Hey There Four Eyes…

Sixth grade was a rough year for my vanity… I got glasses AND braces all in the same school year. That’s a lot for anyone to deal with…  Yep, that’s me. 6th grade school photo, you’re welcome. 😉

Kassi Picture

It was also a tough year for my parents’ checkbook! Two huge expenses for one child in one school year?! That’s not to mention the normal expenses… things like school supplies, school clothes, sports equipment. And they still had three other kiddos to buy supplies and things for… OH, and did I mention that both of my brothers wore glasses. My mom wears glasses or contacts and my dad wears reading glasses. My sister, the lucky duck, is the only one without vision problems in my entire family! If my parents had not had vision insurance you can imagine how much more expensive that year would have been!!


Nowadays, as you can see from the photo above, my family is still very reliant on our vision insurance coverage. I wear contacts on a daily basis and glasses at night. My mom wears glasses with transition lenses. My younger brother, the groom in the black hat, wears transition glasses. My older brother, in the red shirt was lucky and got laser surgery done on his eyes so he doesn’t have to worry about glasses or contacts anymore!! Besides him any my sister, still with perfect vision {can you tell I’m jealous?}, everyone else worries about covering the costs of our eyesight.

Vision insurance plans, such as provide a frame allowance as well as full coverage of basic lenses. They also provide discounts on lens options including progressive lenses, photochromic lenses, anti-reflective coating, scratch-resistant coating and UV protection. People with VSP insurance are shown to pay much less for their glasses at a national retailer than those without coverage. You can a year with VSP Vision Care while keeping your eyes healthy AND looking stylish {they have more than two dozen brands and hundreds of eye wear styles to choose from}.

Your turn: Do you or anyone in your family wear glasses or contacts? For how long?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Personalized Products from CafePress

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of CafePress. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!

Who doesn’t love taking a fun item and making it their own!?! I have always love personalized products… I like seeing my own name or my own ideas on something I use everyday. That’s where this new site I was just introduced to comes in. Meet CafePress! They are the “world’s largest selection of artist-designed t-shirts, clothing, accessories, housewares and gifts”.

You can choose from all kinds of pre-designed items OR use their amazing design tool to make and design your own items. For example, I used their design your own t-shirt tool and created a t-shirt for my photography business! How cool is that!?! It allowed me to choose from all kinds of graphics or upload my own images!

Womens_Burnout_TeeIf you’re not into completely designing on your own there are hundreds of custom products you can choose from and just add a touch of personalization, like a name. Things like tote bags, drink glasses, phone cases, even underwear!!!

phonecaseCafePress also has a huge selection of invitations. They have funny birthday invites, 1st birthday invitations, Christmas invitations and much more. They basically give you a fun idea and then you take your information like the date, venue, time, etc and fill it in! Easy, peasy!

I am excited to be able to review a product for them soon and I can’t wait to share that with you! In the meantime be sure to check out CafePress.com for your next unique gift idea, team t-shirt, or other fun personalized item!

What I Wore Wednesday

Hey there!!! 

So… for our first wedding anniversary last week Nate gave me a paper gift! Money to buy new clothes!
Very eloquent, isn’t he. :) Love that guy!
You see… I’ve been complaining lately that it was time for some new things.
I’m a horrible shopper friends. Really, I am. I have all these lofty ideas of wearing cute outfits and then I go to actually buy something and wimp out. Partly because I don’t think I’m fashionable enough to pull it off and partly because I’m cheap… true story.

So here are three recent outfits… prior to my anniversary shopping spree. Three outfits that sort of display my um… cheap tendencies… 😉


So, this black shirt has been around awhile… It was my favorite shirt almost two years ago when we took our engagement photos…. and we just celebrated one year of marriage. ha! Those khaki capris were a hand me down, oh, five or so years ago, from my mother in law. I cuffed the bottoms which made them a little cuter I think, but they’re just bulky on top… probably the reason she handed them down in the first place…. :)

More hand me down capris. I also have a pair in dark brown…
But again, two pairs of bottoms that I didn’t purchase myself. Now, there’s nothing wrong with getting free clothes (free rocks!!), but if you didn’t choose them specifically for your body, they probably don’t fit all that well… know what I’m saying?

The white top was a birthday gift from my sister in law. Love it! Those jeans are one of three pair, total, that are decent enough to wear out of the house. For reals. And they’ve been around since I was an UNDERGRAD in college… i.e. three-four years ago. The necklace is from by the way.

So… are we seeing a trend here? I think it’s time to clean out the closet and spend a little anniversary present money!
So… tell me… what’s your go to clothing store? If they have a website, that would be awesome!
Also, what’s your go to summer clothing item??? Another link would rock! I need help…

 Thanks in advance. The hubs thanks you too… you know, for wisely helping me spend his gift. 😉

Linking to these fun parties by the way! Hope you’ll check them out! :)

pleated poppy

There was this one time….

There was this one time….. 

That this crazy awesome couple started on a crazy awesome adventure!!!

That this super fun chick got herself some pretty new fringe!

