Archives for February 2011

Fancy This Features #13

Monday, Monday!
Time for another Fancy This Features!!
This week our features have a theme…


For a great bedroom redo, you’ve got to have three key elements!!
First, a lovely quilt for the bed.
Just like this 50 States quilt from Suzy at Suzy’s Artsy Craftsy Sitcom.
You’ve got to read the story behind it!
Each of the blocks is from a quilter in another state! SO neat!!!
Second, a cute pillow or two or three! Throw pillows are the best!
And you can’t beat a throw pillow with a good meaning!
This pillow from Sheena at Raspberries and Kisses has each of her four kids hand prints. She also embroidered their names and age at the time!
And third… Fun wall art brings it all together!!
In this big-girl room redo by Kyra of Racks and Mooby,
she matched the walls to the comforter!
So cute!!
All the link ups this week were fabulous!!!
Thanks to ALL you lovely linking ladies!!!
For those that were featured, we hope you’ll grab a button to share on your own blogs! It will link right back to this post, so your readers will know where to look! :)

Can’t wait to see what you all link up this Friday!!

Also, I am so excited for this Wednesday…
*Hint… I am Guest Posting over at my absolute FAVORITE blogger’s site!!! Stay tuned to find out where!!! :)

Have a fabulous week friends!!!

Project: Do Me Kassi Style #3

Um… Since I missed last week… Completely. Oops…
I’m going to do an update on my Project: Do Me List!!
I had been doing it on Wednesdays…
But I’m scheduling this for Saturday (today) to shake things up…
And then I’ll do a new/slightly updated list this coming week!

The updates are in parenthesis…

1. Read! A book chapter or at least one magazine article
(I finished ‘One For the Money’ last week! It was really good! It got a little rough at times… but everything turned out alright, so I thought it was good!And I’ve started ‘168 Hours: You have More Time Than You Think’ on my e-reader and if I don’t read that I read Cosmo or a wedding mag article everynight!!)

2. At least 10 minutes of exercise
(I did this one a little bit better last week… I got a few times in…
Must do better though!)
3. Log my calories and exercise on My Fitness Pal
(Since I downloaded the app onto my Droid X, I hit almost everyday! It really encourages me to think about the value of the food I’m putting into my mouth!)
4. Be in bed by 10pm
(Done! Everyday. Think I need a new goal for this one…)
This Week
1. Prepare and file taxes
(Done! Prepared and filed!!! Yay!!! Can’t wait for the tax return!
If you haven’t already, you can use e-file to electronically file your taxes… They’re fast and they will direct deposit your return. The fees are some of the lowest in the business!!!)
2. Finish and send one handmade gift
(Not done. I’ve been working on bridesmaid gifts the past little while… But that’s a must get done and the handmade gifts are for fun. So STILL have handmade gifts left to do. 
3. Have lunch with a friend once a week
(I had TWO friend lunches this week! Lunch on Tuesday with my friend, Meghan, and lunch on Wednesday with my friend, Mindy!

This Month
1. Use my gift certificate to redesign Truly Lovely
(Do you like it?? I LOVE IT!!! I think she did a fabulous job of taking my ideas and making something lovely!!! Thanks so much Torri!! If you need a new blog design, she is the go-to-lady!!!)
2. Organize a get together with my bridesmaids
(We’re scheduled for March 19th right now… Hoping it works out lovely!)
3. Decide and order wedding flowers
(Not done… and February is over… This is a NEED to get done ASAP!)

This Year
1. Mark off 5 of my
(Buying a home with my sweetie is in the works!!!)
Do you have a project do me list???
Share the link and I’ll be sure to check it out and share lots of encouragement! 😉

Fancy This Fridays Edition #13

Have I ever mentioned that 13 is my favorite number?!
It was my jersey number for every sport in high school!
(I played volleyball, basketball and did track & field.)
I figured if it was supposed to be unlucky for so many people it had to be lucky for someone! 😉

So… that being said, this has to be a lucky week!!!
Fancy This Fridays Edition #13

FYI: It DOES seem to be my lucky week!
Our offer was accepted on the house that we want!!! :)
We’re supposed to get a key and be able to start inspection TODAY!!!


Well… Almost sold… haha! :)
Um.. And it’s nothing like that picture… But it’s perfect for us!!!

I am SO excited to become a first time homeowner with my mister!!
Hopefully things go smoothly from here and we can be moving in before too long! You can bet there will be LOTS of home improvement posts!! :)

And soon a HUGE checkmark on my 30 Before 30 list!!
Check that out .

