A Brand New Baby

Did that title catch your attention? 😉 No worries, Klara is still an only child for the time being, BUT she does have a brand new baby cousin! The first week of March my brother, Brent, and sister in law, Jessie, had their first child… a sweet little cowboy they named Grady. Things just happened to work out where my dad was at my house so Klara and I took him to the hospital, in another town a few hours away, to meet his new grandson. My mom was already there.

After HOURS, literally, of waiting…


Papa (my dad) and Klara were getting impatient…

We finally got to meet the newest member of our family! Being able to see my brother’s face when he came out to announce that his baby boy had arrived was worth all the waiting and then some!

Jessie and Brent did a good job! Mister Grady is the cutest!!!


Klara was too cute! She leaned over to check him out and started waving. They will grow up almost exactly 8 months apart. I’m so excited to watch the relationship between them develop and grow. My mom can’t wait to have two grandkids so close in age to visit and entertain.

Nana and Papa with their two youngest grandchildren

Nana and Papa with their two youngest grandchildren


Little mister Grady is blessed to have loving family on both sides. (Shown above with his other grandma.)

It’s an amazing thing to watch your little brother become a daddy. When everyone around you, including yourself, has grown up, gotten married, started a family… it’s incredible how life changes. For the better of course.

Kassi’s 20 Wishes Progress – February

If you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to peruse the prior link for the what and the why and then join us by writing up your 20 wishes list and coming back here on Wednesday, February 26th to link it up with us! For those of you already in on the fun, it’s time to share your progress for January and February!! Here’s mine for the first little bit of 2014!
Updates for January and February are written in red.

Kassi’s Twenty Wishes Progress – February 2014

1. Visit Disneyland with my little family.

2. Paint my master bedroom.

3. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.

4. Visit Build a Bear and build a bear for Klara. 
In January we made a visit to Build a Bear at the Chandler Mall. We had the best time picking out a little cowgirl bear for my Klara. You can read all about our visit here.

Klara's First Build a Bear

5. Send a handwritten letter, note or card to someone via snail mail once a month.
So far I sent two handwritten birthday cards in January and a handwritten Valentine card in February.

6. Save for and buy myself a tablet of some kind. Maybe an iPad or a Surface. I’ve always wanted one… 😉
I happened to mention to my husband that I wanted to save up for a tablet. I decided I wanted a Surface because they’re more like a little laptop and I thought that would be better for blogging. The morning of Valentine’s Day when I went in to turn on my work computer, I found a brand new Surface and a Valentine note from Nate sitting in my desk chair. Yep, I married a keeper!!! Any Surface users out there? What are your favorite apps, etc?


7. Complete my reading goal of 55 books in 2014.

2014 Reading Challenge

Kassi has
read 11 books toward her goal of 55 books.



8. Host and/or participate in a Google + Hangout with some bloggie friends.

9. Have the carpet in my house professionally cleaned. I know this sounds like an ought to do versus a want, but I ought to clean the carpets myself… I WANT to have someone else do it!! haha

10. Make over my guest bathroom.

11. Take Klara to The Color Run for her “second” time. Technically last year she was just riding in mommy’s tummy. This year I plan to take her in her stroller!
We did our second color run in Tempe, AZ back in January!! It was a blast just like last year and Klara did so well! You can read all about it here.

Klara and Mommy

12. Get a front screen door for my house.

13. Get together monthly with at least one friend. Dinner, shopping trip, lunch, etc.
In January my sister, sisters in law and I went to Tempe for The Color Run, we went out to the mall the night before, had dinner and did some shopping, so I’m counting that. 😉 February we went with the entire family to the steakhouse in town for my sister in law’s birthday. We took Klara with us and she got to have her first apple sauce and ‘meal’ in a restaurant. 😉

