Lillie’s 20 Wishes Update Through August

It’s time again to check in with our One Year Twenty Wishes project!! Can you believe its already September!?!? Only 4 months left for our 2013 lists!!! Hope you’ll come back by on Thursday, Sept 5th to link up your list, but in the meantime today we have a special list update… Lillie’s! aka our mom. 😉 You can see her original list here. Her updates are in red.

Lillie’s List of 20 Wishes for 2013

1. GrandchildrenI am doing great on the grandchildren wishes.  I have a new baby granddaughter (Kassi’s daughter, Klara} and expecting another new baby in February (see wish 18 below!).  I’m not sure if this counts as  “I”  don’t actually do anything except nag my children for grandchildren.

Nana Lillie and Klara

Nana Lillie and Klara

2. Explore writing a novel

3. Learn to play racquetball Racquet ball is not happening. Giving that up.

4. Swim more often

5. Sew-finish my quilts I’ve started – I have finished several sewing projects and made a baby quilt for Miss Klara.  Doing good on that one.

Nana Lillie quilt

6. Learn to cut-piece quilt tops – Got a book on quilt making to piece a top.

7. Learn more technological things – I got an iPhone and am working on designing some software so I think I’m working on being more involved with technology.

8. Finish my CPAO degree – I have one more class for my CPAO degree, taking that in October. 

9. Teach a CPAO class – Can’t teach any classes until I get finished taking the last one and go through graduation.

10. Shadow box my hair-I’m scared! – I did get highlights in my hair and I loved it.  Going to do it again.

11. Scrapbook my pictures.

12. Take more pictures – Haven’t done too much with sending more cards or scrap-booking but I am taking lots of pictures.

13. Clean out my storeroom.

14. Re-organize my den.

15. Walk more – Haven’t done anything but think about exercising.  Will have to work on this one!

16. Send more cards to people by regular mail.

17. Learn to make cheese – Not happening! Checked into it and it’s not something I would really want to do.

18. Grandchildren – My son and daughter in law are expecting in February 2014. Kayli took this cute announcement photo for them!!!


19. Grandchildren

20. Grandchildren

Again, we’ll be hosting the link up on Thursday to see the progress you’ve made throughout July and August! Hope to see you there!!! If you haven’t written a list, we’d love for you to write one and link up with us! It doesn’t have to be 20 wishes at this point. Even if you just have a couple, we still want to see them! See you Thursday!!!


  1. I appreciate how realistic Lillie is! There are a couple of things that I need to mark off my list. Maybe I’m not so interested after all! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Yep! Sometimes when you do a little research you find that wish isn’t what you had hoped it would be!!

  2. The quilt is beautiful! So happy that Miss Lillie is able to cross off “having grandchildren” from her list! Here’s to many more! :)

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