ALSO, I am guest posting over at Vintage Wanna Bee today!!
I’m sharing a fun blanket tutorial, in case you wanna check that out!

So that’s my good news of the week!! :)
What’s yours? Did you fancy up something lovely?
We wanna see!!!

Fancy This Friday Rules:
1) Must be your own project
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!


And PLEASE stop back by on Monday to see the lovely link ups that were featured from today!!
Thanks for linking lovelies!

Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Naturally Me Creations

Happy Thursday bloggie friends!!
This week’s Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap is with the lovely and talented
Monique of Naturally Me Creations!
Monique was one of our very first bloggie friends! She’s a long time linker to Fancy This Fridays and a crazy creative lady!!!
Hope you’ll leave her some comment love!!! :)
In the meantime, you can find me, guest posting on her blog here
Hope you’ll leave a little love there as well! 😉
Here’s Monique…

Hi Everybody! 😀

I’m  Monique from Naturally Me Creations and I’m so happy to be here today, doing my first ever guest post! Thank you so much to the lovely sisters who ARE Truly Lovely for including me in their Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap features! 😀

I’m relatively new to blogging, so I look forward to meeting and exchanging ideas with some more crafty peeps from around the world! 😀

Just a few words about me:  I live in South Africa, and I’ve always loved making the occasional crafty thing, especially little gifts…but that wasn’t enough to satisfy my crafty side – I wanted to do more, but had no idea what to create!  So one day during September 2010, I was surfing the web and somehow came across some crafty blogs.  Well, that’s when I got more inspired with ideas, and a few days later, Naturally Me Creations (and her blog) was born! 😀 There are still so many crafts that I haven’t even tried my hand at yet, so I’m still learning all the way! :)

About my creations: I love creating all sorts of things….








I like recycling or repurposing items into beautiful new creations!  I’m a contributor at Going Green Crafters And Artists, which is a blog all about recycled crafts.

I’ve also invented my Totally Handmade Christmas Tree Decorations Pledge – which means that my tree is going to be decorated with nothing but decorations handmade by me! 😀  It’s the first year I’ll be doing this, so I’m really looking forward to it! Take the pledge with me and grab my badge on my blog if you’re up for the challenge!

Then I also have a weekend link up party – Who Made What? Weekends! – every weekend from Friday to Sunday, where you can link up any craft that you’ve created, and I’ll be featuring a chosen creation every week!  I’d love it if you joined in! :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I’d love to have you over at my blog for a visit! :)  If we don’t know each other yet, please let me know you’ve stopped by – I’ll look forward to visiting your crafty site! :)

Have a lovely day!!

I “trimmed” my own bangs….

Yep. You read that write.
A couple weeks ago I was in need of a haircut something fierce.
The lovely lady that always cuts my hair was unavailable for awhile due to family stuff, and other good reasons…
So, of course, I took matters into my own hands.
Nor do I condone cutting your own hair if you don’t really know what you’re doing… That never turns out well… 😉
It’s just a glimpse into the crazyness that can be Kassi… haha.
Can you blame me!?!
Check out how out of control that mess was getting…
So… A quick part.

A few snips.
And TaDa… Trimmed bangs!
I trimmed them just enough to not drive me nutso before I could get a “real” haircut… Not bad, I think….
You can see I wear them parted to the left obviously.

Much better! haha.
At least until “real” haircut time!

Happy Wednesday friends!!
Hope you are having a Truly Lovely week!

I "trimmed" my own bangs….

Yep. You read that write.
A couple weeks ago I was in need of a haircut something fierce.
The lovely lady that always cuts my hair was unavailable for awhile due to family stuff, and other good reasons…
So, of course, I took matters into my own hands.
Nor do I condone cutting your own hair if you don’t really know what you’re doing… That never turns out well… 😉
It’s just a glimpse into the crazyness that can be Kassi… haha.
Can you blame me!?!
Check out how out of control that mess was getting…
So… A quick part.

A few snips.
And TaDa… Trimmed bangs!
I trimmed them just enough to not drive me nutso before I could get a “real” haircut… Not bad, I think….
You can see I wear them parted to the left obviously.

Much better! haha.
At least until “real” haircut time!

Happy Wednesday friends!!
Hope you are having a Truly Lovely week!

Guess where I am today!?!?

Remember that big announcement I mentioned earlier…
Well… I am Guest Posting over at the FAMOUS
Check it out here!
I would love you all forever if you would please pop over there and leave some comment love! :)
The more comments the better the guest post of course… heehee!!
Thank you CSI ladies for allowing me to share my tutorial today!!!