14. Visit here in Safford. I’ve wanted to go since they opened, but haven’t ever made it since it’s across town!


15. Figure out a system for organizing and saving the baby clothes and items that Klara has outgrown.

16. Get tickets for and attend the 2014 National Finals Rodeo.

17. Build a container garden of some sort for my backyard.

18. Pay off my credit card. I’m SO close!!! I’m sure I can have it all paid off by the end of this year.

19. Take a photography class or workshop.

20. Throw a surprise party for someone.

So not too bad for the first two months of 2014 right!?! Here’s to more progress in March!!! :) Again, don’t forget to get your list written and come back here on Wednesday (February 26th) to link it up with us!!! Past… There’s a giveaway if you share your 20 wishes list and/or progress so far!!! 😉

Klara Beth’s Blessing

On July 28, 2013 our little miss Klara was blessed by her Great Papa Alvin! I can’t remember if I’ve openly shared here on the blog that we’re LDS (aka Mormon) but if I haven’t, well, we are. :) In the LDS church new babies are given a blessing sometime shortly after birth where they are ‘given a name’, aka added to the church records as being born to their mom and dad and given a special blessing for the beginning of their life.

Klara's Blessing

We held Klara’s blessing at my parents’ home the day after the Luna Pioneer Days celebration. In case you haven’t read Our Love Story Part 1 ;), Nate and I met at the Luna Rodeo Dance when we were kids. So I think it was fitting to have Klara blessed that weekend as well!

Her great grandparents, grandparents, most of her aunts and uncles and a few other family members and friends were able to be there and celebrate our little miss with us.

Klara and her Grandparents

Papa Russell, Nana Lillie, Mommy and Klara, Daddy and Papa Mike

Her beautiful blessing gown was made by a dear family friend. It was a little big (we had her blessing a little sooner than most people wait to do), but it looked so pretty on her. Thanks Marilyn for such a beautiful gift… if you happen to see this. 😉

Four generations photo

Four generations! Great Papa Alvin, Mommy and Klara and Papa Russell!

Aunties and Klara

Klara's Blessing

Tracey, Klara and Kassi

Klara and the Mortensen guys

We had muffins, scones and other breakfast treats as well as juice and milk for everyone. Thanks to my momma and dad for putting that all together!!!

We are truly blessed with an amazing family! Our new little family and our extended family! So glad everyone was able to be there and share in Klara’s special day with us!!!

A Finale Concert aka Another Wish Marked Off!

On April 6 I was able to cross off #16 of my Twenty Wishes list!

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour.  Back when they first became available, several, several months ago… Whenever that was, haha. I purchased three tickets to the concert. One for me of course, one for Miss Kayli for her birthday and one for the hubs. About a month ago he decided to gift my mom with his ticket for her Mother’s Day present.

So the three of us, Mom, Kayli and I got to see George Strait in his finale tour in Las Cruces, NM! {Pardon the bad cell phone photos…}


We were WAY back in the nosebleeds section! I’m talking like 5 rows from the back wall!! Give or take a row… BUT we still had the best time!

Martina McBride opened the show. It was the second time I’d seen her… Funny story, she was the very first headliner concert I ever went to back during my State Fair days at the New Mexico State Fair! Still so fun to watch! And really, if you’re looking for a girl power/mom power/woman power song… She’s your girl!! Perfect for girl’s night!


Any fan of George Strait has probably heard this before but his concerts aren’t overly technical or require many theatrics. He just stands up there with his guitar making sure to play at each side of the stage a fairly equal amount of time. And really I couldn’t imagine it any other way. His music speaks for itself. This was ALSO the second time I’d seen George. The first time was also at the Pan Am Center in Las Cruces, NM when I was a freshman in college. More songs this time around but still the same ol’ classic George Strait!

George Strait

At one point Martina McBride came back out and they sang a few duets including ‘Jackson‘, originally done by Johnny and June Cash. So good! The crowd loved it!
They also had a military support association there that night that gave a brand new home to a deserving veteran and his family! Very cool to watch.

Martina and George

On a different note, sitting through nearly four hours of concert was hard on this preggo body… Throughout I was so grateful anytime they had something happen where I could stand up and stretch for a minute! We’ll just say my back and shoulders were glad when the concert was finally over…. Even if I wasn’t necessarily.

