Host a Freezer Meal Exchange

What was the world before Pinterest… Seriously. I don’t even “Google” anything anymore. It’s right to Pinterest for me… haha. But really, that’s where I found all of the ideas for my latest girls’ night get together.

First, I saw this and thought, that would be a great way to get some new recipes and meal ideas for my family! Plus it saves yourself a ton of work and money! So I created a group on Facebook, invited my local friends that were interested and we chose a date. We used the Facebook group to have a sign up so nobody brought the same thing and we knew exactly how many meals to make.

Freezer Meal Exchange

We ended up with six girls that came, so everyone made six meals, kept one at home and brought five to the exchange. Then we each went home with five different meals to stock our freezers!

A couple things that could make things run more smoothly…

  • Everyone made a copy of their ingredients, heating instructions, etc. and attached it to their meal in some way. A couple of the girls did freezer bags and wrote the directions in Sharpie. Genius!
  • Ask everyone to bring their meals in clothes baskets! Easy carry in, easy carry out!
  • When your exchange guests arrive have them stack their meals in piles for each guest that way when it’s time to go home everyone just loads up their pile of different meals.

We had the best time just hanging out once everyone arrived. We just chatted, let our kids play and enjoyed a girls night out of the house! Well, for everyone but me. But it was nice to have guests over. 😉

I made this and served it with strawberries and apples. I also served a cheese ball and crackers, and we tried this .

Brown Sugar Fruit Dip

Yummy treats and fun times with friends! Plus now I have a fully stocked freezer with a variety of meals that I didn’t have to put together!!! Win, win, win!!!

In case you’re wondering I made this for my freezer meal to trade and we had it for dinner the other night… DELICIOUS!!!

Tell me, have you ever hosted a Freezer Meal Exchange? Have any tips for making our next one easier/more fun? What’s your go to freezer meal??

Secret Blogger Swap – What I Received!

Hey there lovelies! I love a good package swap! Don’t you?!?

Today’s post is about what I received in the Framed Frosting Secret Blogger Swap from the lovely Tiffany of Blabbering Thoughts. It just so happened that she was MY swap partner too, so you can click that link up there to see what I sent her.

Snail Mail Gift

Based on the information I shared about myself, I received the loveliest set of gifts from Tiffany!!! :) She even included a little sticky note to explain about each item!!

The frame – For being a newlywed!
Nail Polish – Something pink
Cute little dotted  flower pot – Something turquoise
WASHI tape!!! – Something fun!

Gift swap

LOVE it ALL!!! I am so excited to try the paper tape… I’ve been meaning to order some (we don’t have a Target here), so I am thrilled she thought to include that! :)
Such a sweet and thoughtful gift!

THANKS TIFFANY!!! Excited to call you my new bloggie friend!!!

Interested in joining a package swap? Check out Cheers, Bethani’s Snail Mail Social.

Have a lovely rest of the week dolls!!!

Linking this to the Framed Frosting link up. :)

New Years Gift Swap

We interrupt your normally scheduled programming… 
Hey wait! I can post twice in one day if I want to… haha. 

I’m popping in for the second time today because I received a lovely little package in the mail that I am delighted to share!! :) 
And turns out the link up is TODAY! 
This month I joined in the 2012 New Year Gift Exchange Party over at The Wiegand’s

I was partnered with Allison of Whatever the Circumstances
She is LOVELY! 
We swapped emails back and forth for a few days learning we had a lot in common… 
She LOVES Starbucks, I LOVE Starbucks. 
And a lot not so much in common…. 
Her hubs is about to become a lawyer. Mine is a cowboy. 
But what I really learned was that it’s great to make a new friend!!! If you haven’t participated in one of these gift exchange link ups I HIGHLY recommend it! 

I had a great time getting to know Allison and was SO excited to receive a package of goodies all the way from Massachusetts. 

What I received:
Cute little bird notebook
Pretty red nail polish
Burt’s Bees Chapstick (with SPF, perfect for the AZ sun!)
And the MOST adorable little handmade clutch!!! 