This pretty girl got some new fringe too!!!

 And this lovely lady went all out and dyed her fringe BLUE!

 Then, there was this one time…. 

That this pretty shared a few of her fave things! Like how she loved Full House!
(Don’t we all!?!) 😉

 That we wanted to wish this chick a happier/less sickie pregnancy!!!

 And a prayer for this lovely to get into the home of her dreams!!!

 This other time…. 

We fell in love with this AMAZING little miss/little mister birthday party!

This pretty girl got to have lunch with Jason Aldean!!

 And a  fun ….

But then, there was that time that….

This amazing lady, along with friends, relaunched a POSITIVE community for women!

 I !

 And would love to !!

 All while thinking this bench makeover rocks!!!

Oh, there was also that one time….

I really wanted to call these cuties my own…

Perhaps while trying the wine mentioned by this pretty girl!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovelies! 😉


Hey there lovelies! 

Lately there’s a few things that I’ve been loving around this amazing blog community of ours. Thought it would be a good idea to take a day and share with you a few things I’m positive you won’t want to miss!


 I adored this post about making love an action word… Bonus? It includes my most favorite scripture…. maybe that’s cliche, but I don’t care. haha.

SO, SO excited and happy for this sweet girl!

Know anyone getting married? !

Did you know you can have culture shock in…. America. Totally can. And living without Mexican food?! I would never!

This chick has an AMAZING shoe collection… Color me jealous!!! 😉

 Here’s a few fun ideas of activities to do with your kiddos this summer!

Speaking of fun activities do you have a fun list like this? We’re thinking of hosting a sort of Bucket List link up soon… Maybe you should start one! 😉

Isn’t this bow holder ADORABLE!?!?! You can .

I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms, but I can see this recipe making a mushroom lover’s week!

This sweet lady has the cutest little girls!

I’ll take a few of these no sew extender slips… One in white and one in black!
K, thanks. 😉

Can you believe this outfit cost $5!?!?!

Do you ever feel like this with your BFFs?

 I was abruptly made aware of a CRAZY way someone can steal and use your photos! I had no idea things like this were happening! Watermark your pics peeps! Especially those of the kiddos!

The fourth of July is coming up! Help your little miss !

While you’re at it, !

I WILL be drinking my  HOT AZ summer!

Have a lovely rest of the week dolls!!!

JUNIEblake Giveaway and Fancy This Fridays #77

We have a TREAT for you dolls this lovely Friday!!!

Have you heard of JUNIEblake yet?

JUNIEblake is a modest clothing line designed by two sisters, Emma and Rachel, and their mother, Lynn.
We’re extra excited to share them with you lovelies today as this brand new clothing line is based out of Safford, AZ!
We are thrilled to be supporting these local lovelies!!!

*Click here to see their segment on Sonoran Living Live.

It all started with their clothing boutique, .
You might’ve heard the name in a few of my WIW posts… Like this one and this one.
They had trouble finding modest, but trendy clothing to sell in their store, so they decided to design their own line!

So exciting, right!?!

Today they are offering a $30 Gift Card to JUNIEblake for one of our lucky readers!!!
You can order from their website online, so no worries if you’re not local! :)

This beauty is one of my favorites!

Loving how this pretty mint top paired with the Kelly skirt makes a gorgeous outfit!!

Please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter and good luck!!
Giveaway closes on Friday June 1st!
THANKS to the ladies of JUNIEblake for offering this lovely giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For an extra entry link up to Fancy This Fridays below, but be sure to tell me what number your link is in the Rafflecopter form above!


Have a lovely weekend friends!!!!



What I Wore

Hey lovelies! How’s your week so far?
Have you entered our May Sponsor Group Giveaway yet?? It IS open to Canadians by the way!

So it has been HOT here! Arizona is already on fire and it’s not even the peak wildfire season yet!!!
That said, cooler outfits are a must.

what I wore, outfit

I decided to try the color blocking trend this week…. Does this even count??
Bright blue undershirt with bright green top has to be color blocking…. Right?

* Green top – Kohl’s  * Blue Undershirt –  * Jeans – Adiktd *

outfit post

I look a little rumpled in these… Sitting in an office chair all day will do that to you I guess… Oops. haha.
You’ve seen the blue cover up thing before…  Now that I look for it though, it was last July that I shared it!! I wear it way more than that…. haha. The capris were a STEAL at our Bealls Outlet… $9!!!! Everything else is from Old Navy!
Except for the shoes…. They’ve been around awhile… Um… Areopostale I think.

grey toms, outfit

My inspiration for this outfit was loosely based on this SUPER cute look from . I haven’t found the colored capris for me yet (EVEN THOUGH I WANT THEM DESPERATELY!) so black it is…
Any suggestions on where I could get some???

