
Hey there lovelies! 

Lately there’s a few things that I’ve been loving around this amazing blog community of ours. Thought it would be a good idea to take a day and share with you a few things I’m positive you won’t want to miss!


 I adored this post about making love an action word… Bonus? It includes my most favorite scripture…. maybe that’s cliche, but I don’t care. haha.

SO, SO excited and happy for this sweet girl!

Know anyone getting married? !

Did you know you can have culture shock in…. America. Totally can. And living without Mexican food?! I would never!

This chick has an AMAZING shoe collection… Color me jealous!!! 😉

 Here’s a few fun ideas of activities to do with your kiddos this summer!

Speaking of fun activities do you have a fun list like this? We’re thinking of hosting a sort of Bucket List link up soon… Maybe you should start one! 😉

Isn’t this bow holder ADORABLE!?!?! You can .

I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms, but I can see this recipe making a mushroom lover’s week!

This sweet lady has the cutest little girls!

I’ll take a few of these no sew extender slips… One in white and one in black!
K, thanks. 😉

Can you believe this outfit cost $5!?!?!

Do you ever feel like this with your BFFs?

 I was abruptly made aware of a CRAZY way someone can steal and use your photos! I had no idea things like this were happening! Watermark your pics peeps! Especially those of the kiddos!

The fourth of July is coming up! Help your little miss !

While you’re at it, !

I WILL be drinking my  HOT AZ summer!

Have a lovely rest of the week dolls!!!


  1. That hoax story is insane. Thanks for the links!

  2. Ah, thanks for the shout out! I was totally not expecting it!!

  3. Great post, I want to go through and read each one! I read the culture shock one and it was pretty funny! Have a great day!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      They’re all really fun reads! :) Enjoy the rest of your week friend! Hope your Ripped Contest is going well by the way!!!

  4. The hoax story is scary, but I really like the slip extender!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Isn’t it! I couldn’t believe it when I read that! The slip extenders are so pretty and sounds super easy to whip up!

  5. Yes I watermark my pics now! I’m thinking though if the pics are more personal I may put a light water make smack dab in the center so it cannot be cropped out.
    I also think I may try the mushroom recipe :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      That’s a good idea! I try to keep my watermarks towards the outer edge, but you’re right… they could still be cropped out!

  6. Ya know I always feel a lil silly watermarking my family pics! Well, not any more!! This is a great post, girl! I’m loving checking out all the links. Thanks for including my coffee!!! I’m drinking one right now! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I’m the same way! Consider them all watermarked from now on, right!?! You are most welcome! Such a yummy recipe!!

  7. I loved those no sew slip extenders. I was eyeing them myself. Should you get some awesome swag, you can always throw some my way 😉

  8. Thank you for linking up your sponsor showcase post! :)

  9. Wow what a great post! I love your format – thank you so much for linking up!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Amanda! and thanks to you ladies for hosting! Such a great idea!

  10. I agree watermarking your pictures is very important these days. Never know who is trying snag your stuff.

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