2 Months!!

Dear Klara Beth,

I can’t believe you are already 2 MONTHS old!! Since your 1 month birthday and checkup you’ve gained 2.7 lbs and grown 1.5 inches!! Me and your daddy affectionately call you our chunky monkey and little pumpkin.


Of course, we know you are the most beautiful little girl on the planet!! :) You are such a sweet, happy baby. Every morning you wake up smiling and talking. I send happy pictures to your daddy every now and then so he can see his happy morning girl after he’s already gone to work. You definitely get that morning person thing from him… not me! 😉


Speaking of your daddy he bought you a fun new toy a few weeks ago… A two in one bouncy seat and swing! You love that thing!! I can put you in it while I do dishes or fold laundry and you’ll just smile and look at the bears dangling above you.


At this point you’re not a big fan of tummy time, you’d rather be up and looking around! You can already hold your little head up and like to be held where you can see everything. When you’re fussy, which isn’t often at all, you’re such a good little girl, you like to be held and walked around the house. You also LOVE looking at ceiling fans… For whatever reason, even if they’re not moving. You just smile and coo at them!


It makes my entire day to have you smile and talk to me. Just last night your daddy was holding you and asking you to give him one of those special smiles that I always tell him about… 😉 You just smiled and cooed. You already love him so much. I hope you always do!! You talk to your friends too… The fan, the bears on your swing and the ones hanging on your play mat.

Your daddy and I just love you so much and are so blessed that we get to be your parents. You have an entire family of grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins that just adore you. We hope you grow up knowing how loved and wanted you are and have always been!!! Happy 2 months little lady!!!

Love, Mommy.

Check out where we link up on our Party With Us Page!

My Hospital Bag

So… I’m one of those weird people that likes to really research things and make extensive lists especially when it comes to packing. I was the kid that would write out a checklist of what to pack before going on a school trip. Really.

You know those crazy lists of random things they give you before Girls Camp that most people are annoyed by?? Yeah, I loved those! I was in packing list heaven! So obviously when it came time to pack mine and Klara’s bags for the hospital I went all out! I asked for help on what to bring on Instagram. I pinned tons of ‘what to pack’ posts on Pinterest. I made a list and checked and rechecked it.

what to pack for the hospital

I even had high hopes of taking a photo of our completely packed bags ready and waiting beside the front door… But then I went into labor two weeks early and that didn’t happen… We barely talked ourselves into taking the bags with us because I wasn’t sure I was in labor!!! haha… So instead, here’s a list of all the things I packed, needed and didn’t need.

Klara’s Hospital Bag:

  • I was told not to bring diapers and wipes because the hospital provides those and they do, but I still brought a few anyway. At one of my showers I received a SafeFit Portable Diaper Changer. Moms to be… If you aren’t gifted one, they are entirely worth the purchase! It makes organizing the diaper bag so easy! And they’re really handy for just grabbing out of the diaper bag for a quick change, or carrying along with you for a walk. Highly recommended!! I fixed mine with diapers, wipes and baggies (for dirty diapers) and stuck it right in the center pocket of Klara’s bag.

portable diaper changer

  • Two going home outfits. A cute little dress with bloomers and a onesie/pants outfit in case the weather was rainy or something. Plus it’s just fun to have a couple of options.
  • Hair accessories to match her outfits. {I didn’t actually use these because the hospital put a cute little flower in her hair.}
  • A couple of burp rags. You can never have too few of those… Never know when you might need to wipe up something.
  • Swaddling blankets. I packed two, these are our favorite! They come big enough to actually swaddle your little one, some that you buy at the store don’t… And they’re a light weight muslin for the hot AZ weather.

And that’s it… That’s all we needed and didn’t even need all of it. If you’re like us and don’t live far from the hospital, you don’t need much. If you live further away you might pack a little heavier for baby.

