!
You’ve gotta pop over and check out the storage on her shelves! LOVELY!

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you lovelies to share on your blogs!
Thanks to all who linked up this and every week here at Fancy This Fridays!!!

Like I said… Be sure to come back tomorrow… *wink wink*
Have a lovely week dolls!

Sponsor Truly Lovely in October

We would be THRILLED to have you!!! :)
For the details check out ! 


Fancy This Fridays #43

Well Happy AUTUMN lovelies!!!

In the spirit of a new season… We have an announcement… 
Did you notice anything new?

Go ahead… Look around… We’ll wait. 
If you follow us on , or you might have seen the news already…
Hmm… Still looking? Or did you spot it???

That’s right all! We have our very OWN domain name!!!
Now instead of having the LONGEST domain name in the world…. 
That’s an exaggeration, but it’s pretty long…
It’s now short and sweet and easy to remember!

HUGE thank you to the ladies over at Crafterminds for sharing the how to. 
It’s really SUPER easy! Much easier than I had ever thought it would be!!!
 You can find the if YOU’d like your own domain!
Oh… and FYI… It’s only $10!!!!! Yep, do it. 

Ok! Now for the first Fancy This Fridays of Autumn! 
What have you been working on??? We wanna see!! 

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1) Must be YOUR OWN project
 (Everyone’s been doing great at this one! Thanks all!)
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
(Put it on your sidebar, on your post, on a linky party page… anywhere visible to readers on your blog… that would be lovely of you!)
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! 
We ALL love comments!!
(And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the 
Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)

OH!! And before you rush off to your next Friday linky party… 
Don’t forget to ENTER the from 
Mommas Like Me! :)

Have a lovely first weekend of Fall!!!

Fancy This Fridays #31 & The Shine Project

Have you heard of The Shine Project?
Ashley is the sweetest lady with the most giving heart! 
Click the button to learn more about her and The Shine Project! :)

It is my pleasure today to help her announce the
CHANGE for CHANGE project!!

People all over the country will have change jars to put their leftover money in for three months, and then cash in to The Shine Scholarship Fund. 
The scholarship fund will award scholarships to inner city students making a huge change in their lives!!!  

If you would be interested in doing a CHANGE for CHANGE jar, please for more information. 
To make your own CHANGE for CHANGE jar, you can use these labels and help support The Shine Project Scholarship fund!!!

The Shine Project is also hosting a Silent Auction in October as a means to raise more funds for The Shine Project Scholarship Fund! 
If you would be interested in participating or in donating items for the auction, again, please for more information. 

To use the labels just click the picture then save to your computer and print out as needed! :)
It’s true peeps… A Little Change Can Make a BIG Difference. :)

Time to link up!!! What have you been doing this week??

Fancy This Friday Rules:
1) Must be YOUR OWN project (we’ve had a few sharing other people’s stuff… That’s awesome, but we wanna see what YOU did!)
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!
(And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)

Have a lovely 4th of July Holiday weekend lovelies!!! :)
And thanks for linking!!!

Fancy This Fridays #31 & The Shine Project

Have you heard of The Shine Project?
Ashley is the sweetest lady with the most giving heart! 
Click the button to learn more about her and The Shine Project! :)

It is my pleasure today to help her announce the
CHANGE for CHANGE project!!

People all over the country will have change jars to put their leftover money in for three months, and then cash in to The Shine Scholarship Fund. 
The scholarship fund will award scholarships to inner city students making a huge change in their lives!!!  

If you would be interested in doing a CHANGE for CHANGE jar, please for more information. 
To make your own CHANGE for CHANGE jar, you can use these labels and help support The Shine Project Scholarship fund!!!

The Shine Project is also hosting a Silent Auction in October as a means to raise more funds for The Shine Project Scholarship Fund! 
If you would be interested in participating or in donating items for the auction, again, please for more information. 

To use the labels just click the picture then save to your computer and print out as needed! :)
It’s true peeps… A Little Change Can Make a BIG Difference. :)

Time to link up!!! What have you been doing this week??

Fancy This Friday Rules:

1) Must be YOUR OWN project (we’ve had a few sharing other people’s stuff… That’s awesome, but we wanna see what YOU did!)
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!
(And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)


Have a lovely 4th of July Holiday weekend lovelies!!! :)And thanks for linking!!!