Fancy This Fridays #45

Hey guys. I’m in a funk
It’s just a few minor things funk… Nothing life altering or anything. 
One of the big ones…
I’m in a wardrobe funk! 
For my birthday the hubs took me shopping all over town for a new outfit. 
After four stores I went home with one pair of jeans that I don’t love. 
A shirt and an undershirt tank top. 
The shirt is exactly like one I bought months ago. In a different color. 
I know. How trendy am I? *rolls eyes*
Not gonna lie… 
I was near tears after shopping because I couldn’t find anything I liked that would fit right. 
Sad day. 

I browse through all of these ADORABLE outfits on … 
That I LOVE… but I have no idea how to pull them off for me. 
Like this one… 

Source: via on

Remember I awhile back, but since quit. Mostly because I feel like I have nothing to contribute really. I wear the exact same outfits week after week. 
Honestly… It’s not even really a funk… It’s more of a… 
‘This is how it’s always been, but it’s really bothering me now for some reason’ thing. 

So… I was hoping, when your finished linking to Fancy This Fridays… 
Maybe YOU can share with me what inspires you to get dressed up! 
Or to go shopping! OR even just your clothes shopping tips.
‘Cause I stink at it… and need all the help I can get. 

Sorry to be a downer today… But this has been weighing on me lately. 
I have to do better. 

OK. Enough of that. Onto Fancy This Fridays. 
What’ve you been up to this week?

Real quick like though, before I forget… 
You’ll want to go enter , this giveaway 
AND this giveaway, which ends tomorrow, when you’re finished!
Oh, and definitely from this week’s Bloggie Bestie, Summer!!! 

OK! NOW… Fancy This Fridays. 

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 
1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog
On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. 
We don’t mind… 
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely. 
That would rock. :)

Thanks for bearing with my rant… If you got this far… 
If not, that’s cool too. In that case, thanks for coming by to link up. 

Have a good weekend. 


  1. I'm not much help in the fashion dept. :( Most days it's yoga pants & an Old Navy tee for me. 😉 Thanks for hosting, lady!

    Ginger @

  2. Ladybird Ln says:

    Thanks for hosting… I totally get what you are saying about the clothes things. I see people in outfits, and think wow that is just darling, or fun, but I can't seem to pull it off for myself… and I have trouble shopping with three kids… and any decent shopping is an hour+away (sigh)


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  4. Hollie - TheSevenYearCottage says:

    Thanks for hosting!

  5. Steph @ Crafting in the Rain says:

    Haha–I will also never do a WIWW. I could only get through a week or two :) Love the outfit you picked out here though!

  6. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    Oh I'm the same Kassi!! Especially if I got out shopping with someone, I never find something that I like.
    Thanks for hosting girl, have a great weekend.

  7. You need a friend to go with you that you love her fashion sense :) she can help you pick out items for your body type and get a few versatile items :)

    Fall/winter offer so many more layers options I love it!

    I find that accessories are my best friend! scarves, necklaces, wide cuff bracelet, etc. It can take an "ordinary" jeans and tshirt day to a new level! :)

    good luck!!! and HUGS!

  8. Thanks for hosting!

  9. agree with the layers for fall/winter.. Im not too much help in the fashion.. Im a tshirt/jeans girl.. :)

    hope you ahve a wonderful weekend

  10. Heather Hawthorne says:

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I am horrible with wardrobe!! I posted two times last month about it. I at least feel better about my outfit if I have a cute headband on! lol! That's my newest trick. When our kids are all in school maybe then we will have time to look cute?



    ♥, A Mom Without Facebook

  11. Amanda @ The Little Giggler says:

    I also quit doing WIWW because it felt like to much work. My wardrobe is just not very exciting right now. I love clothes! Lately I don't really go anywhere worth getting dressed up. Maybe we need more date night or something! A reason to dress up.

  12. Thanks for hosting! Cute outfit! I love seeing those on pinterest too, but I try not to browse them because I know I'll find myself wanting to buy everything!

  13. Brit @ JandMs Eye Candy says:

    Oh man, I know how you feel :( Such cute clothes on Pinterest. I always think, oh so cute, but not on me! I think what we need to do is find that one thing that we can wear with a ton of different things, like a good pair of pants, or a dress that can be changed up to have a million different looks. That is what Cosmo says anyways 😉 If you find that one multi functional item PLEASE let me know! And I will do the same for you 😉

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