My Hospital Bag:

  • A lightweight robe. It’s nice to cover up when you have company and it’s good for keeping you warm in the chilly room.
  • Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, tooth brush… your normal shower necessities. One thing though… Don’t forget your razor! I didn’t pack mine and went to the hospital with harry pits and legs (TMI, sorry) and really wished I would have taken one! Remember we were caught off guard and went in early, so don’t assume you’ll have time to shower and shave before going to the hospital!!!
  • I really recommend taking one of those hanging makeup bags with all of your bathroom necessities in it! There’s not a whole lot of room in a tiny hospital bathroom, so it was nice to be able to hang my bag on the towel rack and have everything right there, easy to grab.
  • Nursing tanks! I didn’t have these prior to going into labor, so my mom went and bought me one while I was in the hospital. I have since bought more and wear them practically everyday! So much more comfortable than a nursing bra and they keep your tummy covered while nursing!

nursing tank

  • Hair ties! You probably won’t want to take the time to straighten or curl or do whatever to your hair while in the hospital. I didn’t! So it’s nice to just throw it up in a ponytail or bun. You’ll feel like you tried, but won’t waste the time really trying…. hahaha.
  • Going home outfit. I wore a big t-shirt and workout sweats. Comfortable, but a tad better than just pajamas.
  • Some people recommend packing a change of clothes and shower necessities for dad, but we didn’t. We live about 15 minutes from the hospital so Nate just went home to change and shower. BUT I would seriously consider packing dad a sweater. Nate did stay over night with us at the hospital and he was freezing his bum off… Just a thought!

So, that’s what I packed and what I used. Lots of ‘what to pack’ lists suggest bringing entertainment and snacks. I didn’t have them ready before I went into labor, but my labor was so quick it didn’t matter. There was no walking around the hospital, or waiting periods in the room for us so we didn’t need them. After Klara was born there were people in and out to visit, I was sleeping or nursing so I didn’t really need any entertainment afterwards either. The TV in the room sufficed. Oh, and I packed everything in a carry-on sized rolling suitcase, which worked out perfectly!

Your turn: What was the number one thing you were glad you packed when going to the hospital, or what was something you wished you’d taken??

Check out where we link up on our Party With Us Page!

1 Month!

Yesterday was Klara’s one month birthday! We went for her one month checkup and she’s growing well and is a happy healthy baby girl! Can’t ask for more than that!


1 month stats:

  • 9 lbs 1 oz (up from 8 lbs 2 oz when she was born)
  • 21 inches long (up from 19 when she was born)

Other fun facts:

Klara likes riding in her car seat. She doesn’t like getting put in, but once she’s in she just chills out. Even on the ride home from the hospital she was as calm as she could be! We have since purchased a padded body support and car seat strap covers because the one that comes with the car seat provides next to no support for someone so tiny!!! I rode in the back seat with her on the way home and supported her little head myself. The supports we got work like a charm though! I really recommend getting those for new mamas!!! {You can see it in use in 2 photos down.}

Klara's Ride Home

Klara likes to sleep with her hands above her head. Every time her daddy sees her like that he sings, “We are the champions”. 😉 We’ve decided she’s just practicing so she can be a champion team roper, barrel racer, ball player, whatever she wants to be!!!


This month we took her first walk in the stroller and made her first trip down to see the horses! It’s just behind our house, but it was a milestone to introduce her to the rest of our “family”. 😉

Klara's First Walk

She also went on her first road trip this month! We drove all the way to Nana Lillie and Papa Russell’s house, 2.5 hours away. Klara did really well the first hour or so of the trip, then decided she was hungry and fussy… I made the mistake of not taking my breast pump or planning ahead and pumping beforehand, so that was a learning experience. But we made it! While there we took her to her first Luna Pioneer Day Parade with Nana and Papa. She slept the entire time, but it was fun to take her on her first real public outing! While we were there Klara also received her baby blessing, you can see more photos from that here. Happy bonus, she slept the entire ride back home!

Klara's First Luna Parade

It’s crazy to realize that it’s already been a month since she was born. The time feels like it has flown by! But it also feels like she has always belonged with us. I’m so glad she decided to come two weeks early so we could get a head start on getting to know her… we’ve already loved her from the time we found out she was coming. Excited to see what fun new things she gets to experience in month two!

Check out where we link up on our Party With Us Page!


