Archives for November 2013

Thirty Thankfuls Part 2

Hey friends! How was your weekend?? It was COLD here! We finally used our heater for the first time this season!

See Thirty Thankfuls Part 1 here. In case you missed it, I’m sharing one thing a day that I am thankful for via Instagram the month of November. You can follow along at @Kassarie!

Day 11: I’m thankful for the veterans that serve our great country. People like my papa who served during WWII and those stationed away from their families today. I’m thankful for the military families who live without their loved ones while they’re away. Thank you all!!


Day 12: Today I’m thankful for chilled teethers. cut her first tooth a couple days before her 4 month birthday, the left bottom tooth, and this week she’s working on number two, the bottom right.


Day 13: I’m thankful for my sister, Kayli. If I could hope for my daughter to be like anyone, besides me , I would hope that she’s like her Auntie Kayli. She is the most morally sound person I know but completely accepting of others faults. She’s a book nerd, a baking fiend and an amazing friend. Plus she has a pure excitement for things like her first trip to the ocean.


Day 14: I’m thankful for my sisters in law! Arina is so fun to hang out with and since our husbands act exactly the same (they’re brothers) we can talk for hours! Brianne has been a blessing here lately especially serving as my photography nanny, taking care of Klara when Nate can’t and I have a shoot. Jessie is the perfect wifey for my brother and will be an amazing mommy to my nephew on the way. And Steph (not pictured), always cracks me up!


Day 15: I’m thankful is a healthy, growing baby girl!! Her 4 month birthday was last week, but I waited to get her stats at her dr appt yesterday. She’s cut two teeth, rolled over once, is trying to sit up on her own. She’ll let pretty much anyone hold her for a few minutes unless she’s teething and cranky then she only wants mom. Our sweet girl is such a happy punkin!!


Day 16: I’m thankful for old friends that I don’t get to see very often and that I can now introduce them to my daughter! {AND here’s to Jen kicking cancer’s bum!!!}


Day 17: I’m thankful for old friends that I DO get to see often! And I’m grateful that they love my daughter like family too!


Day 18: I’m thankful for Scentsy! I’ve been a Scentsy consultant for over 5 years! It’s a product I use everyday in my own home and that I’m excited to share with friends! Get your Scentsy for the holidays at Kayce’s online party!!


Day 19: I’m thankful my Jamberry sheets already came!! I just ordered last week and they’re already here! I’m hosting my own party right now if you’re interested. Buy 3 sheets get the 4th free!!


Day 20: I’m thankful for Klara’s swing!! She’s about to outgrow it and I’m so sad! She loves it! I can put her in it and wash dishes or eat my lunch… It’s really bought me a lot of baby entertainment time!


Your turn: What are you thankful for today??

Fancy This Fridays #154 and Features

Happy Happy Friday pretties!!! Today I want to introduce you to our new friend, Steph from A Time for Seasons! She is this month’s banner ad sponsor here on Truly Lovely!

A Time for Seasons

She has a blog where she and her family share their seasonal bucket lists throughout the year. Their fall bucket list included fun activities like having a bonfire and s’mores and going to a football game.

Since Thanksgiving is this coming week, we decided to feature her Pumpkin Dip and Turkey Poo treats today! Both would be fun to whip up this week for your Thanksgiving Day celebrations.

Pumpkin Dip

After you’ve shared your Fancy This Fridays links for the week we hope you’ll click over and say hello to Steph! :)

Now to the features from Fancy This #153!!!

First, these Lemon Thanksgiving Cookies from Rhonda at Craft Dictator look amazing and sound so yummy!!!

Thanksgiving cookies

Next up for those of you decorating for Christmas early, we adore these pretty Lace Christmas Trees from Penny of Penny’s Vintage Home.

lace Christmas trees

And finally now is the perfect time to figure out your Christmas spending! These Money Saving Christmas tips from Alice Emma of Mums Make Lists are a great place to start!!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This #153 and Features

Hello there Friday!!!! How was your week friends?? In case you missed it I shared the first ten of my #thirtythankfuls and I shared my review of Rimmel London’s Stay Matte Mousse Foundation. Have you tried it??

