It’s Christmas Card Time!!!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is making and sending Christmas cards to my family and friends. I love to receive them too… The ones with photos or a little recap of the year are definitely my favorite. Then I display them on the cute Christmas card display I crafted a few years ago as part of our annual holiday decorations.

The last few years I have had my cards printed at Shutterfly. Every year I choose some of my favorite family photos, upload them on the site, choose a fun holiday layout and my Christmas card shopping is complete.

I would love to have the time and patience to craft a unique holiday card for everyone on my list but I just don’t. That’s why I’m loving the ease of Shutterfly’s holiday cards. This year the layout I chose is called Scrap Happy. You’re able to choose the number of photos you want on the card, personalize everything with your names of course and really make it your own! You can even choose to have them addressed by Shutterfly and MAILED if you want!! Hallelujah can you say time saver?!?!

ScrapHappyI’m not including an actual photo of our cards yet because I haven’t sent them out… It is still a little early I guess since we haven’t even passed Thanksgiving… 😉 But it’s the PERFECT time to get YOUR cards ordered for this year!

Right now Shutterfly is offering free shipping on orders of $39 or more (just use the code SHIP39) and a whole slew of other special offers.

Do you send out holiday cards? Are you a craft your own or order online kind of person??

Disclosure: I received my holiday cards in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. As always the opinions I share here are 100% my own. If I didn’t really love it I wouldn’t share it with you. 😉

Happy Holidays from the Mortensens!!

Only 5 shopping days left until Christmas now!!! Is it just me or has December flown by for anyone else?? Goodness. I barely got my Christmas cards in the mail day before yesterday… But while we’re talking Christmas cards, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my family to yours!!!


I am SO pleased with the way our Christmas cards turned out this year!! I took the photo of my girl myself and ordered the cards from Tiny Prints. They seriously have SO many options to choose from. I made up at least three different cards with the same photo before being able to choose my favorite!

I love that you can choose to have rounded corners, plain square corners, or even choose another fun trim option. They have both folded cards and flat cards. This year I went with a flat card. They are perfect for sticking in an addressed envelope and calling it done! Saves tons of time in my opinion!


Plus the flat cards are easy to display on a hanging card display, fridge, etc. You know for those people like myself that display all the cards I receive at least until New Years! 😉

Granted, Christmas is only a few days away now, but you can definitely still send a card out for the New Year! I love to receive them even after Christmas. Always fun to find out what your friends and loved ones are up to and see a pretty face you recognize!

Your turn: Do you prefer a flat or folded card? Do you send holiday cards annually??

Disclosure: I received a set of Christmas cards from Tiny Prints in exchange for my honest review and promotion of their site. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!


Greeting Card Keepsake Book

Hey dolls! Happy Wednesday! This week my niece and nephew are visiting for their Spring Break. They are 11 and 9 years old, so it’s been lots of board games, fun movies, going out to eat and what not. While I’m off entertaining kiddos I have an easy but awesome organizational craft for you!!!

We all receive greeting cards for various holidays, then there’s those sweet cards you got last year for your birthday, or when you had your baby, or any other special occasion really. If you’re like me you want to save those sweet mementos from your loved ones, but there’s not a whole lot of space for that so they end up tossed in a box in the closet not to be seen until the next occasion when you add a few more… So, why not make a Greeting Card Keepsake Book and actually save those cards in an organized way!?!

what to do with old greeting cards

It’s really a simple project. I made mine just sitting on my couch while watching an episode of Pioneer Woman. 😉 I used the cards we received at our wedding and my bridal shower. Yes, that was nearly two years ago now… oops… I separated the cards from the envelopes and then threw the envelopes away. They take up a lot of space FYI.

Then I used a hole punch to punch two holes in each card. I purchased a set of book binder rings, found in the office section of my Wal-Mart and bound the cards together. See?! So easy! Now I have two little books from my wedding and bridal shower of sweet notes from our dearest friends and family! You know, instead of a stack of random cards just floating around in a box that nobody ever gets to enjoy!

