A Natural Fabric Softener Solution and a Giveaway!

Hey there lovelies! How was your weekend?

Let’s start this week with a fun product review and giveaway! I don’t know about you but laundry is one of my LEAST favorite household chores. Anything that can make that process go by faster is a win in my book… Introducing Woolzies Dryer Balls!!! They are a non-toxic, natural solution for softening your fabrics. They’re made of 100% pure New Zealand wool but are safe for people with wool sensitivities. They claim to help eliminate wrinkles, shorten dry time (whoot!), reduce static and they are chemical free.

woolzies dryer balls review

I received a box of six XL Woolzies to try out. I’ve been using them in place of my normal dryer sheets for the last two weeks. Using the Woolzie dryer balls couldn’t be simpler… You just place the six dryer balls in the dryer with your wet clothing and turn it on! When the clothes are finished drying there’s less static, less wrinkles and softer clothes all without the film that dryer sheets can leave behind.

fabric softener alternative

I don’t like to use dryer sheets with my daughter’s clothes at all since she’s only three months old. I’m still afraid of the reaction she might have to chemicals on her clothing… I will however use the Woolzies dryer balls!

If you prefer scented laundry you can add a drop of fragrant essential oils to one or two of the dryer balls before putting them in with your wash. Again, fragrant laundry all without the harsh chemicals that can be found in other laundry softening alternatives.

Honestly, I wouldn’t say the dryer balls are better at removing static then dryer sheets, but the peace of mind that they’re not leaving anything else behind is well worth the trade off. Overall I was pleased with the product and felt good knowing that my daughter’s clothes especially could be less static-y, spend less time in the dryer and I didn’t have to worry about a rash or something not so fun on her skin later!

It’s YOUR lucky day because I have another box of Woolzies Dryer Balls to give to one Truly Lovely reader! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will close one week from today and the winner will be announced on October 15th. Thanks for entering and good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a box of Woolzies Dryer Balls in exchange for my honest review. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own.