* White top – Old Navy * Shoes – TOMS * Capris – Kohl’s * Grey Undershirt – *

I got my hair done too!! I actually got it done a couple weeks ago… but I took these pictures to show you guys and then just haven’t gotten around to posting them yet… SO here’s the before and after.

side bangs

Sorry about the bad lighting on the left and the smudged mirror on the right… I am having hell with good photos!! Sheesh. Anyway, you can see my hair got a little bit darker with a few fun streaks… Kind of a purpley red almost…
By now it’s already faded.
(The top photos up there (the color blocking) were only a couple days ago, you can definitely tell.)

You know what they told me??? My hair is TOO HEALTHY to hold the color.
Awesome… The only really healthy thing I’ve got and it’s a negative…. bah! haha.

So… What trends have you been testing out lately???

Linking to these fun parties by the way! Hope you’ll check them out! :)

pleated poppy

P.S. I made all of my collages with the PhotoGrid app for Android.

Living Room Curtains

As promised I’m back today with info on the curtains from our !

Those are some LONG curtains peeps. 120 inchers to be exact! Before purchasing my curtains I researched like crazy!
Yeah, we all know that means I pretty much just searched for long curtains on Pinterest… but whatevs… 😉
It also included combing through every website I could think of for exactly what I wanted at exactly the price I was willing to pay!

Enter CurtainWorks.com!
{By the way, this is NOT a sponsored post… It’s just a site I liked and thought I’d share!}
I had seen mention of it first on this post from Decor Chick
Thank you Pinterest!

Source: decorchick.com via on


Don’t you think her style of windows looks a little something similar to mine? Sort of.

Anyway, Curtain Works has all kinds of long curtains! There’s even separate pages depending on the length you need!

I ended up choosing these sailcloth, grommet topped curtains. They came in both the 120 inches that I needed for the taller windows and the 84 inches for the sitting room windows.

Word to the wise… this website was the best deal for what I wanted. Long, dark brown, affordable curtains. BUT. They had other options that I liked but were sold out and NOT coming back. I emailed to ask. For real. SO, if you see something there that you like, get it.
Or it will be gone with no return!

As far as the curtains themselves, I’m quite happy with my purchase. They’re just heavy enough to block out the light from the top windows, and long and dark enough to add some drama to the rooms.
And come on… ANYTHING beats the before… 😉

Yes, those ARE pillows. Don’t judge…. hahaha!

I got the extra long, extra sturdy curtains rods from non other than… Wal-Mart Online! I had them shipped to my store, so shipping was free, and they worked out perfectly!

The only negative with our living room curtains? I ironed and ironed those puppies late into the night that I put them up…
(FYI, I put them up by myself! So you can too! Hubs was out of town.)
I washed and ran them through the dryer…
I tried the wrinkle release spray and it seemed to help a tiny bit… but really….
Those dang things are STILL wrinkled! I was hoping the weight would pull them out a little, and I guess it has…

Some people, (like Kayli) say you can’t even tell… But I can tell. I see those wrinkles every single day. Ha!

So… tips on getting them to be wrinkle free would be awesome!?!?

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. We’d love if ! Thanks new friend!!

Fancy This Fridays #73

Yeah, it’s FRIDAY! Whoot! Gotta love a good week coming to a close! :)

So… I’m not saying this to shock you or throw your weekend into chaos… But did you realize Mother’s Day is in TWO WEEKS!?! Don’t panic!
You’ve got time to order momma/MIL/Grandma/Auntie/etc. all a little something awesome to say, “Hey, I love ya!”
All of the links below lead you to items that cost $10 or less! That’s a HAPPY Mom and a HAPPY wallet!! 😉 You’re welcome!

Something like these SWEET chalkboard mugs! My mom loves her morning coffee! Bet yours likes a warm drink now and then too! Or if she prefers a little something cold to drink, how about this CUTE set of coasters to set her drink on!

These pretty smelling bath bars would offer mom a little relaxation!

Does your mom journal? This are super fun! Or if seashells are her thing are lovely!

Every momma loves jewelry! Am I right?! These would be much loved I’m sure! Or this to clip on her jacket or purse! Super cute!

So there you go! Consider your Mother’s Day shopping done! 😉 Now, go link up, then enjoy your weekend!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉


What I Wore

Hey dolls! Haven’t done a WIW (What I Wore) post lately, so here’s what I’ve been wearing throughout the last month or so… I always feel so weird taking these pictures, but for the sake of the blog…. 😉

I wore this to the Diamond Rio concert we went to back in March.
Jeans – Cruel girl, Top – Old Navy, White Cardigan – Old Navy
Boots –  NRS doesn’t carry them anymore it looks like, but you can get them here.
(Which you can’t even really see in the picture…)

Did you notice my white and purple crackle nails?? My mom got the white . I love them! The mum ring is a giveaway win from !

I’ve been trying to do better at keeping my nails painted pretty and changing up my hair… I went for a sort of side bun here with a headband.

Blue shirt – Overstock.com, Shine Necklace

I say that then there’s no nail polish in that one… Oops. 😉 So what do you think?
The cardigan was on sale, so I talked myself into it… Something I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise probably… Keeper?
And the side bun?? I think I like it with the headband?

Linking this to these fun parties. Hope to see you there!

pleated poppy