20 Wishes Progress Link Up – May and June

Do you ever think about those things that you’d really like to try one day… or really like to accomplish sometime in the future… Ponder those things for awhile but then push them aside because there’s just not time right now, or money, or whatever excuse you can come up with at the moment? Well, the ENTIRE point of the 20 Wishes project here at Truly Lovely is to write down those things and then really make an effort to get them completed! If you have yet to write your list and join us, here’s your invitation! This link up will be open for a month… That’s PLENTY of time to think of 20 things you really WANT to do. Write them up and link them with us here. To read more on the what and why we’re doing this check out this link. It’s a year long project for your wish motivation!

For those of you that have already joined us, it’s 20 wishes progress time!!! And here’s a button for everyone to remind you to come back each month and share!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


You can see my May – June progress here and Kayli’s here.

We aren’t requiring you to follow anybody, visit anybody, or anything else really. The point is for you to have a place to share and work towards accomplishing those things you really want to do. Although, it would be SUPER awesome if you were to link up your list, then visit the others that have shared and offer a little encouragement. 😉 Just sayin…

OH! And if you’d like to invite your friends to join in, please do so! The more the merrier!!!



  1. I am curious about everyone’s progress! Thanks for doing this, ladies!
    Hugs xxx

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Oh, us too!!! Excited to see what’s been accomplished! Especially since we missed doing a link up in May! Thanks for participating Chrissy!!!

  2. Hey! Thanks so much for hosting such a neat little link up. Thanks for the invite!

  3. OMG I’m also stupid and didn’t post the right link. is there any way to edit mine. Ahhhh! Failure.

  4. So glad I didn’t miss linking up this time. I’m excited to check out everyone’s progress.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Us too! So glad to see the progress you’ve been making!!! Keep it up lady! And thanks for being so encouraging to everyone with your comments! Love it!!!


  1. […] Next, have you joined in on our 20 Wishes Project yet??? Consider this yet ANOTHER invitation to write your list and join us!!! You can read all about it and link up here. […]

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