Now, the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party, Fancy This 152!!

First up, Amber from My Personal Accent is sharing a whole set of Free Thanksgiving Printables! Click over to download from her blog.


While we’re at it, here’s a Free Thanksgiving Banners Printable from Nicole of Shabby Beach Nest!


And finally this Twice Baked Squash Recipe from Danielle at Peanut Life Adventures sounds pretty delicious!!!

Twice Baked Squash

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Thirty Thankfuls Part 1

Hey there lovelies! How’s your week so far?

I have been participating in the #thirtythankfuls and #everdaygratitude events on Instagram since the beginning of November. You share one thing a day that you’re thankful for. Some people share theirs in a status on Facebook or something similar. Because I’m a photographer, I share my one thing on Instagram with a photo. I thought it would be fun to share those here as well. So here is my list of things I am thankful for, the first installment! If you are participating I would love to check out your lists! Leave your Instagram account in the comments below so I can follow along. Mine is @Kassarie.

Day 1: I’m thankful for this precious girl, crashed out after Trunk or Treat on Halloween.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 1

Day 2: I’m thankful for my husband who will stand in front of a fence for me while I test camera settings, puts up with all my crazy side projects, loves me and our daughter. Yep, I got lucky!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 2

Day 3: I’m thankful Klara gets the chance to know her great Nana and Papa. And that she has such amazing grandparents on both sides!!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 3

Day 4: I’m thankful for Luna. It will always be my hometown, always a place I can go to see family and people who know and love me. Plus, it’s the prettiest place in the world.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 4
Day 5: I’m thankful for my mom! She was the mom that went on every school trip, made it to every basketball game and did everything possible to show us how much she loved us. I am excited and hopeful that I’ll be that kind of mommy for Klara.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 5

Day 6: I’m thankful for my dad! He gave me my work ethic, taught me how to drive a stick shift, ride a horse and present a good argument. In his eyes I was/am always as strong and capable as any boy/man and that gave me confidence. Thanks dad!!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 6

Day 7: I’m thankful for my job! I get to work 8-5 to help support my family AND get to stay home with our little lady at the same time! Truly blessed!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 7

Day 8: I’m thankful for morning smiles and cuddles. And zebra footy jammies.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 8

Day 9: I’m thankful for my sewing machine and that my mom, granny and nana taught me to sew. I can fix a shirt, hem a pair of pants or whip up a fall pillow on a moments notice. It really comes in handy!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 9

Day 10: I’m thankful for my hobby turned job! I’ve always loved photography and I’m so blessed I could turn it into a source of income for my family while doing something I truly enjoy! Kassi Mortensen Photography

Thirty Thankfuls Day 10

So tell me!? What are you thankful for today???

Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! 😉

About Face with Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation

First of all, Happy Veteran’s Day! Thank you to each and every Veteran that has ever served our country. Past, present and future! Thank you also to the families that support those veterans on a daily basis on not just on Veteran’s day!

Today’s post is about a different kind of face, not the about face order of a military march… 😉 But I thought the title was fitting for Veteran’s Day.


My latest VoxBox from Influenster included a tube of Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation. I have been using it for the last couple of weeks and I am pleased to say I give it a thumbs up! Many of the foundations that I have used up to this point left my skin looking shiny. It required some powder or a bit of bronzer applied over the top to get that matte finish minus the shine.

So to demonstrate the foundation here’s a before and after photo of my morning make up routine.

RimmelStayMatteFoundationTo get a natural matte finish on my skin I start by applying just a dab of concealer under my eyes (gotta cover those new mom under eye circles!!). Immediately following that I apply the Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation using a small makeup sponge. As you can see in the photo above it evens out my skin tone, helps the under eye concealer cover the dark circles, but still had a natural look to it. Then I apply my eye makeup, just a touch of eye shadow and mascara. That’s it, my normal every day matte look routine!

