Secret Blogger Swap – What I Received!

Hey there lovelies! I love a good package swap! Don’t you?!?

Today’s post is about what I received in the Framed Frosting Secret Blogger Swap from the lovely Tiffany of Blabbering Thoughts. It just so happened that she was MY swap partner too, so you can click that link up there to see what I sent her.

Snail Mail Gift

Based on the information I shared about myself, I received the loveliest set of gifts from Tiffany!!! :) She even included a little sticky note to explain about each item!!

The frame – For being a newlywed!
Nail Polish – Something pink
Cute little dotted  flower pot – Something turquoise
WASHI tape!!! – Something fun!

Gift swap

LOVE it ALL!!! I am so excited to try the paper tape… I’ve been meaning to order some (we don’t have a Target here), so I am thrilled she thought to include that! :)
Such a sweet and thoughtful gift!

THANKS TIFFANY!!! Excited to call you my new bloggie friend!!!

Interested in joining a package swap? Check out Cheers, Bethani’s Snail Mail Social.

Have a lovely rest of the week dolls!!!

Linking this to the Framed Frosting link up. :)


  1. How fun! Those are awesome little gifts!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I agree!!! I got an awesome swap partner! :) Hope she liked her gifts as much as I did mine!

  2. I love that flower pot!

  3. You got some great goodies!! We had so much fun with Danielle’s Secret Swap and couldn’t wait to see everyone’s posts. We’d love for you to stop by and see our swap post.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I really did! Thanks for the visit today ladies! Glad you had a great time too! :)

  4. Must do mine ASAP!! I’ve been slacking in my bloggy world, it’ll be up soon I promise! I am glad you like what I got you. AND YOU DON’T HAVE A TARGET? Oh my gosh – I am sorrrrry :(

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Yep, no Target here! Sad day right!?! But that’s ok, you came to my rescue! 😉

  5. Love everything! I have the same nail polish color!!!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I love it!! Funny enough I sent her the SAME kind in a different color! haha. :) Great minds…

  6. Super cute! That frame is adorable.

  7. hello kassi! what a cute idea of doing a package swap! :) blogging is so fun. btw- your blog is adorable! congrats on being a newly wed, i’ll be one myself in 3 months! :)

    andrea brionne

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Hi Andrea!!! Thanks for your visit and comment!! 3 months?! You’re in the home stretch! Enjoy it! It will start to go by so fast!!!

  8. Super cute! I love that frame!

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