Fancy This Features #12

Hello bloggie buddies!! Happy Monday!!

This week’s link ups to were impressive! 
It’s getting harder and harder to choose features each week, when all of the projects are so fun and creative!!!

However, I finally got it narrowed down to the three for this week’s Features!

First up.. Check out these Shadow Box Banks by Tara of Mom’s of All Trades
You can easily put a picture of the item you want to save for inside the box, and watch the money pile up!

Since I’m in home purchasing mode, any cute little home decoration easily catches my eye… Like this lovely Mod Podge tray makeover from Tanya of Make the Best of What’s Around. So bright and cheery!!! Love the blue paint!

And finally… My two girls would love them a new doggie bed. But doggie beds are CRAZY expensive!!! In comes Deanna of Shady Tree Diary‘s homemade dog beds! A huge money saver, but looks like her dogs love them!

Thanks to all you linking lovelies!!! I really enjoy going through (and commenting on) each and every project that is linked up!! 
You all amaze me more and more every single week!

For those that were featured, we would love for you to have this button (our new feature button) to share with your readers, so they can come here to see where your project was featured! It links right back to this post, FYI. 

Thanks again for linking lovelies!! 
Can’t wait to see what you share this week!!!

P.S. I have a FUN announcement coming up here shortly…
*HINT* I’m guest posting at an AMAZING site today!!! :)

Fancy This Fridays Edition #12

Happy Friday lovelies!!
It’s time for the twelfth edition of Fancy This Fridays!!!

And guess what… We have new buttons!!!

All of our new buttons were designed by the amazing Jen of The Blog Cafe!

I won a free header from a giveaway around Christmas.. But Jen sweetly replaced the header with three new buttons instead!
Cause really… we were in serious need of some fabulous professional buttons!

So thanks to Jen, who worked with me to come up with something I hope you guys will love!!!

Now for the party!!! You know the rules by now… but in case you’re new, WELCOME!!!
We are so stoked that you’ve joined!!

There’s only a few rules to this linky party…

Fancy This Friday Rules:
1) Must be your own project
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!

We wanna see what you fancied up this week!!!
And PLEASE stop back by on Monday to see the lovely link ups that were featured from today!!
Thanks for linking lovelies!

Us? Versatile? Well thank you ladies!

So check it out friends…
We received not one, but TWO Versatile Blogger awards this last week!!!
This is another of those spread the bloggie love awards with a few rules…
1. Thank & link back to the person(s) who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award, and let the giver know you accept the award
THANKS SO MUCH TO Courtney of Its a Reynolds-ful World AND Alisha of Homemaking Honeys for awarding us here at Truly Lovely!!!
Thank you sweet ladies for thinking of us!

7 things about Kassi… Hopefully that I haven’t shared before…
1. The Knot is quickly becoming my best friend as it gets closer and closer to our June wedding! We’re around the four months out mark as we speak!

2. I’m starting to stress out a little… See #1 above.
3. I’m starting to really feel the excitement!!! See #1 above. 

4. My Mr. and I are in the process of looking for a house… (which I’ve mentioned before) but the good news is… I THINK WE’VE FOUND ONE!!!

5. Mr. M and I have two doggies. Miss Penny (mini Aussie) and Miss Pandy (mini Aussie/Shelty mix) and we love them like our kiddos! Yep that’s them! :)

6. I love me some coffee in the morning!! Usually not this big of a cup though…

7. I miss her everyday. Love you sweet little Granny!!!

10 Bloggers Fab-tabulous Versatile Bloggers
(SOME of my fave daily reads, as in not all… so please don’t feel left out if you didn’t get one… I try to spread the love around everytime!)

My fabulous bloggie bestie!! Love her!

Fabulous bloggie bestie blog swapper!! And CUTEST nursery fixer upper!

Linking loyals!!! And great proponents of handmade!!

Fabulous new blogger!!! Great crafting ideas!!

Crazy creative lady!!!

Lovely Brit whit from a sweet mommy!

Fabulous home decor ideas and crafts!!!

The name says it all!!!

Fun soon to be wed, mommy to one adorable little girl!

You can’t beat Bella!!! Fun linkies and giveaways!!!


So there you go… Ladies, consider this your notice that you received the award… and your mission, if you choose to accept it… Pass it on!!! :)

Thanks again girlies!!!
P.S. Check out the Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap…
Going on now with the fabulous Miss Ashley of Being Grown Up!!
You’ll see why we chose to award her up above!!! 😉