Etched Glass Candle Holders

Winter seems to be in full swing!
 Well… as much as it gets to be winter in Arizona… 
Don’t be jealous… haha. 😉

When thinking about decorating for winter… 
You know that time between Christmas and Valentine’s Day? 😉
I realized I don’t really have anything to decorate with that isn’t holiday specific. 
When I think of just winter I think of cold, snow, frost, ice
Etched glass has always looked liked frost/ice to me, so to bring a touch of that into my decor, I made some etched glass candle holders

I used three small glass bulb shaped vases (under $1 apiece at Wal-Mart). 
A sheet of vinyl for my stencil. 
My trusty Silhouette SD
(You could cut out stencils with scissors or an Exacto knife if you don’t have a cutting machine)
A small bottle of EtchAll etching cream 
Gloves and a make up sponge applicator
Because of the ingredients in the EtchAll, make sure you wear some kind of gloves to protect your hands. Also, carefully follow the instructions on the packaging!!!
Rinse in cold water after allowing the cream to work for at least 15 minutes. 
I left mine for a good half hour just to be sure. 
This was my first time etching glass… so of course, I learned a few lessons I’d like to share. 😉
Glass Etching Lessons Learned:
  • The etching cream really needs to be layered on there to make sure it etches the entire surface inside your stencil. 
  • Your stencil needs to be smoothed down completely. Otherwise the cream will leak under it and you’ll get weird etched shapes…
  • Taking photos of etched glass is hard!!! If anyone has any tips, I’d love to hear!

I had to include a picture of them all lit up… 
Even though it didn’t come out very well…

And yes, that was my Christmas tree in the reflection of the TV… 
We really drag out the celebrating around here! *wink wink*
Not really… I took that picture weeks ago. 😉

Linking this here and here and .
By the way… Did you know you can find Truly Lovely here… 
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  1. An Irish Italian Blessing says:

    Very cool!!! I love how versatile they can be too. Thanks for the share! Oh and winter in California has been in the upper 60's and I'm loving it!

  2. These are awesome!!! Definitely pinning this for future reference!

  3. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    They turned out great! Thanks for the tips too!

  4. Those are awesome!!

    You are really forcing me to be crafty. first vinyl, now etching cream!!

  5. I was thinking about this the other day, decorating for 'winter'. But living in Florida, it makes it kind of hard lol.

    This is a really cute idea though, snowflakes are like the universal winter symbol!

  6. Very pretty! I've always wanted to try this, so thank you for the helpful hints. 🙂
    Love the simple snowflake design too!

  7. Hani@Craftionary says:

    So cool.. I love the snowflake etch motive.. 🙂
    Thanks for linking up Kassi

  8. Lena @ Mom2MemphisAndRuby says:

    Those are super cute!
    Thanks for linking up with us!!

  9. Very cute! I actually used this very snowflake on some glass ornaments I etched! We sand carve now, stopped using the cream because of the inconsistencies in the finish. To photograph etchings better, use the flash on your camera, and have a solid dark background!


  1. […] glass candle holders pristine and are also likely to be longer burning as they use more of the wax.Colored Glass Candle Holders | Buy Candle Holders Online For the Widest Choice Colored glass candle … but you will also protect your candle holder. Colored glass candle holders are ideal as Christmas […]

  2. says:

    […] Glass Drink Set February 28, 2012 9 Comments Remember the etched glass candle holders I made?? Well I got a little braver and went a little bigger with this one and made an Etched Glass […]

  3. […] Etched Glass Candle Holders / Truly Lovely […]