Klara Beth’s Blessing

On July 28, 2013 our little miss Klara was blessed by her Great Papa Alvin! I can’t remember if I’ve openly shared here on the blog that we’re LDS (aka Mormon) but if I haven’t, well, we are. :) In the LDS church new babies are given a blessing sometime shortly after birth where they are ‘given a name’, aka added to the church records as being born to their mom and dad and given a special blessing for the beginning of their life.

Klara's Blessing

We held Klara’s blessing at my parents’ home the day after the Luna Pioneer Days celebration. In case you haven’t read Our Love Story Part 1 ;), Nate and I met at the Luna Rodeo Dance when we were kids. So I think it was fitting to have Klara blessed that weekend as well!

Her great grandparents, grandparents, most of her aunts and uncles and a few other family members and friends were able to be there and celebrate our little miss with us.

Klara and her Grandparents

Papa Russell, Nana Lillie, Mommy and Klara, Daddy and Papa Mike

Her beautiful blessing gown was made by a dear family friend. It was a little big (we had her blessing a little sooner than most people wait to do), but it looked so pretty on her. Thanks Marilyn for such a beautiful gift… if you happen to see this. 😉

Four generations photo

Four generations! Great Papa Alvin, Mommy and Klara and Papa Russell!

Aunties and Klara

Klara's Blessing

Tracey, Klara and Kassi

Klara and the Mortensen guys

We had muffins, scones and other breakfast treats as well as juice and milk for everyone. Thanks to my momma and dad for putting that all together!!!

We are truly blessed with an amazing family! Our new little family and our extended family! So glad everyone was able to be there and share in Klara’s special day with us!!!

Klara Beth’s Birthday

Hey friends! Long time no talk! Little miss Klara will be three weeks old on Saturday and we finally feel like we’ve gotten into some sort of a routine… As much of a routine as you can get into with a sweet little newborn girl. 😉 So I’m back on the blog today to share Klara’s birth story. I want to share it here so I have a record of the day just for myself and a fun memory to share with her when she’s older. But also, while I was pregnant I found others birth stories interesting and comforting at a time when I had no idea what to expect. So here we go!

Klara Beth

Klara Beth’s Birth Story

My official due date was still just under two weeks away. We had just celebrated the fourth of July by traveling to a team roping outside Show Low, AZ, several hours from home. I rode home with our friends Dusty and Kayce while Nate went on to another roping because I had to work on the 5th. On the drive home my feet and ankles became the most swollen they had been all throughout my pregnancy. Kayce and Dusty both joked about having dreams that I went into labor on the way home with them while Nate was away… Luckily, I didn’t go into labor on the drive, and was able to write my blog post for Fancy This Fridays that evening even sharing a photo of my swollen cankles… haha.


The 5th was fairly uneventful, I did my work for the day, cleaned house a little bit and waited for Nate to make it home from his second day of roping. Saturday the 6th we spent a low key morning at home, then decided to go to a movie. After all, once baby decided to come there wouldn’t be much time or opportunity for a movie night out. We went to the afternoon matinee and saw White House Down. We both really enjoyed the movie, our popcorn and sodas. I even had a salted pretzel and cheese sauce! (So good!)

After we got home that afternoon, sometime after 5pm, we were sitting on the back steps talking about mowing the yard when I started to feel yucky… I told Nate I didn’t feel very good. Walking back in the house I felt my water break. At the time though it was nothing like they tell you it’s going to be… It was a quick short gush and then it was over. No continual leaking, no obvious – yep that was my water breaking. So we got out the baby books, the pamphlets my doctor gave me and tried to decipher whether that was it or not.

That’s when my stomach started hurting. I’ve been told contractions feel like a tightening of your stomach. That they build up slowly and steadily. My doctor told me not to go to the hospital until the contractions were five minutes apart. These stomach pains were quick pangs of pain right in my lower abdomen. The books all say your back will hurt. You’ll know that they’re contractions. I didn’t. My back didn’t hurt. Honestly, I kind of just felt like I was getting a bad stomach bug or something. Now don’t laugh… Nate had just had a bad bug like the week before, so it wasn’t completely out of nowhere.

