Project: Do Me Kassi Style #3

Um… Since I missed last week… Completely. Oops…
I’m going to do an update on my Project: Do Me List!!
I had been doing it on Wednesdays…
But I’m scheduling this for Saturday (today) to shake things up…
And then I’ll do a new/slightly updated list this coming week!

The updates are in parenthesis…

1. Read! A book chapter or at least one magazine article
(I finished ‘One For the Money’ last week! It was really good! It got a little rough at times… but everything turned out alright, so I thought it was good!And I’ve started ‘168 Hours: You have More Time Than You Think’ on my e-reader and if I don’t read that I read Cosmo or a wedding mag article everynight!!)

2. At least 10 minutes of exercise
(I did this one a little bit better last week… I got a few times in…
Must do better though!)
3. Log my calories and exercise on My Fitness Pal
(Since I downloaded the app onto my Droid X, I hit almost everyday! It really encourages me to think about the value of the food I’m putting into my mouth!)
4. Be in bed by 10pm
(Done! Everyday. Think I need a new goal for this one…)
This Week
1. Prepare and file taxes
(Done! Prepared and filed!!! Yay!!! Can’t wait for the tax return!
If you haven’t already, you can use e-file to electronically file your taxes… They’re fast and they will direct deposit your return. The fees are some of the lowest in the business!!!)
2. Finish and send one handmade gift
(Not done. I’ve been working on bridesmaid gifts the past little while… But that’s a must get done and the handmade gifts are for fun. So STILL have handmade gifts left to do. 
3. Have lunch with a friend once a week
(I had TWO friend lunches this week! Lunch on Tuesday with my friend, Meghan, and lunch on Wednesday with my friend, Mindy!

This Month
1. Use my gift certificate to redesign Truly Lovely
(Do you like it?? I LOVE IT!!! I think she did a fabulous job of taking my ideas and making something lovely!!! Thanks so much Torri!! If you need a new blog design, she is the go-to-lady!!!)
2. Organize a get together with my bridesmaids
(We’re scheduled for March 19th right now… Hoping it works out lovely!)
3. Decide and order wedding flowers
(Not done… and February is over… This is a NEED to get done ASAP!)

This Year
1. Mark off 5 of my
(Buying a home with my sweetie is in the works!!!)
Do you have a project do me list???
Share the link and I’ll be sure to check it out and share lots of encouragement! 😉

Project: Do Me – Kassi Style #2

It’s Wednesday! Time for an update on my Project: Do Me List

The updates are in parenthesis…


1. Read! A book chapter or at least one magazine article
(I’ve been reading a chapter every evening from ‘One for the Money’ the first book in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evonovich. My sister-in-law bought me the first three for Christmas… So far so good!)

2. At least 10 minutes of exercise
(Nope. Have NOT been doing this one. I need a better plan… Something specific to do or something…)
3. Log my calories and exercise on My Fitness Pal
(This one varies… Some days I do… some I don’t. I did just get a Droid X though… And the first app I downloaded? My Fitness Pal! It’s free and links to your online account when you log in! Hoping that will help with doing it everyday!)
4. Be in bed by 10pm
(Done! Everyday. This one isn’t that hard… All my fave shows end by 10pm, so I just watch those last ones, from 9-10 already in bed, turn off the tube and go to sleep!)
This Week
1. Prepare and file taxes
(Almost… I have them almost completely done… Just need to review mainly then file…)
2. Finish and send one handmade gift
(Done!! I even went so far as to do two!!! Two sets of handmade personalized coasters! That means I’ve only got three more left on my list now. )


3. Have lunch with a friend once a week
(I had lunch with my fiance on Monday. So that counts for this week!)

This Month
1. Use my gift certificate to redesign Truly Lovely
(Completed the order form and she said she’d have something to me to look over, hopefully by Friday!!! SO EXCITED!!! I’m also getting buttons made with another freebie that I won!!)

2. Organize a get together with my bridesmaids
(We’re aiming for one of the first two weekends in March… Other than that… need to get on this one!)
3. Decide and order wedding flowers
(Not done… But I still have the rest of the month!)

This Year
1. Mark off 5 of my

Do you have a project do me list??? Share the link and I’ll be sure to check it out and share lots of encouragement! 😉

Project Do Me – Kassi Style

The winner will be chosen here shortly!!!

Over at Travel Babbles, KY has come up with this AWESOME project!

I am SO excited to participate!!

Project: Do Me

You can read the whole premise here, but basically you make a list of little goals or things to do that will help you to become a happier you! And WHO doesn’t want that?!?
 The list should include Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and then Yearly tasks.

So here is my list!
For the week of Feb. 2-9 2011

1. Read! A book chapter or at least one magazine article
2. At least 10 minutes of exercise
3. Log my calories and exercise on My Fitness Pal
4. Be in bed by 10pm

This Week
1. Prepare and file taxes
2. Finish and send one handmade gift
3. Have lunch with a friend once a week

This Month
1. Use my gift certificate to redesign Truly Lovely
2. Organize a get together with my bridesmaids
3. Decide and order wedding flowers

This Year
1. Mark off 5 of my

So… What do you think chickies?? Doable? I hope so… I’m gonna try anyway… :)

Hope you’ll link your list up!!!
If you do, let me know in the comments and I’ll come check it out!