Maternity Leave – French Vanilla Mousse Recipe

Hey there friends! While I’m away loving on my brand new baby girl and all the stuff that comes with it I have asked a few friends to BABY sit Truly Lovely! They each have a fun post to share with you to give you a little something to hold you over until I can come back and share cute baby pics and the like… 😉 So please share a little love with each guest poster here and be sure to click over and check out their blogs!

Today’s guest is Jerri of Simply Sweet Home! She has a delicious French Vanilla Mousse recipe for you to try!!!

Take it away Jerri….


Hi Lovelies! I am so excited to be guest posting here today! My name is Jerri and I’m from the blog Simply Sweet Home. It is a lifestyle blog covering everything from home & garden topics to recipes, product reviews, and even a little beauty and fashion! We also have a weekly linky party called Friday Favorites. Oh! And I have a little jewelry shop on Etsy called !

In the summer time I have always loved eating cool sweet treats. This French Vanilla Mousse is great for parties, picnics, or just a quick snack on the back porch! And it’s very versatile. You can serve it up in parfait dishes or use it in a trifle (perhaps layered with angel food cake or pound cake and fruit!). And I’ve also just poured it up into a graham cracker pie shell! And it’s also super quick and easy! Check it out!

Recipe for French Vanilla Mousse
1 (14 oz.) can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 cup cold water
1 (4-serving size) package French vanilla instant pudding mix
1 (8 oz.) container frozen light whipped topping, thawed
Nila Wafers (or other cookies to garnish with)
Directions: Whisk sweetened condensed milk and water in large bowl. Add pudding mix. Whisk 2 minutes or until well blended. Chill 5 minutes. Fold in whipped topping. Spoon into serving dishes. Chill. Garnish as desired. (I layered with Nila wafers.)

Thanks so much to Kassi for having me here today!
Please come by and see me over at my blog and .
Also, follow on , , , and .


Yep, I’m all about cool, sweet treats! So yummy! Thanks for sharing Jerri! Please leave her a little bloggie love friends! Thanks!

4th of July Cakes – A Round Up!

Well, tomorrow Independence Day is finally here!! For whatever reason I LOVE a festive cake during the fourth! A couple of years ago Kayli and I attempted a flag cake (the kind where you cut into it and see the flag on the inside, so fun!!) Last year I created a firework cake and this year I shared a festive cake on Instagram (@Kassarie)… Whether you’re celebrating just on the fourth or all weekend long, here are several 4th of July CAKES to whip up for a yummy and impressive looking dessert! Even though they are all SUPER easy to recreate!!!

First up, my fourth of July cake from last year… A red, white and blue Patriotic Firework cake! A cake mix, sprinkles and icing. SUPER easy!

Firework cake

Next, Jen of The Arizona Russums just shared a yummy recipe for a 4th of July Flag Cake! The bottom layer of this is more than just a cake… It’s a yummy shortbread/sugar cookie recipe!

Flag cake

Here’s a simple red, white and blue layered cake from Shannon of Rumbly in my Jumbly. So festive!!!


Just the other day Laura of The Pink Cake Plate, a fellow Arizona blogger, shared all kinds of fun 4th of July ideas on Sonoran Living, a local Arizona TV show. Included were her Red, White and Blue Cupcake cups! SO fun!!!

patriotic cupcakes

And another take on the patriotic cupcake cup idea comes from Katie of Dip it in Chocolate with her Patriotic Firework Cake Push Pops! The kiddos would love these I’m sure!!!

firework push pops

Then there’s my 4th of July cake for this year! It’s so easy it doesn’t even need a full post…. A cherry chip cake mix, blueberries in the middle, white whipped cream frosting, and red and blue sprinkles! So festive and so yummy!!! Just be sure to store it in the fridge!


So tell me friends… what is your go to 4th of July dessert? Do you have a patriotic cake or cupcake recipe? I’d love to see links if you do!!!

Hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!!!!

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !

Fruit Kabobs and Dip

Good morning lovelies! Or evening, afternoon, etc… wherever you are! 

