Kayli’s Twenty Wishes 2014- February Progress

One month in! My February updates are in pink.

We hope you’ll join TOMORROW by linking up your own list of wishes.

1. Buy a pair of TOMS.

2. Take a cake decorating or chocolatier class. Or both.

3. Get a pink or purple streak in my hair.

4. Go to Julienne Jewelery.

5. Reread Harry Potter.

6. Donate Blood.

7. Switch my phone to Spanish for a full week.

8. Pay for a stranger’s order in the drive-thru.

9. Try archery.

10. Paint something. Anything!

11. Upgrade my phone.

12. Go out frequently with the girls, specifically to a Karaoke night at some point.

Doing good! No karaoke yet but we’ve done dinner a couple of times so we’re getting somewhere! :)

13. Move. Either to a new apartment or into a house.

14. Read The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

Started this! Hopefully I’ll finish it by summer!

15. Go to Graham’s.

16. Do the Color Run Kaleidoscope Tour.

Did this! We went in January and it was a blast! (As always)

Katie and I Color Run

Katie left, Me right
We party hard.

17. Set up and go on at least one double date. They’re so fun!

I went on a double earlier this month and it was awesome. Seriously though. But I’ll leave this uncrossed for now. 

18. Start a letter album for Klara.

19. Finish my quilt top.

20. Learn how to play Poker.

So far so good!!! I hope your first month was full of progress, and if not, you still have a bit. (:



  1. ‘Love your photo from the color run! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Go you on doing the color run – kinda jealous of the double date…need to work on that one on my list!

  3. So fun you did the Color Run again! It’ll be my 3rd year this May and I’m so excited for it! YAY for going out girl’s nights AND double dates! A few of my favorite things :)

  4. I have heard about the colour runs, but never done one. Here in Australia we have colour runs too but I have eyed up the December Breast Cancer run.

    Yay on crossing off some of your wishes.


  1. […] missed it this week was 20 Wishes Progress week at Truly Lovely. I shared my progress here, Kayli shared hers here and you can link up yours here. If you’re interested there’s a GIVEAWAY for those who […]

  2. […] 13. UPDATE: Go to General Conference in Salt Lake City. (I kind of like where I live. You can see the wish I replaced here.) […]

  3. […] 13. UPDATE: Go to General Conference in Salt Lake City. (I kind of like where I live. You can see the wish I replaced here.) […]

  4. […] 13. UPDATE: Go to General Conference in Salt Lake City. (I kind of like where I live. You can see the wish I replaced here.) […]

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