My Brand New Trees!

I grew up in the mountains in New Mexico. Surrounded by towering pine trees, beautiful, green leafy trees… Trees of all kinds. Now I live in the desert of Arizona. Aside from the occasional Mesquite tree, there aren’t many naturally growing trees out here. Although the desert does have its own unique beauty I find myself craving the greenery and shade offered by a tall, leafy, green TREE! So much so that wish number three on my Twenty Wishes List for this year was to plant an Upside Down Mulberry Tree at my home.

Well, consider that a wish checked off! ✓ Yeah, she’s just a thin, little stick of a tree, but hopefully she’ll survive and grow to be a big, beautiful Mulberry.


The first week of May I dug the hole myself and planted my itty bitty Weeping Mulberry Tree. Turns out that’s what they’re really called… I first saw one at my aunt and uncle’s house and LOVED it! A full grown Weeping Mulberry Tree will make a perfect place for Klara to play when she’s older!


For my Mother’s Day gift this year my husband took us to the local nursery where we picked out a second tree for the front yard. This time a two year old Fruitless Mulberry Tree. They’re supposed to mature quickly and make a great shade tree. Win-win! He dug the hole for me this time… Thank goodness cause just the first little hole took me forever… haha. And planted my Mother’s Day tree!


This was my first official Mother’s Day since last year I was pregnant with Klara, but the hubs gave me a present that year too, because he rocks! 😉 I just want to say I am so thankful for this little girl that made me a momma. Love her and her daddy to pieces!

What did you get for Mother’s Day??