Archives for February 2013

Preggo Update and WIWW

Hey there friends! How’s your week so far??

I thought it was about time I provided a little preggo update, to catch up anyone that might be interested and so that I can look back and remember someday. 😉 So as of right now I am at the end of week 19. Week 20 begins tomorrow and that means we are HALF way! It feels like it’s taking forever. I know some people say it flies by and maybe it will on the downhill side, but right now it’s dragging!!!

Since 16 weeks I’ve done pretty good about taking belly shots. Nothing super cute or fun, just shots of me in the mirror, so I have something to see how much baby grows from week to week.

Below is 16 weeks on the left, then 17 on the right.

At 16 weeks Nate and I went in for a sonogram. The doctor had told me early on that baby looked small, so they scheduled a sonogram just to check in and make sure all was ok… Granted, the sono didn’t take place until WEEKS after the doctor told me that… So either by then baby had decided to grow, or the doctor was just being overly cautious, because everything looked good. While we were there we also got to see what we’re going to have!!! :) More on that in a later post…

I have been incredibly lucky… at least that’s what everyone tells me. 😉 I haven’t had ANY morning sickness. I did have a spell there in the first trimester where if I didn’t eat as soon as I felt hungry I would start to feel sick. I was crazy tired there for a long time, but that seems to have let up some now. My mantra there for awhile was, ‘Yep, it’s after 8 PM… totally acceptable to get in bed now!‘ And then, there’s been the laziness. I have never been more lazy in my life! Folding clothes? Doing dishes? Eh, it can wait. haha. But that too has started to wear off a bit. I’ve actually even done a craft for baby this last week! Watch for a post on that sometime soon.

As you can see in my 18 weeks photo above, I have been wearing a LOT of t-shirts and either workout or sweat pants. I work from home, I am starting to get uncomfortable in normal clothes, so comfy clothes it is! My friend, Meghan who just had her little boy (mine and Nate’s godson!!!) in October, brought me a whole bag of maternity clothes. Some shorts and bermuda shorts, a belly band thing, and several shirts! Hopefully with the ones I got from Meg and working with what I already have I won’t really have to buy any maternity clothes. *fingers crossed!

Below is my 19 week photo. That was the first day I tried out the belly band (similar one found here). It’s one of those things that looks like a tube top, but you pull it up over your unbuttoned and/or unzipped pants to keep wearing your normal bottoms awhile longer. It took some getting used to at first, but I love that I can wear my normal clothes a bit further into pregnancy!

So tell me friends, what pregnancy symptoms did you experience?? How long did you make it before turning to maternity clothes??

Linking this here as a sort of WIW post….. 😉

pleated poppy

Fancy This Fridays #115 and Features

Happy Friday pretties!!! Since I’m a little late getting this up today I’m just going to dive into the features from last week’s party!

First up Marissa from Rae Gun Ramblings shared this sweet girls’ heart cutout dress. It’s unique, cute and fun!!!

Next, Rebekah of Accidentally Wonderful shows us how to quickly makeover your bathroom with just a few accessories!

And Artsy Vava shared her super cool made over turquoise chair! Love the color and the fabric!!

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!

OH, and real quick, before you go… We’re moving right on up the list thanks to your help!!! Won’t you take just a sec and click this button to vote for us again?? All you have to do is click the button for your vote to count. Thanks!


UncommonGoods: Unique Gift Ideas

Hello there dolls! I have a fun new website to share with you today! Have you ever heard of UncommonGoods?

I recently had the opportunity to review two products from their unique selection of gifts for men, women and children! The site is literally overflowing with all kinds of fun gift ideas together all in one place, gifts that you’d be hard pressed to purchase together at any other location!! I pondered the site for a really long time trying to decide what to choose! For example they have tons of sweet surprises for little ones even grouped by age! You can see the options for children 0-3 years old here.

I finally decided on the ‘A Year of Gratitude’ kit and the ‘Cake Pops’ kit for my two products.

My package arrived just a few days from the time I placed my order. Both products were securely wrapped and well packaged, peace of mind coming from a site where you might order a delicate or breakable item!

The A Year of Gratitude kit includes 52 thank you cards with envelopes, one for each week of the year, tips on writing a good thank you letter and a journal to record all the little things you’re thankful for.

Everything comes packaged neatly in a nice keepsake box. The thank you notes and envelopes really are classy, not some cheap, poorly printed papers. The journal so far has been a real asset in helping me remember to be thankful for even the little day to day things. And come on, who doesn’t love to receive a little snail mail once in awhile!?! Sending out the thank you notes has been and will continue to be a treat for me and my recipients!

You’ve heard of Bakerella, right!?! The Cake Pops kit was developed by the cake pops queen herself!

It includes a cake pops stand, shown above on the far right, enough bags, pop sticks, ribbon and tags to make 48 cake pops and a cake pop instruction booklet. The booklet includes ten fun cake pop how to designs, everything from basic cake balls to intricate rubber duckies! With all of the big events I have coming up, everything from baby showers to weddings I can’t wait to try out all of the cake pop designs!

