Fancy This Fridays #88 and a Coffee Date

Hey pretties! Happy Friday!!! 

We’ve been crazy busy around these parts… lots going on and lots to look forward to!
Today we’d like to share a few things with you before getting into this week’s party….

So… we’re joining this lovely for her Coffee Date link up to share a few fun announcements. 😉

If we were to sit down for a cup of coffee (I’ll take mine with a little York Peppermint Creamer… Kayli would probably be sipping on lemonade) the first thing I’d mention would be this little teaser you might have seen on ….

Kayli and I have been working hard and we are finally ready to announce that we will be opening our very own Etsy shop!!! You dolls will be the first to know when our Grand Opening will happen, but for now just know that it’s coming soon. :) It’s been a dream of ours to make our own handmade items and share them with you pretties for a really long time… Finally, it looks like that dream is going to come true!!!

If we were having a coffee this morning I’d tell you that we are so excited to open up shop and share our fancies with our friends. We are nervously awaiting the reception of these products that we’ve been pouring our hearts into and really hope they are received well.

The next thing I’d talk about just so happens to be another dream of mine coming true. :) I am going to be working from home soon! These are my final weeks of working from my little cubicle….

I have been praying for a long time about a change and unexpectedly (isn’t that the way our Heavenly Father usually plays things), a change has occurred. I’ve been stressed lately working out the details and waiting to hear about a few things, but I’ve got to say I’m ready! Kayli and I have already spent an evening moving everything out of my craft room/office/catch all space and painted… Three colors this time. 😉 So expect a post on my made over home office/craft space at some point. This afternoon the hubs and I are going to see about purchasing a desk… an actual desk, with drawers and work space. So I’m excited about that!

If we were to meet for coffee today I’d tell you that my little brother is getting married next weekend! Kayli and I have been helping our soon to be sister in law with the details and it’s going to be lovely! :) So get this… Kayli took their engagement photos with… HER I-PHONE!!! And they came out beautiful!!! Here’s one of my favorites…

I’ve got a talented sister in case you didn’t know. 😉

While we are sipping our coffee together today I’d definitely talk about the baby shower I’m planning for one of my best friends. I am SO SO excited with how things are coming together… I’d also ask if you know anyone who makes custom baby books? I need one for a little cowboy. 😉

If we were to sit down to coffee today, what would you be drinking?? What would you like to share with me?? I’d love to know what’s going in your life!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