The foundation itself doesn’t feel heavy on my skin. In fact once it was applied I couldn’t even feel it. It was easy to apply and blended well. I chose the Light Ivory shade and it matched fairly well with my skin tone. I might choose a shade darker next time I purchase the foundation though. The coverage was great! It definitely minimized the look of pores and helped cover any blemishes. Again, thumbs up from me!!

Your turn: Have you tried the Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation? If not, what’s your go to foundation??

Disclosure: I received the Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation as part of a VoxBox from Influenster. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own.voxbox-blogimage-popup2

Fancy This Fridays #152 and Features

Happy, happy Friday!!! In case you missed it I shared my 6th grade class photo this week… Glasses AND braces. Yep, it was a rough year… haha.

Let’s jump right into the features from Fancy This 151!!!

First up, Jenna of 24 Cottonwood Lane shared a dresser and chest set that she made over… pink and white!!! So fancy!!!

Pink and white dresser makeover

Next how genius is this Ribbon Storage made from a shoe box from Lisa at Vintage Celebrations! And so pretty, too!

Ribbon storage box

And finally I love a yummy Pineapple Upside Down Cake, but decorate it with baked pineapple flowers!?! Yummy and pretty!! Thanks for sharing Ellya of Curiosita Ellya!!

Pineapple Upside Down Cake Recipe

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Hey There Four Eyes…

Sixth grade was a rough year for my vanity… I got glasses AND braces all in the same school year. That’s a lot for anyone to deal with…  Yep, that’s me. 6th grade school photo, you’re welcome. 😉

Kassi Picture

It was also a tough year for my parents’ checkbook! Two huge expenses for one child in one school year?! That’s not to mention the normal expenses… things like school supplies, school clothes, sports equipment. And they still had three other kiddos to buy supplies and things for… OH, and did I mention that both of my brothers wore glasses. My mom wears glasses or contacts and my dad wears reading glasses. My sister, the lucky duck, is the only one without vision problems in my entire family! If my parents had not had vision insurance you can imagine how much more expensive that year would have been!!


Nowadays, as you can see from the photo above, my family is still very reliant on our vision insurance coverage. I wear contacts on a daily basis and glasses at night. My mom wears glasses with transition lenses. My younger brother, the groom in the black hat, wears transition glasses. My older brother, in the red shirt was lucky and got laser surgery done on his eyes so he doesn’t have to worry about glasses or contacts anymore!! Besides him any my sister, still with perfect vision {can you tell I’m jealous?}, everyone else worries about covering the costs of our eyesight.

Vision insurance plans, such as provide a frame allowance as well as full coverage of basic lenses. They also provide discounts on lens options including progressive lenses, photochromic lenses, anti-reflective coating, scratch-resistant coating and UV protection. People with VSP insurance are shown to pay much less for their glasses at a national retailer than those without coverage. You can a year with VSP Vision Care while keeping your eyes healthy AND looking stylish {they have more than two dozen brands and hundreds of eye wear styles to choose from}.

Your turn: Do you or anyone in your family wear glasses or contacts? For how long?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Fancy This Fridays #151 and Features

Well, did the kiddos bring in a ton of Halloween candy last night?? We dressed Klara in her little pumpkin outfit and went to the local Trunk or Treat with her cousins. All the kids had a lot of fun!

In case you missed it this is 20 Wishes Progress week on Truly Lovely. Kayli shared her September and October progress here, I shared mine here and we have the link up so you can share your progress here. We’ve only got two more months to finish those wishes, so we want to see where you are and offer a little encouragement!!

Now for the features from Fancy This 150

First up, Alice of Mums Make Lists shared her tips for getting clicks at linky parties! That’s why you link up, right!?! To share your posts! She has some great tips that I completely agree with!


Next this Pumpkin Sin Dip from Leslie at Lamberts Lately sounds AMAZING!!!! I WILL be making it soon.


And finally, I love this Map Desk Makeover from Artsy VaVa! Love the color, love the map! Way fun!!!

milk paint desk1L

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!