You want one of those clutches right??
Well, you’re in luck because Allison is hosting a giveaway over at her place TOMORROW for a cute little pocket clutch that she made as well! 
You can also click over to this link to see what I sent her! :)

Hope you’re having a lovely day friends!
Linking this here at Casey’s place

Measurement Conversion Platter

We’ve talked before about some of our Bloggie Besties… 
And I’ve mentioned Ami of AliLilly before… 
But let me say again, she ROCKS!!! Love that girl! 
We met through blogging of course and have become GREAT friends!

After our wedding, I received this little lovely in the mail from my sweet friend Ami!
The vinyl and earrings are both from . 
The vinyl is meant for use on an electric mixer, but I wanted to put my own spin on it. Of course! haha.

So I whipped up my own measurement conversion platter for my kitchen!
The red platter was purchased at Wal-Mart and matches my red, apple themed kitchen perfectly! 

Simply peel the vinyl from the backing and using the transfer paper included to position how you’d like. 
Then smooth!

Easy, peasy! :) 
I used a little metal easel stand from Wal-Mart, the same one I used , and just bent it a little to hold the extra weight of the platter to display. 

It’s already come in quite handy for converting measurements on a few of my recent baking endeavors. :)
THANKS so much to Miss Ami for the lovely gift! 
Makes me think of my lovely friend every time I see it!
And thanks to Krystin of My Lil Luna for including those lovely earrings!!!
Watch for a post including them tomorrow!!! :)

Linking this here and here and .

A Little Bloggie Housekeeping

Hello dolls! Happy Thursday! 
I’d like to take a second and reacquaint/introduce you to our Bloggie Bestie concept. 

Every Thursday, we host a Bloggie Bestie, which if you’re new here, is a blog swap where we introduce you to a FABULOUS blogger, while we’re guest posting over at their place. 

We feel like it’s a great way to meet new bloggie friends, and to introduce those new friends to our readers.

It’s a win/win in that we also get to meet THEIR readers!
Which is always so fun!

Some weeks we have trouble finding people who want to participate… Others we find lovelies who line up to share with you dolls. SO… just a heads up, the plan right now is to do a Bloggie Bestie every week. On weeks… Like this one….
Where we don’t have anyone scheduled, you might pop by to find a fun post, a project, a giveaway… 
Or some other lovely surprise! 

So… In the meantime, if you’re interested in being a Bloggie Bestie, we would be thrilled to have you!!! Just leave your email in a comment or shoot us an email at ! 

NOW… I would like to give a SHOUT OUT and say a HUGE TRULY LOVELY thank you to the sweethearts that contributed to my birthday giveaway last week!
All of these lovelies have been Bloggie Besties at Truly Lovely before… And are NOW real, true friends that I am sincerely hoping to meet in real life one day!!!

Ami of AliLilly

Kristine and Britney of J&Ms Eye Candy

Ali of Our Happily Ever After and Lil’ Crazy Designs

Thanks girls!!! You rock! 
And thanks to all who participated in the giveaway by entering, sharing and what not! We love you guys!!! 

Speaking of GIVEAWAYS… Have you entered ?
You WILL want to win it! I promise! 😉

See you back here tomorrow for Fancy This Fridays! 

Well lookie there… and Fancy This Fridays #40

We won a brand new award!!! 
Have you checked out the o that we’ve received?
We are quite proud our bloggie buddies wanted to share these with us, so we created a . 
Hope you’ll check it out!
This one is from our good bloggie friends, the ladies of To Sew With Love!!

THANKS sweet friends!!!

The Rules: 
  1. Copy the award image into a post. 
  2. List 10 things that make you happy. 
  3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day. 
  4. Put in a link to their blogs. 
  5. Notify the award receivers. 
  6. Recipients should link back to the sender’s blog.

