A Finale Concert aka Another Wish Marked Off!

On April 6 I was able to cross off #16 of my Twenty Wishes list!

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour.  Back when they first became available, several, several months ago… Whenever that was, haha. I purchased three tickets to the concert. One for me of course, one for Miss Kayli for her birthday and one for the hubs. About a month ago he decided to gift my mom with his ticket for her Mother’s Day present.

So the three of us, Mom, Kayli and I got to see George Strait in his finale tour in Las Cruces, NM! {Pardon the bad cell phone photos…}


We were WAY back in the nosebleeds section! I’m talking like 5 rows from the back wall!! Give or take a row… BUT we still had the best time!

Martina McBride opened the show. It was the second time I’d seen her… Funny story, she was the very first headliner concert I ever went to back during my State Fair days at the New Mexico State Fair! Still so fun to watch! And really, if you’re looking for a girl power/mom power/woman power song… She’s your girl!! Perfect for girl’s night!


Any fan of George Strait has probably heard this before but his concerts aren’t overly technical or require many theatrics. He just stands up there with his guitar making sure to play at each side of the stage a fairly equal amount of time. And really I couldn’t imagine it any other way. His music speaks for itself. This was ALSO the second time I’d seen George. The first time was also at the Pan Am Center in Las Cruces, NM when I was a freshman in college. More songs this time around but still the same ol’ classic George Strait!

George Strait

At one point Martina McBride came back out and they sang a few duets including ‘Jackson‘, originally done by Johnny and June Cash. So good! The crowd loved it!
They also had a military support association there that night that gave a brand new home to a deserving veteran and his family! Very cool to watch.

Martina and George

On a different note, sitting through nearly four hours of concert was hard on this preggo body… Throughout I was so grateful anytime they had something happen where I could stand up and stretch for a minute! We’ll just say my back and shoulders were glad when the concert was finally over…. Even if I wasn’t necessarily.

I even got Kayli to take a 25 weeks belly shot for you after we got back to the hotel… This is my super tired from the George and Martina concert look!

George Concert

I am so glad I got to go with my mom and sister and that we got to see George during his big finale tour! We had the best time and the best weekend! And like I said… that’s another wish marked off! Boom!

Your turn: Who’s your favorite singer or band? Have you seen them in concert?


  1. ‘Love George Strait and going to concerts. I don’t know if I go for the music or so I can scream in public! 😉 -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. You certainly have that pregnancy glow! Looks like you all had lots of fun. My favorite singer of all time is Rod Stewart! And, yes I have been to one of his concerts. I also love The Boss aka Bruce Springsteen. I have not been to one of his concerts, but would love to. Every time he is close by I can never get tickets………….he sells out so fast!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      That’s exactly how George Strait was… I was online the second they opened and had trouble getting tickets! Thus the nosebleed seats… haha. But still worth it! Hope you get to see Bruce someday! 😉

  3. This looks and sounds like it was a blast!!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      It really was! And little miss was kicking and rolling around the whole time… Guess she loved it too! 😉


  1. […] 16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour. {On April 6 me, Kayli and our mom saw King George in Las Cruces! He was AMAZING! See the full post on completing this wish here.} […]

  2. […] 16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour. On April 6 me, Kayli and our mom saw King George in Las Cruces! He was AMAZING! See the full post on completing this wish here. […]

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