Painted Throw Pillow

Hello lovelies!!!

Did you know you can paint fabric?
Don’t laugh all you crafty smarties out there… I just had this revelation recently, so if it’s old news to you…
Don’t judge… haha.

With my new found fabric painting knowledge I made a Painted Throw Pillow Cover for our living room!!!

This tutorial isn’t about sewing an envelope pillow cover, but if you’re really looking for a few instructions this tutorial from Rae Gun’s Ramblings is a really good one.

To make a painted throw pillow I go ahead and hem the top and bottom (for the edges of your envelope) as well as sew the top and bottom of the pillow cover so that you’ll know where the ‘face’ of your pillow will be.

Then I used my handy Silhouette SD to cut a stencil out of some sticky backed vinyl. If you don’t have a craft cutter (Silhouette, Cameo, Cricut), you can always make your stencil using freezer paper and scissors.

I chose some team ropers for my team roping hubby and because our living area is western themed/decorated.
{Stay tuned for a full reveal of our entire made over living room coming soon!}
I centered the stencil on what was to be the face of my pillow cover. Using a soft bristle paint brush and some brown Enamels paint, I carefully filled in my stencil.

I let it dry completely overnight, then went back to the sewing machine and stitched up the sides of my pillow cover.
Note – It’s SO much easier to paint the stencil on before finishing your cover!!!

That’s it! Now you can display your pretty painted throw pillow in your home! 😉

You could do this with any shaped pillow cover, any stencil, and {it would appear} any paint…
If it’s going to be washed often, I would make sure to get fabric specific paint so that it can be washed frequently.

 Happy crafting lovelies!!!

Linking this here and here and .



  1. Oh I just love this good work. I just made curtains out of canvas this week and love them, I did not think to stencil it though.


  2. bethani says:

    oooo what a good idea. i didnt know painting fabric was that easy….
    would make a great project for some new pillows all throughout the house.

    • So easy!! I hadn’t realized it was that easy either obviously… but it worked out really well! The plan is to make several more! :)

  3. adorable! totally looks great with your decor:) love your blog layout:)

  4. Awesome idea. and even something I can handle 😉 The team roping (that’s what it’s called right?) scene fits your decor perfectly! LOVE IT :))))

    • Team roping is what it’s called. 😉 And it really is way easy! You could use this to match ANY decor!!!

  5. It looks great! And I also love your crate/shelves! Very country and rustic!

  6. I’m right there with you! I never knew you could paint fabric! (Well, I guess I did know that I never thought of actually doing it on purpose and having it look cool!) Nice work on the pillow! I love it!

  7. Yippee ki yay! This is so cute, love it. I’m over from the CSI project.

  8. How cute! It looks great on the couch! Visiting from the CSI Project :)

  9. Love this pillow!! My hubby would love it too!!

    Found you over at TT&J via this week’s link party.

    • THANKS Monica!! SO glad you stopped by today! :) Would LOVE to see it if you make one for the hubs!!!

  10. How cool is that idea! Texan Style! 😉 Love it! Thanks for linking up at friday fun party..

  11. What a cute idea…I’m envious of you and your silhouette…I gotta get one!

    • You do!!!! It is hands down my most favorite crafting tool!!! Well, next to my sewing machine! :) Thanks for the visit today girl!

  12. this throw pillow looks fab with your living room’s theme, Kassi! thanks for sharing this at the party. I can’t wait to see what you have this week. have a fab weekend!


  13. This is really cute! What a great way to create the exact look you want.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Malory! It was pretty easy to do! Hoping to make many more! :)


  1. […] living room is decorated in a western theme, mostly browns and tans. I thought a team roping throw pillow would be fun, and it was, but the space was screaming for some more COLOR! Turquoise in […]

  2. […] living room is decorated in a western theme, mostly browns and tans. I thought a team roping throw pillow would be fun, and it was, but the space was screaming for some more COLOR! Turquoise in fact. […]

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