I even got Kayli to take a 25 weeks belly shot for you after we got back to the hotel… This is my super tired from the George and Martina concert look!

George Concert

I am so glad I got to go with my mom and sister and that we got to see George during his big finale tour! We had the best time and the best weekend! And like I said… that’s another wish marked off! Boom!

Your turn: Who’s your favorite singer or band? Have you seen them in concert?

Fancy This Fridays #101 + Lillie’s Twenty Wishes

Hi lovelies! Happy Friday!
Have you linked up YOUR 20 wishes yet?? If you’re still contemplating on what to add, here’s another list to gather ideas from!
You can see Kassi’s List here, Kayli’s here, and this one belongs to our momma, Lillie!

Twenty Wishes with Truly Lovely

Mom and Kayli – October 2012

Lillie’s List of 20 Wishes for 2013

1. Grandchildren

2. Explore writing a novel

3. Learn to play racquetball.

4. Swim more often

5. Sew-finish my quilts I’ve started.

6. Learn to cut-piece quilt tops.

7. Learn more technological things.

8. Finish my CPAO degree.

9. Teach a CPAO class

10. Shadow box my hair-I’m scared!

11. Scrapbook my pictures.

12. Take more pictures.

13. Clean out my storeroom.

14. Re-organize my den.

15. Walk more

16. Send more cards to people by regular mail.

17. Grandchildren

18. Grandchildren

19. Grandchildren

20. Grandchildren

Twenty Wishes with Truly Lovely

Mom and Kassi – October 2012

So uh, you can see what she’s focused on wishing for…. haha. But she has some really fun ideas in there too. 😉
That’s Nana Lillie for you. Love you Mom! Great list!

What’s on your list?

Click here for the 20 Wishes link up! 😉

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Hope you have a great weekend!!!!!

3 Tips for a New Aunt/Uncle

Hi there lovelies!!!

So, if you’ve been around Truly Lovely for awhile you know that Kayli and I tend to blog about well… whatever we want. And if you’re new, welcome!!! Now you know… haha.
That’s our blog mantra these days! If we don’t enjoy writing about it, trying it out, or doing it… It will NOT be gracing the pages of our blog!!

So today I’m here to talk to you about something I enjoy incredibly and take very seriously….

Being an aunt!

You see, I have been an aunt for several years. My oldest niece is already 10 years old!! She’s been around for nearly 40% of my entire lifetime!!!
{Yeah, I had to get a calculator out to get that number for you… math is not a strong point. 😉}

So… here’s three things that I think (as a seasoned aunt myself) every aunt/uncle should know!!

1. Keep a box/basket/container of some sort full of cheap toys on hand at your own house!

Don’t mind the wild hair… Chefs like little miss here, tend to get pretty intense when they’re cooking! ;)

You see, little nieces and nephews NEED something to entertain themselves… If you don’t have some fun toys on hand (like the $5 cupcake set shown above) little ones tend to find ways to entertain themselves… Including, but not limited to, playing refrigerator with the pretty display cabinet of ceramic vases that you foolishly left within reach… Just sayin’… 😉

 2. Mac and cheese! I promise you that a box or two of good ol’ mac and cheese will go a long, long way in making a hungry niece or nephew happy!! Regardless of your sweet cooking skills just. make. mac and cheese! Have you seen No Reservations where the aunt makes the niece duck for lunch…. Exactly.

3. It’s ok to let them make messes! Kids are messy. Little girls like nail polish. Little boys like dirt. Let them make their messes while they’re little and later they’ll come to you with their more grown up messes… like boys/girls… You know, those things they couldn’t possibly share with their mom. 😉

So, to sum it up, I absolutely love being an aunt! :) What’s that saying…? Being an aunt is awesome because you can spoil them rotten, love them like crazy, then send them home to their mom and dad. 😉 heehee.

Your turn. What’s your number one tip for a new aunt/uncle?

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if 

Fancy This Fridays #83

Happy Fridays pretties!!! 

