Etched Glass Drink Set

Remember the I made?? Well I got a little braver and went a little bigger with this one and made an Etched Glass Drink Set for my friend!
*As first seen on The Simple Things. Thanks for letting me share, Angela!

etching glass
Etching glass REALLY isn’t that hard! It just takes a little bit of time and patience…
As well as the RIGHT etching cream!
First off, you’ll need the glass you plan to etch…
For this gift I chose a glass wine pitcher and four glasses. You can etch just about any type of glass though… For example you can to see those candle holders I etched awhile back…
You’ll also need etching cream. I have tried a few different kinds, but the EtchAll etching cream has worked the best for me so far.
Please keep your hands safe by wearing protective gloves and keep your table top safe by laying down at least a layer of newspaper.

You’ll also need the shape or words you plan to etch on the glass. I use sticky backed vinyl cut with my Silhouette SD for my stencils. This time around I cut out my gift receiver’s name for the pitcher, and ‘her’ glass, and some pretty swirly shapes that were included with my Silhouette software.

Glass etching is really as easy as sticking the stencils to the glass, smoothing it down… Then (while wearing gloves) use a small sponge (I used a makeup sponge) to apply* the etching creme inside the area you’d like to be etched… And wait.
*The key is by apply I mean really glob that stuff on there!
(The etching cream does come with directions for how long to wait, etc.)
Finally, you’ll peal the stencil off, rinse in cold water, and viola!
You have pretty, personalized, etched glass.

Just so you know… Sort of a disclaimer…
Etched glass is CRAZY hard to photograph! haha.
You can click the picture to enlarge it and really get a good look if you’d like. 🙂
Happy etching lovelies!! 


  1. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    That's a very nice gift! Thanks for the inspiration too!!

  2. QB @ Tales from Domestic Obscurity says:

    Love this project!

  3. Our Delightful Home says:

    This is such a creative idea. I would love for you to Link up at my Linky party via:

    Mrs. Delightful

  4. That's such a lovely gift idea! Would be great for giving a wedding gift a little something extra.

  5. wow, i am truly impressed! what a beautiful and thoughtful gift!

  6. I love this idea of the set of wine glasses with the wine pitcher! Just might have incorporate this idea into a wedding gift for my younger sister. This past fall I did some crazy beer mugs for a friends Wedding Shower…..

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  8. I'd say you did pretty well photographing them! I etched a pan of mine awhile back and it's hard to see just looking at plainly sometimes! These turned out great!

  9. Anita @ Cedar Hill Ranch says:

    Oh sweet, I love the etched glass!! I would love to do this sometime, and thanks for linking to cowgirl up.


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