Either of these items, the gratitude kit or the cake pops kit would make a fun gift for a lovely lady in your life! You can find other unique gifts for women on this page.

Your turn: What is the most unique gift you’ve ever received?

Disclosure: I received the two products mentioned from UncommonGoods in exchange for my honest review. As always opinions shared are 100% my own!

Love is….

Hey there pretties! How’s your week so far??

So, do you know our girl Kristine of The Foley Fam? You most certainly should… She’s got a place of honor over there on our sidebar, sponsor section.

<—– Over that way… and down a little. 😉

Any who, today she’s hosting a Love Is…. link up. She wants to know what love looks like in your house! {Her hubs’ name is Nate, too. What a coincidence right!? :) And they are just adorable together…}

So here’s my love is contribution… :)

Love is… waiting all day for that phone call from Nate that he’s on his way home from work. Best part of my day!

Love is… instant messages to my momma while she’s working and I’m working during the day. It’s how we keep in touch during our work hours.

Love is… a little black doggie always at my feet. I think she’s a little co-dependent… 😉

Love is… a sweet text message from the hubs during the day. He only gets to text me around lunchtime while he’s working.

Love is… back scratches before bed.

Love is… planning for our sweet little bundle to be.

What does love look like in your house?

Facebook Imposter

Hey dolls! Happy Monday!

So I have a wild story to share with you today… Last night I received an interesting phone call… It came from an Oklahoma phone number, intrigued I answered it.

The woman on the other end informed me that someone is using my photo on a fake Facebook account… Basically she said the person using the account has been harassing her via Facebook, so she looked up the photo some how on Google and found my Scentsy website. {How I have NO idea, if anyone knows how that works, I would LOVE to hear about it!!!}

Long story short I looked up the account this morning and sure enough, she’s using the photo OF ME from my Scentsy website as her profile picture. I have reported the account to Facebook and hopefully they’ll remove it. UPDATE: Facebook removed the account!!! Win!!!

Anyway, I’ve heard of this kind of thing happening but have never experienced it first hand. Just thought you all might like a heads up… I’ve even heard of people recreating accounts using photos and your actual name… I think it’s a good idea to search your name every once in awhile… just make sure nobody is wrongly impersonating you!

Be aware friends… The Internet can be a wild world these days!!

Your turn: Do you have any experience with Facebook or other online imposters?? How did you deal with the problem?

Fancy This Fridays 114 and Features

So… how was your Valentine’s Day??? I’d love to hear all about the goodies your Valentine showered you with yesterday?

Until then, check out these fun features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party!!!

First up, in honor of hearts day yesterday, Alexis of Pearls, Paisleys and Petticoats shared her fun Burlap Love pillows. Perfect for Valentine’s Day, but can certainly be left out all year!

Next Christine of The DIY Dreamer shared a sewing machine cover up round up! It’s full of tutorials and places to shop for your own sewing machine cover. Just so happens I’m in the market! Perfect timing!  I think that pretty one in the top right corner is my favorite… What’s yours?

And finally, you have GOT to see this kitchen makeover by Lauren of If It’s Not Baroque… She took her kitchen from boring white to unique black and white!!! This Chevron Kitchen makeover is quite impressive!

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!

OH, and real quick, before you go… We’re moving right on up the list thanks to your help!!! Won’t you take just a sec and click this button to vote for us again?? All you have to do is click the button for your vote to count. Thanks!


My Valentine is going to be a daddy!

Happy Valentine’s Day sweet readers and friends!!!

In case you missed our announcement post, the hubs and I are expecting our first little one in July!! Thank you so much to each and every one of you that commented on that post, replied to my tweets, commented on Instagram, etc, etc. Like I said that day, I was just as excited to share the news with all of you as I was the people I shared with in real life! It means a lot to me to read through each supportive, encouraging comment!!!

The person I was most excited to share the news with, and the person that I told before anyone else, was my husband Nate. My forever Valentine, of course (seeing as how today is the day of love and all that…) ;).

I had visited my parents’ over that weekend, and had suspected that maybe I might be… But I didn’t mention it to anyone. I waited until Monday morning and took the test. Nate was on a hunting trip and wasn’t due home until that evening. All day long I googled fun ways to share the news with your loved ones… Nothing really fit us…

I finally decided to think of my own way. As you may recall my birthday gift from the hubs was my new camera. At the time I’d only had it just over a month, so I was still learning how everything worked… I took a picture of the test and waited anxiously ALL stinking day for him to come home!