This last week has been a busy one here on Truly Lovely! Just to recap real quick like, in case you missed any of the fun, we introduced three lovely July sponsors. I shared a patriotic pennant rope wreath on the fourth! Hope you had a Happy 4th by the way! We introduced you to Tico & Tina, my blog angel recipients! Kayli shared some really fun features from the Fancy This Fridays link up. AND there’s only a couple more days (it closes on Monday!!!) to get signed up for our Sitting in the Sun, Summer Package Exchange!

So here’s the last week or so in instagrams! I’m linking up over at Life Rearranged again today!

life rearranged

So first up, again, Happy Fourth! This was the pic I sent out Wednesday. The hubs and I didn’t do much, just stayed home watching movies (have you seen 21 Jump Street? HILARIOUS, but a little potty mouthed, just FYI), it rained most of the day. Then we watched the town fireworks from our backyard. :)
What did you do to celebrate Independence Day???

I finished the June Photo a Day challenge with this gem of me and Kayli. 😉
Let me tell you ’bout my best friend…

Last weekend we (me and hubs) met my dad, mom and brother to load some hay and haul it back to their house! Gotta feed those animals peeps! I got scratches on my arms, sneezed for hours, but got to visit the fam! And mom and I found this little nest of eggs in the very top of the hay pile! So worth it! 😉

One of the June photo a day prompts was bathroom. So I shared the view of our fireplace and tv in our master bath. Definite selling points when we bought our house. Hubs walked in, looked around and said, “We’ll take it!” 😉

Do you use instagram?
Share your id in the comments below and I’ll be sure to follow along!
You can follow me at @Kassarie and Kayli at @KayliRayli!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for sharing with us lovelies!!! Enjoy you’re weekend!!! 

Baby Fever….

Hey pretty friends! 
I first shared this post over at The Foley Fam, but I’ve decided to share it here too!
I finally worked up the nerve to share it on my own blog… haha.

So.. Here we go….

Babies. I got the fever yo!

The hubs and I are at that point where we’ve been married almost a year… That’s not that long, but consider we were together for five years before that… so we’ll call this year #6!

All of our friends are starting families! OK, maybe not all of them… But THREE of my six bridesmaids have a bun in the oven right now! That’s 50%. Half. Shall I reiterate? You get the point.

Wanna guess which three?? 😉 Haha...

It just so happens I am much too wimpy to shout it out on my own blog where friends and family members can give me grief. {Edit: OK, I finally worked up the nerve… be kind!!!} You know… that SIL that keeps pestering you for a niece/nephew. Yep, I have three of those + my sister, Kayli! 😉 Love em all to death, but if I mentioned my recent case of baby fever, they’d be all over that like… Something that gets all over something else. hahaha!

My plea to you? What advice do you have for a young couple thinking of starting a family??
Got any fun baby shower ideas saved up you’d wanna share? Remember, THREE of my best friends are preggers!
What about you? Caught the fever too? Already have a family started?

I’m all about making friends in this bloggie world, so if you have no interest whatsoever in anything baby related, that’s cool too, just tell me something random about you! And share your blog link in the comments! I’d love to stop by and check it out! :) Ready, go!

I’m linking this to…

Bloggie Bestie – Heather of Finding Beauty in the Ordinary

Hello lovelies!

Today we’re doing the Bloggie Bestie a little differently.
We’ve asked Heather of Finding Beauty in the Ordinary to answer a few questions for us instead of our usual blog swap… She and her hubs, Joshua, are about to become first time parents here in just a couple of months.

I’ve been following along with her blog since before they found out they were pregnant. Through their adorable announcement video… And the sweetest gender reveal idea… I just love seeing her excitement at becoming a mom.

Now here’s where I drop a bomb on ya… I’ve been having some serious baby fever. I know at least a few people that will be just delighted to hear that…

My SIL, Stephanie who’s been trying to coax a niece/nephew since we got married…
Kayli who’s been wanting a niece/nephew so she has a baby in the family and doesn’t have to ask strangers if she can hold their little bundle just for a second ;)…
My SIL, Arina, who’s already purchased and given us our first baby blanket (zebra print and pink… hoping for a girl, eh?)
My mom who keeps saying, “Don’t let them rush you. That’s your deal.”  But secretly can’t wait for a grandbaby.  The list goes on….

