It’s Christmas Card Time!!!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is making and sending Christmas cards to my family and friends. I love to receive them too… The ones with photos or a little recap of the year are definitely my favorite. Then I display them on the cute Christmas card display I crafted a few years ago as part of our annual holiday decorations.

The last few years I have had my cards printed at Shutterfly. Every year I choose some of my favorite family photos, upload them on the site, choose a fun holiday layout and my Christmas card shopping is complete.

I would love to have the time and patience to craft a unique holiday card for everyone on my list but I just don’t. That’s why I’m loving the ease of Shutterfly’s holiday cards. This year the layout I chose is called Scrap Happy. You’re able to choose the number of photos you want on the card, personalize everything with your names of course and really make it your own! You can even choose to have them addressed by Shutterfly and MAILED if you want!! Hallelujah can you say time saver?!?!

ScrapHappyI’m not including an actual photo of our cards yet because I haven’t sent them out… It is still a little early I guess since we haven’t even passed Thanksgiving… 😉 But it’s the PERFECT time to get YOUR cards ordered for this year!

Right now Shutterfly is offering free shipping on orders of $39 or more (just use the code SHIP39) and a whole slew of other special offers.

Do you send out holiday cards? Are you a craft your own or order online kind of person??

Disclosure: I received my holiday cards in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. As always the opinions I share here are 100% my own. If I didn’t really love it I wouldn’t share it with you. 😉


  1. Love the idea of having Shutterfly address and send them! My handwriting is so bad, and it takes forever!

  2. I so agree that this is a great time saver! I love DIY, but with so much going on with the Holidays, it’s better to keep things fast and simple. Will definitely try this out. Thanks for sharing. Great blog post!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Exactly!!! There are some things that are just easier and worth it to go the pre-made route!!!