This summer has been CRAZY hot in Arizona (where I live) and all over the country really… You know, record heat um, everywhere?!? I don’t know about you but when it’s hot I prefer a cool, easy to whip up treat over hours in the kitchen with the oven on….

So here’s one of my favorite summertime dishes….

Fruit Kabobs with a two ingredient fruit dip!
So easy and SO delicious!

summer BBQ ideas

So, like I said the dip…. TWO ingredients. That’s it!
1. A tub of Marshmallow Creme
2. 8 oz. cream cheese

Mix them together and chill before serving.

summer BBQ ideas

For the fruit kabobs all you need is kabob skewers and various kinds of fruit.
We used strawberries, grapes and blueberries.
As long as their super careful with the skewers, the kiddos can even help with this part!

making fruit kabobs
And viola! A tasty cool treat for your next summer BBQ!!

summer BBQ ideas

Happy what’s left of your summer lovelies!!!

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P.S. We’d love if ! Thanks new friend!!

Reese’s Pieces Dessert Bars

Hi friends! How about a Tasty Tuesday post today!
Here’s a SUPER easy dessert recipe I hope you’ll love! 😉

Reese’s Pieces Dessert Bars

: 1 Cake mix
(I use whatever is on sale. This time around it was Betty Crocker, yellow cake… You could also use a chocolate cake mix.)
1/3 cup of oil
2 eggs
Candy! The Reece’s Pieces are what MAKES this dessert I think, but you could also use M&Ms, etc.

When I said this was easy… I meant it.
All you do is mix your ingredients together… I mix everything else and then sort of fold in the candy…
Yes, I used that whole bag… Don’t judge… 😉

Once it’s all mixed together, press it into a cake pan and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
When it’s done, the edges will be golden brown if you use a yellow cake mix.

Slice into bars and serve!
My hubs’ isn’t a big dessert fan (weird, right!?!) but he likes this treat! Reese’s Pieces are his favorite!
Hopefully your family will like it to! 😉

Happy baking lovelies!!!

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. We’d love if ! Thanks new friend!!

Chocolate and Caramel Dipped Pretzels

Hello there!

If you’re new here, HEY HEY!!! Glad to see you! :) .
If you’re not new here, welcome back friend! :)

Have I ever mentioned that I have been blessed with some AMAZING sisters in law? I have.
I’m a lucky one. I know. 😉

St. Patrick’s Day (thus all the green! I was wearing green earrings and a ring that I won from FYI!) myself, the hubs, SIL Brianne (on the left), and our neice and nephew all drove up to visit SIL Arina (middle) and her family! They live about 4 hours away. We don’t get to see them often, but it’s always fun when we do!

We spent the afternoon making treats for Arina’s Young Women’s church group. The treats?
Chocolate AND caramel dipped pretzels! WITH…. Easter M&Ms!!

Arina used her Ninja to chop up the M&Ms.
We all (the sisters in law) got a Ninja for Christmas from our in laws! Do they choose great gifts or what?!?

Brianne and Miss Ada manned the homemade caramel on the stove. I plan to get the recipe from Arina sometime and share it here on the blog. It. Is. AMAZING. I couldn’t stop eating pretzels dipped just in the caramel!
{Did you see that ARINA?… I think she’s a Truly Lovely lurker… 😉}

We also melted chocolate chips for the chocolate and once melted, got to dipping!
All the kiddos wanted to help of course! 😉

Some we dipped just in chocolate than in the crushed M&Ms, some we dipped in caramel, chilled in the fridge, then dipped them in chocolate and M&Ms! Triple threat, what!?!
So yummy!

That afternoon as I was taking pictures we joked that they’d just made the front page of Truly Lovely. 😉
Kayli and I are so blessed to have a family that knows how much we love this blog and really supports us with it!!!

What about you?? Were you blessed with amazing in laws?
Or… What’s your favorite thing to dip in chocolate/caramel? I want to try this again soon!

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