Kassi’s 20 Wishes Progress – March 2013

Now that March is in full swing, the first day of Spring is only a day away, we’ve all taken down the green from St. Patty’s, etc, etc… It’s time for ANOTHER 20 Wishes progress report! :) So here’s my progress as of March 2013! If you have yet to join us, please check out this post for the what and why, then write up your 20 wishes and come back here on Wednesday, March 20th to link up your list! Everyone else, can’t wait to see your progress on Wednesday!

{Progress for March are this color and in italics. Progress updates from February are this color and in italics. Progress updates for progress report one are red and in italics.}

Here’s a button for those of you that have yet to join and those of you that have yet to grab a button! 😉

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Kassi’s Twenty Wishes List for 2013

1. Read 50 books, just for fun, that I WANT to read. {So far I’ve read 17 books putting me 8 books ahead of my 50 book goal by the end of the year. Granted, I know with baby coming in July there won’t be much time for reading in the second half of 2013 so I’m really trying to get as many in as possible now. Also…. If you click over and take a look at the books I’ve read, there’s no contest that any of them were books I didn’t WANT to read! No have to reads going on here!!! Whoot!}


2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kassi has
read 17 books toward her goal of 50 books.




2. Take a trip up Mount Graham. (I’ve lived here a year now, think it’s time to start checking out the local sites!) {Still haven’t gone, but the snow is starting to melt on the mountain, so maybe sometime soon!!}

3. Make a scrapbook of my trip to Australia. (I’ve had the photos since um… 2003…. oops….)

4. Participate in a Color Run! {My sister and sisters in law ran with me in the Tempe Color Run in January. I still plan to do a whole post, but again, waiting on the photos from the sister in law that took her camera…. haha! Until then, here’s an Instagram of our team after the run!!!}

5. Host a girlfriends’ dinner party in my home. Invites, menus, the whole she-bang!

6. Build my photography portfolio to include 10 different sessions. {I’m up to 8 sessions now! I have one wedding for sure booked for June and several other quotes out hoping for bookings in the next few weeks!}

7. Make a photography website and FB page with those 10 sessions. {I just launched my website!! I purchased the domain  (www.kassimortensenphotography.com) and set it up last week! I’m working on getting the 8 sessions I have added to the page. Be a dear and go check it out, yes? And maybe follow…. 😉} {Facebook page is done!!! Won’t you be a doll and like ?!? Oh, and check out my sweet new logo c/o while you’re there. 😉}

8. Attend an AZ blogger event.

9. Makeover my master bedroom.

10. Visit a winery and do a wine tasting.

11. Plant rose bushes in my backyard.

12. Take a 2 year anniversary trip just me and the hubs.

13. Private wish. (This is something I REALLY, really, REALLY wish for, so I don’t want to jinx it… When it does happen I’ll share what it is.) 😉

14. Makeover our guest bathroom.

15. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour. {We have a hotel room booked for the night of the concert!!! It’s just over 2 weeks away!!} {We have tickets!!! Kayli, our mom and I will be seeing George in April!!!}

17. Take a photography class or work shop. {I just purchased an online digital photography certification class via Groupon!!!}

18. Download a Book of Mormon reading app of some sort and read at least the first half! {I downloaded Book of Mormon Chapter Tap, it’s an app for $0.99 that lets you check of each chapter as you read through. So far I’m well ahead of schedule!}

19. Visit Build a Bear and actually build a bear.

20. Host a holiday for my family including a traditional dinner.

So there you have it! My 20 Wishes progress as of March 2013! Don’t forget we hope to mark all these wishes off by next December!
See you back here on Wednesday with your progress, yes? :)



  1. Oh, wow! Lots of progress! Congratulations! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Marci! Excited to see what you’ve been working on this last month!

  2. If you have an iPad or e-reader, it’s actually fairly easy to read on there while feeding the baby (after you get the hand of feeding the baby). Although I wouldn’t recommend doing so if you’re on a concrete floor (been there, dropped the iPad).
    Also, I’m so curious as to your private one! Hopefully it happens so I know, and because you really want it of course 😉

    • by hand I meant hang, fyi :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I’ve heard that! I have a friend that just had a baby and she says she uses her ipad like crazy! I have an e reader… Maybe I can talk the hubs into an ipad or something similar for a baby gift. 😉 And I’ll be sharing that one before long… It is happening as we speak…. *wink*

  3. wow!! you read a lot!! I wish I could find the time to do that.. I have two books on my nightstand.. both half-way!! but every time I go to bed I’m too tired to read!!! :(

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I work from home so I do a lot of reading during the day… during my lunch breaks and what not. So it’s easy to fit it in now… used to be not so much. LOVE that I have the time I do to read. :) Hope you can fit it in, it’s so worth it!

  4. Great progress, Kassi! Keep up the good work! So jealous that you get to see George Strait .. hope you share pics!
    xo Heidi

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I will for sure! We are so excited! Especially since this is his final tour! I saw him once several years ago, but it will be way fun to go with my sister and mom!

  5. Great job Kassi! You inspired me to start reading again. I love reading, just always put it on the back burner. Can’t wait to see what everyone else has been up to!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      OH good!!! I LOVE reading! Don’t know what I’d do without it especially on the slow days at work. I would be so bored I”m sure!


  1. […] You can see my progress here. […]

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