SO. That’s where Heather comes in. :) She’s here to answer a few questions about becoming a mommy….

1. Please tell us a snippet or two about you that everyone should know. :)

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here on Kassi’s lovely blog! My name is Heather and I blog over at Finding Beauty in the Ordinary. I’m 27, have been married for 5 wonderful years, am expecting my first baby in August (a GIRL!), I’ve played the piano for as long as I can remember, I’ve traveled to a lot of different cities/countries, and have a degree in Paralegal Studies (which was the worst major decision of my life, ha!).

2. How about another snippet just about your blog that everyone should know?

This is a hard question! I don’t have a real agenda for my blog other than to share thoughts about my life with my amazing husband, our baby-to-be, our faith, and our life in our new city. My blog started as just an outlet, and now it’s turned into something I’m really passionate about. And it’s led me to work with Casey Wiegand, which is so fun! I had no idea what a cool adventure I was in for :)

3. Did you and your hubs officially decide to start a family? And if so, what helped you make that decision?

Yes, we did– we definitely planned this munchkin! We came to a place where we realized our ducks will “never be in a row,” but yet we had more stability in our lives than ever before. We prayed about it and asked God for His favor. My husband also really wanted to have a baby before his 30th, so ironically, we are expecting 2 weeks before his birthday :)

4. What are you loving most about pregnancy? 

Everything! It is the best thing I’ve ever experienced! I love feeling the kicks, the punches, & the movement. I also love the doctors appointments where I get to hear her heartbeat and see her posing for the camera! Also, just preparing and getting ready for her arrival is so fun! Who wouldn’t enjoy creating a nursery? :)

5. What are you loving least about pregnancy?

I will admit that I’ve had my share of leg cramps, hip pain and back pain– but it’s all so worth it. Oh and really bad morning sickness.

6. What are you most looking forward to after becoming a mother?

I can’t wait for trips to the park and little vacations with her and my husband as a little family. I can’t wait to go with my girlfriends and take all our newborns (we all seem to be expecting right now) to the lake & on lots of little adventures. I am looking forward to watching her become a daddy’s girl and chasing her dreams!

7. So you’re having a girl:) Name two girl items you are most excited to purchase (or that you have already purchased)?

I have to say that I am so excited to purchase her first little swimsuit! I mean, how cute are baby swimsuits?! I am also really excited to purchase the crib once we move into the house– it will make it all that more real.

8. Have you thought of a name for your little miss and if so will you be sharing it on your blog? Why or why not?

Yes, she has a name! We both agreed on it almost immediately and it has stuck with us. I bought a baby name book and probably shouldn’t have because we’ve never cracked it open! I always thought I’d choose a popular name like Sophia or Emma, but this name is not something you hear everyday. It’s not weird and yet it’s unique. You’ve probably heard it before but not often. And yes, as you probably already can tell, it will be a surprise when we announce her birth :) Since we decided to find out the gender after all, we thought it would be fun to keep something a surprise.

9. What are you most worried about after having your little lady?

Lack of sleep and being too hard on myself. Mommy guilt. Comparing myself to other moms. But I know I’ll be a good mom and God will give me strength and wisdom!

10. Anything else someone who’s looking to start a family should know? Or anything else you just want to share?

Of course, making a baby really isn’t up to us. It’s a complete miracle from God. If you’re looking to start a family, make sure you’re 100% on the same page with your spouse. Take the pressure of “trying” off one another and enjoy the ride 😉 They say that the best gift you can give to your future child is a strong marriage.


Thank you Heather for taking the time to answer my questions and being a constant source of delight as you share your own pregnancy on your blog!!! Can’t wait to meet Baby D!!! :)

So. What about you moms out there!?!? Anything you’d like to add on becoming a mother??
Any tips for Heather since she’s only a few months away from mommy?