One Year Twenty Wishes

Hi there loves. Hope you all had a safe and Happy Halloween!
Happy first day of November by the way! :) We are planning to start this month of with a bang!!! So here we go…

A few weeks ago I read a book. Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber. In short it’s about a group of ladies that each make a list of 20 Wishes.

Things that they really want to do. Fun things. Happy things. Things like buying a pair of red cowboy boots or traveling to a foreign country. Not things they have to or ought to do… Like paying off bills, exercising more. Although a 5K might be a fun one. 😉

Anyway, that struck me as a fun idea. But I let the idea go for awhile and didn’t think of it again until this last weekend. Last week one of mine and Kayli’s closest friends lost her dad in an accident. We were both fairly close to him having grown up just down the street… Visiting his house often, spending time with their family throughout our entire lives. He was my long distance running coach in high school… I share this with you because it struck a chord in Kayli and I. Life is short. Life is not guaranteed. And although we both believe this life is not the end… You still HAVE to work with the time you have however long that might be.

So, what we’d like to do is write OUR own lists of Twenty Wishes. We’ve decided to put a time limit on it being twelve months starting in December… In other words you have twelve months to complete your twenty wishes. Then next December we’ll each write a new list.

Kayli and I will be writing and posting our lists next week, Tuesday and Wednesday consecutively. Then on Thursday we’ll host a link up. Here’s where you come in… We’d love to invite you, each of our dearest blog friends, to write YOUR own list and link it up with us on Thursday. That gives everyone a full week to think about what you want your 20 wishes to be. Again focus on things you truly want to do! Things you want to see, things you want to experience. Those things you feel like you should do aren’t meant for this list. Things like going to the doctor/dentist/whatever-not-so-fun-thing we all know we should be doing but haven’t can be put on another list. This one is for the things you really WISH to do.

Truly Lovely

<div align="center"><a href="/category/twenty-wishes/" title="Truly Lovely"><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/wishes-button.png" alt="Truly Lovely" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


Kayli and I both have 30 Before 30 and 25 Before 25 lists… We’ll keep these lists, but hope that our twenty wishes list will coincide somewhat. These lists are great, but they include both things we wish to do and things we ought to do… Plus for each of us it gives us a few years to get them done… Something that isn’t very conducive of ACTUALLY doing any of them. 😉 Am I right? Thus the ONE YEAR time limit on our Wishes List.

Once a month from now on, starting in December, we’ll host another link up. One where you can write about the wish(es) you’ve accomplished over the last month. Kayli and I plan to photograph the completion of each of our wishes, so we have something concrete to look back on later! If you haven’t accomplished anything don’t fret… Some will take the full year I’m sure, and that’s OK. But the ENTIRE point is to do these things before next December because you never know how much time you have left.

We’re excited to have several of our bloggie friends signed up for co-hosting at least this initial link up. They’ll be the first few blogs in the link up marked co-host next Thursday. We’re not requiring you to follow anyone, or visit anyone… that’s not the point of this. But if you do have some extra time and are looking for an AMAZING new blog to read, we highly recommend each of our co-hosts. 😉

We’ll also be hosting ‘guest posts’ as it were from the closest people to us in real life, including our mom and a few close friends. We really WANT everyone we know to get on this Twenty Wishes train. Get those things done that you’ve always wanted to do!!! Do them now, with us!

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !


  1. I love this idea!! I saw the email but am so swapped with bloggy biz lately I haven’t had a chance to read the details but I really want to be a part of it. Really sorry for your loss too :(

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks lady! As soon as you get a chance if you’ll reply with what you’re interested in, we’ll get you set up! :)

  2. I’m so excited for this! Yay!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Oh us too!!! I’ve been working on my list all week!!! :) Can’t wait to see what’s on yours!

  3. I am really excited about doing the 20 wishes. I think I need to read the book to get ideas. I tried writing some down and all I have is 1. I really need some ideas.