10 Things that make Kassi happy:
1. My sweet husband 
2. My fun and giving family
3. My amazing friends

Us, with our wedding party
4. My doggies, Penny and Pandy
5.Truly Lovely
6. Crafting up some loveliness
7. Reading a good book
8. Watching a good movie
9. Winning giveaways online! 😉
10. Long weekends!

10 Things that make Kayli happy:
1. My religion.
2. My family.
3. My friends.
4. Music/singing.
Singing at Kassi’s wedding
5. Going home.
6. Reading.
7. Baking, especially cookies or whoopie pies.
8. Making other people happy.
9. Dresses.
10. A clean space.

10 Lovely Blogs (in NO particular order)!!
1. An Irish Italian Blessing
6. AliLilly
8. -->Bubblewrapp’d -->
10. Crowing Victoria 

NOW it’s time to link up to Fancy This Fridays #40!!!

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1) Must be YOUR OWN project (we’ve had a few sharing other people’s stuff… That’s awesome, but we wanna see what YOU did!)
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!
(And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)

 Have a lovely day sweet friends!! 
Thanks for linking AND go, be HAPPY! 😉

    Fancy This Fridays #32

    Yay for Fridays!!! Guess what I’m doing today…
    I am at this moment most likely setting up for our wedding TOMORROW!!!
    The rehearsal is this evening and things are surely busy busy right now! :)

    We’re still doing Fancy This Fridays today though! 
    We wanna see what you were up to this week!!!
    Monday we’ll have a guest feature poster! 
    The lovely Miss Bella of Bella Before and After will be stopping by to feature some FUN projects from this weekend’s linky!!! 

    I’m sure to be recuperating from the wedding weekend fun, but I’ll be back sometime next week!

    Til then, it’s time to party!!!

    Fancy This Friday Rules:
    1) Must be YOUR OWN project (we’ve had a few sharing other people’s stuff… That’s awesome, but we wanna see what YOU did!)
    2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
    not the blog itself
    3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
    4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!
    (And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)

    Have a lovely weekend friends!!! 
    And thanks for linking!!!

    Fancy This Fridays Meets Friday Coffee Talk at FTLOB

    Happy Friday lovely friends!!! :)

    So, we’re doing something new today for Fancy This Fridays… 
    I am EXCITED to be co-hosting Friday’s Coffee Talk over at For the Love of Blogs today!!

    So when you link up here your link will also show up on For the Love of Blogs! 
    If you haven’t heard of it already, or haven’t yet signed the pledge… 

    Do check it out! It’s a GREAT blogging community where I have met a large number of my really great bloggie friends!

    After you’ve linked up, I hope you’ll pop over to FTLOB to join in the Coffee Talk chat!!! It “officially” starts at 1pm Eastern time, but you can leave your input in the comments section all day today! 
    All participants of the chat will be entered to win an 
    EXCITING Coffee Talk giveaway! 
    It could be a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts gift card, coupons for coffee items, or other coffee related surprises! :) Pop over to FTLOB to see what it is! 

    Until then… You can link up here!! 
    Can’t wait to see what you all have been up to this week!!!
    Have a lovely day!!!

    Do You Wanna Be a Truly Lovely Bloggie Bestie???

    So due to the craziness that was these last couple of weeks, there’s no Bloggie Bestie scheduled for today. 
    Instead I’d like to share the links to some of our recent Bloggie Besties and extend an invitation to YOU to be a Truly Lovely Bloggie Bestie

    If you’re interested in blog swapping with us, we do these every Thursday. 
    As the weekly Bloggie Bestie, you get your blog button in the special BB spot on our side bar. 
    Over there. For the entire week. 

    You also get shout outs on twitter! 
    currently has 316 twitter followers that will see your mentions and link to your post. 

    Mentions on the page. Currently at 103 Likees. 😉

    AND, of course, a guest post spot on Truly Lovely! :)

    We have had SOME fabulous posts through our Bloggie Bestie series in the past… What am I saying… They’ve ALL been FABULOUS!

