What I Wore – Now I get it!

I am LOVING being able to work from home! I can get dinner ready, clean house, do my chores during my downtime…
I’ve also been able to fit in a workout three times a week. :)
It’s all great, except for the toll it’s taking on my WIW photo material.

Now, I really get why WIW was created. It’s hard when you’re at home, nobody but close family is going to even see you for the most part… Definitely not a recipe for getting dressed up, know what I’m saying… ?
Then throw in the fact that you dress in workout clothes because you actually workout now… 😉

Point being… Not a whole lot of WIW pictures this week.

wiww post

I put this outfit on about two in the afternoon one day because the hubs was going to go with me to get groceries when he got home.
1) The hubs was ACTUALLY going with me for groceries… that deserves at least some effort to look good on my part. 😉
2)  I hadn’t worn this shirt yet, so I thought a few hours in the afternoon would be a good test run.
3) I have taken ZERO WIWW pictures in weeks…

In other words, a decent outfit had to be done. Thank you WIWW. I get it now. 😉

Now, I could fib and say I wore this outfit a few days ago… And in fact, I very well may have.

t-shirt and jeans outfit

I wear something similar to this more days of the week then I care to admit. But these pictures specifically were taken in… March. That’s right, nearly six months ago.
I know it’s not a very good comparison to the top photo, but I share it because I HAVE really been working out. Can you tell at all?
I’m five weeks into the Couch 2 5K and I’m at that point where I’m starting to wonder if it’s worth it. Deep down I know it is… But it’s just now really getting hard.

What do you do for motivation when something starts to get harder and you worry about giving up?

AND how do you encourage yourself to get dressed up, even on those days when it seems pointless?

FYI: My birthday is TOMORROW! I hope you’ll come back by to enter my Big Birthday Bash Giveaway! 😉
And hopefully I’ll have a few more WIW photos share from my birthday week next time.

Linking this to these by the way!

pleated poppy


  1. Exactly, why bother 😉 I like the blue shirt though, it is cute and looks comfy. Way to go with your running program. I remember when I was training for my half marathon, I think the only thing that kept me going was my running partner. She didn’t mess around! I would have been a lazy bum with out her, sorry no help for you there 😉

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I hear that… I do so much better when I know there’s someone to help keep me accountable… So far I’ve been using a text to the hubs to say I’ve done my workout for the day. :) He’s good and asking if I haven’t sent it that day… haha.

  2. I’ve been wondering how you are such an active little blogger! Is working from home the answer??? :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Partly, yes. :) But even before that I sit at a computer all day mostly just waiting for calls to come in. That leaves me with a lot of time on my hands. 😉

  3. I never got it either, but Monday and Tuesday I was home all day and just wore a house coat, so much more comfortable :)

  4. Exactly! I work from home full-time, so outfit posts are definitely motivation to actually wear something more than PJs and the same old t-shirt and blue jeans.

    Also: love that blue top in the first pics. :) Cute!

  5. I know what you mean. I no longer work…….I retired almost 2 years ago and I find myself just pulling on yoga pants and a t-shirt and going without make-up. GASP! I’ve been forcing myself to make more of an effort, even putting on make-up. That little bit of effort on my part actually does make me feel better. You’re so lucky you can work from home. Had I had that option, I may still be working………….naw, just kidding. :) Seriously, you look cute. Love the blue shirt.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I am loving working from home! I know it’s not something that works for everyone, but it’s perfect for us! Congrats on retiring girl… If I were YOU I’d live it up with your thrifting, crafting and gardening just like you are! :)


  1. […] – New Glasses from Firmoo October 10, 2012 Leave a Comment So I know in my last What I Wore I promised outfits from my birthday…which I’ll post soon, I promise! But this week I am excited to share […]

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