In the meantime the in laws called and invited us out to dinner. Thinking that maybe what I was feeling was false labor or just a stomach bug we decided to meet them. If it was false labor everything I read says that it will stop if you get up and move around… So that was the plan. Get up and go to dinner. We met at a Mexican food place and I ordered… wait for it… enchiladas. Yes, yes I did. But I honestly thought I was having false labor signs or nothing at all, and they really sounded good. haha.

When we got home from dinner I was still feeling yucky but not like I was in labor so Nate went outside to ride one of our horses and I hung out in the house just waiting it out. While he was outside the pains I was having started getting worse and more frequent. I tried timing them with my cell phone to see if they were contractions but they came on so quickly and they were much closer together then five minutes… By the time Nate came in I was ready to go to the hospital. I was really hurting by then.

Before we left the house we debated on actually taking the bags I’d packed for the hospital because we were completely unsure if it was actually labor. AGAIN, let me reiterate… I am not stupid. But this was my first child, I had never experienced labor before and the things I was experiencing were NOTHING like they tell you it will be. I’d heard first babies are almost always born close to their due dates or even late. First time labors almost always take more than 8-12 hours… etc, etc. I was still two weeks from my due date , if these were contractions they were coming on too fast too soon, the list of doubts goes on… We decided to take the bags with us just in case.

When we got to the hospital (that was a a little after 8 pm) I told the nurses I wasn’t sure if it was real labor… They decided to admit us and get me checked to see. It took about 20 minutes or so to get us admitted and what not… When the nurse checked me she was shocked. ‘How long have you been hurting?’ she asked… ‘Um… just a few hours,’ I replied. ‘You’re already at 7-8cm!’ she told us… They immediately called my doctor and started getting paperwork signed, and things set up for a delivery.

From there everything happened so fast it was out of control! Neither me nor Nate had anytime to really think about the fact that this was it. We were about to become parents! Speaking of parents we called mine and his. Mine were several hours away visiting my uncle, so they jumped in the car and headed our way right then. Kayli, who had planned on coming down the following day to stay with me until baby time, was also several hours away and decided to wait to come until the next day because it was too late for her to be driving that far by herself. Nate’s dad and step-mom came to the hospital and were there for the delivery.

Now, just a random tidbit… I had wanted to get an epidural. I even told Nate on the way to the hospital that I hoped we hadn’t waited too long to get one. I didn’t want to be one of those ‘dumb girls’ that waited too long and missed the window. Well… I was one of those girls. All I can say is don’t judge… waiting because you’re unsure doesn’t make you dumb!!!

From the time I checked into the hospital until the time I delivered miss Klara Beth was only about 2 hours. Overall the entire labor was only about 4-5 hours long. So take that stereotype that first time labors take forever!!! And because we were too late for the epidural I delivered little miss with nothing but one shot of pain medicine in my IV. There wasn’t even time for a second dose before delivery! So gotta say I felt pretty proud of myself afterward. 😉 All the nurses, my doctors, my husband, everyone there was impressed with my pain tolerance. And there I was just thinking it really, really hurt. haha.

After only about 30 minutes of pushing we welcomed Klara Beth Mortensen at 10:52 pm on July 6th, 2013. She weighed 8 lbs, 2 oz and was 19 inches long.


Her daddy is in love! And he was a champ!! He stayed right there with me the entire time. He held my hand, wiped my face with a cold rag and cut the cord after his daughter was born. He even changed her first three diapers! 😉

daddy and klara

FYI, my mom and dad made it to the hospital about 1:30 am to meet their new granddaughter. And Auntie Kayli was able to come early the next morning to meet her new niece.

Klara with papa and nana

We are thrilled to be Klara’s mommy and daddy and have immensely enjoyed these first few weeks… Lack of sleep and all! Klara was ready to come whether we thought it was time or not… And she just barely waited for her daddy to get home from roping so he’d be there to greet her! 😉

Moral of our birth story… Women and their labors really are all unique. Everything I experienced was nothing like what the books say it will be. Just be prepared for anything and everything and don’t bank on it being a typical labor and delivery! Also… don’t feel silly if you’re unsure. It’s completely normal and relatively easy to be confused about labor signs!!!

Did you write your baby’s birth story? I’d love to read it if you have the link! Or feel free to tell me about your experiences in the comments! Also, if you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I’ll be happy to share what I can!!