Klara Beth’s Blessing

On July 28, 2013 our little miss Klara was blessed by her Great Papa Alvin! I can’t remember if I’ve openly shared here on the blog that we’re LDS (aka Mormon) but if I haven’t, well, we are. :) In the LDS church new babies are given a blessing sometime shortly after birth where they are ‘given a name’, aka added to the church records as being born to their mom and dad and given a special blessing for the beginning of their life.

Klara's Blessing

We held Klara’s blessing at my parents’ home the day after the Luna Pioneer Days celebration. In case you haven’t read Our Love Story Part 1 ;), Nate and I met at the Luna Rodeo Dance when we were kids. So I think it was fitting to have Klara blessed that weekend as well!

Her great grandparents, grandparents, most of her aunts and uncles and a few other family members and friends were able to be there and celebrate our little miss with us.

Klara and her Grandparents

Papa Russell, Nana Lillie, Mommy and Klara, Daddy and Papa Mike

Her beautiful blessing gown was made by a dear family friend. It was a little big (we had her blessing a little sooner than most people wait to do), but it looked so pretty on her. Thanks Marilyn for such a beautiful gift… if you happen to see this. 😉

Four generations photo

Four generations! Great Papa Alvin, Mommy and Klara and Papa Russell!

Aunties and Klara

Klara's Blessing

Tracey, Klara and Kassi

Klara and the Mortensen guys

We had muffins, scones and other breakfast treats as well as juice and milk for everyone. Thanks to my momma and dad for putting that all together!!!

We are truly blessed with an amazing family! Our new little family and our extended family! So glad everyone was able to be there and share in Klara’s special day with us!!!


  1. she’s a cutie – – love her dress!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thank you! It turned out so pretty! We were so thrilled to have our friend make it! :)

  2. What a sweet day for Klara Beth!

  3. So cute and sweet! I’m glad it was such a fantastic day, those special days are the ones you’ll always remember!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Agreed!!! It’s so fun to mark of those big milestones with her as she grows!!! Thanks Laura!!!

  4. Sounds like it was perfect. :)

  5. Klara’s little blessing gown is beautiful and such a precious gift to have received. Love seeing all your beautiful photos.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks again Laurie!!! Your sweet comments make my day! :) We were so blessed to have received her pretty dress!


  1. 1 Month! says:

    […] public outing! While we were there Klara also received her baby blessing, you can see more photos from that here. Happy bonus, she slept the entire ride back […]

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