  4. Lora (Howard) Wells says:

    I absolutely LOVE this idea. I’m a little late finding this but will do my best to catch up! I dont have a blog of my own – quite frankly, it takes up too much time. I’m in the process of a divorce and will be reverting to my maiden name when complete, thus my reason for including it in my sign in. Please do NOT feel sorry for me, the last 10 yrs of my marriage have been VERY unhappy for me!!! In fact, were I still in that relationship I would not be able to participate in this, as my soon to be ex expected everything to be about him and HONESTLY had no concept of allowing me to do anything that I WANTED. So call this my 20 FREEDOM wishes! LOL!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      YEAH Lora!!! I hope you’ll share your wishes with us somehow so we can encourage and support you! Your story is one of the best reasons to get YOUR WISHES underway!

      • Lora (Howard) Wells says:

        Thanks, Kassi, that’s what I thought too when I saw your post! Looking forward to it!


  1. […] you’re here, take a sec and check out our newest project! We would be delighted if you would join […]

  2. […] As promised, here’s my list of 20 Wishes for our 1 Year 20 Wishes project! Find out more about the project and why we’re hosting it here. In short, this is a list of 20 Wishes I plan to accomplish before next December. These are wishes […]

  3. […] of our 1 Year 20 Wishes Project. In case you missed the news on that, you can learn more about it here. And you can read Kassi’s list […]

  4. says:

    […] 20 Wish link party! You can read more about this wonderful concept and how it came to be here!  It’s really great and I just had to join in.  My precious Alice is 4 now and I’m […]

  5. […] Kassi and Kaylie from Truly Lovely came up with idea of One Year, Twenty Wishes I was really intrigued. They came up with the idea of making a list of 20 things you really want […]

  6. […] progress report! So here’s my progress as of March 2013! If you have yet to join us, please check out this post for the what and why, then write up your 20 wishes and come back here on Wednesday, March 20th to […]

  7. […] each one of you is making on your list!!! If you’re new here, check out why we created the 1 Year 20 Wishes project! If you have yet to link up YOUR 20 wishes list, we would love to invite you to write one and link […]

  8. […] are your 20 wishes coming along??? Have you written a list yet? If you have yet to join us, please check out this post for the what and why, then write up your 20 wishes and come back here on Wednesday, April 24th, to […]

  9. […] Write them up and link them with us here. To read more on the what and why we’re doing this check out this link. It’s a year long project for your wish […]

  10. […] will be this Wednesday, January 8th. If you’re interested in joining us this coming year, check out this post for the what and why, then write up your 20 wishes and come back here on Wednesday, January 29, to […]

  11. […] yay for 2014! it’s almost February and people are either keeping up with their resolutions or given up for the year. Kassi and Kayli over at Truly Lovely started Twenty Wishes. It’s a compilation of twenty wishes and/or goals that you hope to accomplish at some point during the year. You can read all about the first year here. […]

  12. […] round two of our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely! We want to invite you to join us by writing up your 20 wishes list and coming […]

  13. […] can read more on One Year Twenty Wishes here, but the gist is that life is too short. Too short to not really strive for those things you really […]

  14. […] read about why Kassi and Kayli originally round one of this project back a little over a year ago here.  I can summarize for you, however in three words:  LIFE IS SHORT.  It’s too short.  For […]

  15. […] FINALLY here!!! Time to link up and share your Twenty Wishes for 2014! You can read more on why we started this project back in 2013 here, but the gist is that life is too short. Too short to not really strive for those things you really […]

  16. […] you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to peruse the prior link for the what and the why and […]

  17. […] to the monthly 20 Wishes link up party! If you want to know why we started it you can read so here. You can read last month’s update […]

  18. […] you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to check out the prior link for the what and the why and […]

  19. […] you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to check out the prior link for the what and the why and […]

  20. […] to the monthly 20 Wishes link up party! If you want to know why we started it you can read so here. Please feel free to join us, there’s no such thing as being late to this party! The more the […]

  21. […] to the monthly 20 Wishes link up party! If you want to know why we started it you can read so here. Please feel free to join us, there’s no such thing as being late to this party! The more the […]

  22. […] you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to check out the prior link for the what and the why and […]

  23. […] to the monthly 20 Wishes link up party! If you want to know why we started it you can read so here. Please feel free to join us, there’s no such thing as being late to this party! The more the […]

  24. […] you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to check out the prior link for the what and the why and […]

  25. […] to the monthly 20 Wishes link up party! If you want to know why we started it you can read so here. Please feel free to join us, there’s no such thing as being late to this party! The more the […]

  26. […] you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely please check out that link. So initially I had planned to link up every single […]

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