Your turn! What do you do with your old cards? Do you stash them in a box? Toss them right away?? It took me forever to get around to doing this easy project, so trust me, I won’t judge! 😉

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !

Lovely Christmas Cards from Shutterfly

OK… So I know we’re not even quite past Halloween yet… 
And I LOVE Halloween, I do. 
But we are less than TWO months away from Christmas!
Holy, reality check.
That means there’s lots to do, lots to buy, lots to bake… 
All before Christmas rolls around! 

Our 2010 Christmas Card
On that note… I am SUPER excited about Christmas cards this year!
We ordered our greeting cards from Shutterfly last year, and I LOVED them. 
I used some of our engagement pictures and sent them out to a few family and friends. But this year… It’ll be the first time we can send out cards from The M’s. My new last name!

So naturally, we’ll be ordering our cards from Shutterfly again and there are a few of their Christmas photo cards in particular that are calling my name!

Wouldn’t this one be fun to highlight the name change! 

Or this one would look really nice with a certain wedding picture I have in mind… 

This one would look lovely with a wedding picture and our M inside the wreath!

Oooh! Or this one!!! 

There are so many different holiday cards to choose from at Shutterfly! 
You’re sure to find one that fits your tastes and highlights your reason for the season! :)

And while you’re there check out their fun selection of personalized photo gifts!! 
I just might get some of these lovely initial notepads to send notes to friends and family for the rest of the year!

So what about you?? Are you sending Christmas cards this year?
Or maybe a Christmas newsletter??

P.S. Fancy This Fridays is . 
Or just scroll down to link up your lovelies!!

*I was not monetarily compensated for this post. I did receive a promotional code from Shutterfly for 25 free cards, but all opinions shared here are my own!

Christmas Cards!!!

The Christmas cards I ordered from Shutterfly came in today! Yay!!
And I love them!!! I especially love that I received 10 Christmas cards for $6.20! Yeah, I got 10 cards for FREE and just had to pay shipping!
I love the specials online stores have around Christmas time!!!
Honestly, I wasn’t even really planning on sending cards out, but I found the special at Shutterfly and couldn’t resist! Granted, I only have 10, but that’ll cover the ones we’ve received as well as a few for special family and friends.
So here they are!!! What do you think??
Shutterfly was totally right! I was stoked to see that bright orange package in the mail!!! (In they’re shipping e-mail they say, “Exciting news: A bright-orange Shutterfly package is on its way, with unbelievable memories inside.”
 And in that bright orange package are 10 perfectly personalized Christmas cards with crisp white envelopes!!!
Here is the front of our cards! I chose the Snow Flurries Cocoa folding cards. Folding because then they can hang over those nifty Christmas card holders everyone seems to have these days! And the Snow Flurries in Cocoa simply because I liked the style…. And I got to use THREE pictures! :)
I used three of my favorite engagement pictures. They were taken by Karen at Treehouse Photography who did an amazing job!! I keep finding uses for them because I love them SO much!!

This is the inside of the card. Apologies for the blur… It reads,
“And a Happy Holidays to you and yours!!!
Always, Nate & Kassi”
Yeah, I wrote that… I know. I’m a poet. 😉

As soon as I got the package I realized I was getting low in the stamp department… So I ran out to the local USPS and purchased some cheery Holiday Evergreens stamps! Aren’t they festive?!?! 
So now I can’t wait to get my address book and send out our Christmas cards. Our very FIRST Christmas cards as a couple by the way!!! Exciting right?!?! Well… It is to me! 😉
AND FYI, Shutterfly did an amazing job on the printing, and the shipping!
The cards weren’t even scheduled to be here for another two days!
(I’m late… I know… First time, give me a break! :)
So go check them out! Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a super deal like I did!
Merry Christmas!!!

P.S. I’m linking my Christmas cards up at these linky parties!