Once he got home, I was so excited to tell him, but I wanted to have us sit down and show him the camera…

Oh my word, you guys… did he drag out getting home, telling me about the trip, then we had to run next door to his brothers to trade vehicles… ALL before I got to say ANYTHING!! It was torturous, I tell you! But I waited…

When we finally sat together on the couch I grabbed the camera and told him I had taken some fun photos I wanted him to see. I set it up so that he had to click through a couple other random photos before the positive test came up. I sat there watching him click through until he got to the test…

Who’s is this?” he said. I just smiled. He smiled.

Yep, Nate’s going to be a daddy. It was a simple announcement from me to my hubs, but it was perfect for us.

Your turn! How did you or do you plan to tell you significant other that you’re expecting??

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes Progress Report #2

Happy Happy February!!! (: This year is already flying by and I for one am elated, I think 2013 is going to be GREAT. I’m so excited it’s time to check in again and see how everyone is doing with their wishes. I don’t have A LOT to report- but by small and simple things, right? Several of my wishes are geared more for summer so hopefully things will move a little faster then. If you haven’t started yet- not a big deal! The point is for it to be fun and open- you can absolutely still join us! Just write up your list and grab a button here!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Here’s how things are going with my list!

All progress/updates from last time are in red and the newest updates are in purple.

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes by December 2013

1. Grow a garden. (Like really grow one. Keeping the weeds out and tending it to it and all!)

2. Start playing the guitar.

3. Make and send valentines.

My roommate and I made some this weekend! So the sending part is stalling out a little bit. I WILL be sending them- they might be a few days late but they’ll get there! (:

4. Buy my first pair of converse.

5. Make meditation a habit. (Not necessarily the kind of meditation you’re thinking, just learning to be.)

I’ve started this one- it’s been sort of difficult because adding a new habit is hard- but I have time to improve.
I have to admit I’m not doing a very good job of this, but I’m trying- a little at a time. (:

6. Finish an embroidery project. (Like pillowcases, or a dresser scarf or something.)

I actually finished my first pillowcase AND I’ve done another little small project- but I won’t cross this off until I finish my other pillowcase (:

7. Learn the alphabet in American Sign Language.

I started this one too! I had them all memorized for like a week and now I forget a few, so I still need to rehearse to keep it in my long term memory- but we’re getting there!

8. Reread the entire Harry Potter series.

9. Paint again! (And maybe try something super abstract)

10. Sleep under the stars.

11. Read at least one C.S. Lewis book.

12. Buy 1 FULL outfit that I really love and maybe wouldn’t buy otherwise.

13. Get a professional best friend photo shoot done with Sara.

14. Go fishing in the evening off of the dock.

15. Do the Color Run!


All signed up and ready to go in January! (:
Went and LOVED it!!! It rained the whole time and it rocked. Seriously, there was color everywhere and music and people were dancing and yelling and it was THE. BEST.

16. Spend an entire day riding horses PURELY for fun- wherever I feel like going.

17. Throw someone a full on party- birthday or just because.

(I just changed this one because I like this wish better! You can see what I replaced it with by going to my original list here.)

18. Go to the Catwalk.

19. Learn to bake homemade bread!

20. Donate, even if it’s just a little, to a cause that I really believe in. (I’ll be doing lots of research for this one! (; )

And there it is! How’s your list coming along?? We’d love to have you write one and link it up here if you haven’t already!!

Twenty Wishes Progress #2 Link Up

Hey there lovelies!!!
So glad you’ve come back by to share your second round of 20 wishes progress with us!!! If you missed it, here’s a little more about WHY we’ve created the 1 Year 20 Wishes project!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely

You can see my progress here and Kayli will be sharing hers tomorrow. We’ve also got our mom’s progress list coming your way soon! :)

We aren’t requiring you to follow anybody, visit anybody, or anything else really. The point is for you to have a place to share and work towards accomplishing those things you really want to do. Although, we do hope that if you’re looking for a new bloggie friend you’ll check out the ladies in our list… We love them all and you will too. :)

Don’t worry if you don’t have much progress so far… It’s only February! You have the rest of the year…
The point though is to get those wishes marked off! Can’t wait to see what you’ve accomplished so far!!!

Fancy This Fridays 113 and Features

Happy, happy Friday!!!!! I for one am SO, SO glad this week is almost over. It’s been a long one. Anyone have any fun weekend plans??

Oh, and real quick before we get to this week’s Fancy This Fridays post, won’t you take a second and click this button?? We’ve FINALLY made it to the first page of our Picket Fence section and would so like to move on up to the top!!! :) Thanks in advance!!!!

Now, let’s jump right into the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party shall we??

First up, celebrate the month of love with a FREE February desktop calendar from Danette at All My Love for All My Days! Isn’t it festive!?! {Please click over to her place to actually download the calendar!}

Next, french toast is one of my all time favorite breakfasts!!! Aubrey of Homegrown and Healthy shows us how to put a healthier spin on an old favorite with her Whole Wheat Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast!

And last but not least Katherine of Irish Italian Blessings shared instructions for adding text to shapes in Microsoft Word. Think of the ‘printable’ possibilities!?!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!