    Here are a few as of late… 

    Ami of Alililly share a last week. 

    introduced herself and some of her projects!

    shared a pillowcase tutorial and an announcement about a GREAT cause. 
    By the way, her Pillow Fight link up is now open! 
    So please go link up your pillow related projects and donate a pillowcase! :)

    It would be great if you had some time and are looking for some good bloggie reading… To go check out these ladies! They all are fabulous bloggers, with some GREAT posts! And would love new readers! :)

    Also… I am looking for someone to design a “Bloggie Bestie” button! Either FREE or SUPER cheap would be great! :) Paying for a wedding is cutting into my blog budget! 😉
    If you would be interested, let me know! 

    Have a lovely rest of your week! 
    And please pop by tomorrow to link up your fancies to the Fancy This Fridays linky party! :)

    Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with AliLilly

    We are so excited to introduce you all to the amazingly talented Ami of AliLilly! This lady is SUPER sweet, CRAZY fun and Kassi’s Lovely Internet Bestie!!! :) She has an adorable daughter, fabulous ideas, and just so happens to live in Kassi’s new state, AZ!!!
    Kassi is guest posting over at AliLilly today! Hope you will all hop over there for a quick hello! And please leave Ami some of your sweet comment love!!! :)
    So, here’s Ami!!!

    Hello there, Truly Lovely readers!  I am SUPER excited to be here today!  Truly Lovely is one of my FAVORITE blogs out there and Kassi has quickly become a WONDERFUL new friend.  She’s my internet bestie!!  Thanks, Kassi, for all your talk/emails.  I should tell y’all too we are BOTH FarmVille junkies!! LOL! 

    So, this is me.  I am Ami and I run AliLilly.  I’m a born n raised Texan who has lived in Arizona for just over a year.       
    I married the sweetest, funniest, most lovingly awesome man named David.
    We have a sweet little girl together.
    Sweet little princess girl is my niece Angie, but the lady bug is mine!  So is that hottie handsome hubby!
    and I am a step mom to our beautiful daughter Marlayna Renne
    This is our sweet Alice Marie or Alie for short.
    AliLilly is named after her!

    I started creating jewelry while pregnant and on bed rest with my sweet Alie.  I opened up my Etsy Shop in January of 2010. 

    All my new found craftiness is TOTALLY inspired by you wonderful ladies!  I love to blog about my crafty adventures, I love to post tutorials, I love to post about the jewelry I make.  This is some of what you will find at AliLilly.


    Tissue Paper Christmas Trees


    My Wall Stencil
    My Handmade Fall Wreath
    How to make Super Cute Gift Bag Art
    Halloween Crepe Paper Rosette Wreath
    How to make Sweet Sentimental Baby Blanket Art
    How to make fun Pinwheels
    I made my daughter a Princess costume.
    Snowmen Rosettes
    Valentine Rosette Fun
    Valentines Day Wreath Tutorial
    Paper Rosette Hearts

    Baby Blanket Rosette Frame

     I post recipes from time to time too!
    Super Easy & Super Delicious Tex Mex Tacos
    The BEST EVER Chicken Fried Steak Recipe
    Rocky Road Cupcake Recipe
    Valentine’s Day Cupcake my sweet 2 yr old daughter helped me make.

    and some of my jewelry

    I’m just trying give back a little of all the inspiration you ladies bring me everyday. That is why I love to blog.
    I hope you stop by to say hello!!
    Thanks so much, Kassi and Kayli, for having me over today! You girls ROCK!!

    Isn’t she fabulous!!! FYI, the VERY first giveaway that I won in blogland was from Miss Ami! See those CUTE Christmas earrings up there? I got those and a Christmas bracelet as well as another pair of earrings that I shared with my mom… SO STINKING CUTE!!! Please go check out her etsy shop at the link shared above! She has some lovely items you WILL want to buy!

    Thanks AMI for being a BLOGGIE BESTIE!!!