Fancy This Fridays #101 + Lillie’s Twenty Wishes

Hi lovelies! Happy Friday!
Have you linked up YOUR 20 wishes yet?? If you’re still contemplating on what to add, here’s another list to gather ideas from!
You can see Kassi’s List here, Kayli’s here, and this one belongs to our momma, Lillie!

Twenty Wishes with Truly Lovely

Mom and Kayli – October 2012

Lillie’s List of 20 Wishes for 2013

1. Grandchildren

2. Explore writing a novel

3. Learn to play racquetball.

4. Swim more often

5. Sew-finish my quilts I’ve started.

6. Learn to cut-piece quilt tops.

7. Learn more technological things.

8. Finish my CPAO degree.

9. Teach a CPAO class

10. Shadow box my hair-I’m scared!

11. Scrapbook my pictures.

12. Take more pictures.

13. Clean out my storeroom.

14. Re-organize my den.

15. Walk more

16. Send more cards to people by regular mail.

17. Grandchildren

18. Grandchildren

19. Grandchildren

20. Grandchildren

Twenty Wishes with Truly Lovely

Mom and Kassi – October 2012

So uh, you can see what she’s focused on wishing for…. haha. But she has some really fun ideas in there too. 😉
That’s Nana Lillie for you. Love you Mom! Great list!

What’s on your list?

Click here for the 20 Wishes link up! 😉

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Hope you have a great weekend!!!!!


  1. Okay my other comment went into the wrong comment section… Oops. :/ Apparently, I need more coffee this morning!

    Somebody reallllyyyyy wants grandbabies!! :) Have a wonderful weekend, Kassi! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Another great list! Every time I read a list, I want to add to mine! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Thank you for hosting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  4. Love your Mom’s list. Can’t believe I forgot to add my grand-kids to my list! Thanks for hosting!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Right!?! Shouldn’t that be on every momma’s list with grown children!?! hahaha. :) Thanks for linking Laurie!

  5. Love your mom’s list! No pressure for you Kassi! LOL
    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend :)

  6. HA!! I love your mom’s list!!! Better get to work, eh? 😉

  7. First time Linking up:) What a great idea, 20 wishes:) I have to think about mine. But will be following via bloglov:)
    Have a super terrific weekend!

  8. What a sweet list, girls! And, um, I think she wants grandchildren??? Just a hunch! 😉
    Hope you’re enjoying an awesome weekend!
    xo Heidi

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Yeah, that was pretty much my take away as well! 😉 Thanks for linking with us Heidi!


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  2. […] the meantime today we have a special list update… Lillie’s! aka our mom. You can see her original list here. Her updates are in […]

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