Fancy This Fridays #64 and a WINNER!

Happy Friday pretties!!! 
Remember when I was in a tile coaster making faze? 
I made these . 
And these . 
Well, I made some more for a gift for my basset hound loving aunt and uncle… 
They were way too CUTE not to share… 
What do you think?? 🙂 The coffee cup shape was free within my Silhouette SD software, I just added their names… and the cute howling basset hound was purchased from the Silhouette online store. 
For a full tutorial on how to make your own, . 

And just to up the cute factor… Meet the basset hounds… Ellie and Jenny. 🙂

They’re not spoiled at all… *wink, wink*. 

By the way… About that winner… The winner of the Day 3 500+ Followers Giveaway Celebration has been chosen… !!! 
An email will be sent shortly to the winner… 
If we don’t get a response within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. 

So… what have YOU been up to lately?? 
We wanna see!!

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!!
1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blogOn your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! Have a fabulous weekend!

Blog Critique Party {CLOSED}

Hello lovelies! 
So I didn’t mean to take a break from the Bloggie Bestie posts on Thursdays… 
It just sort of happened. 

But that’s ok, it makes room for other fun posts like (what I’m hoping) will be a fun post today. That said, I’d like to get the Bloggie Bestie posts started once again, so if you’re interested in blog swapping with us here at Truly Lovely we would be thrilled to have you! 
Kayli is also open to blog swapping now in her , so if you’d like to blog swap with Kayli, or myself, please shoot us an email! 🙂

Now, I know several people have been making blog goals for 2012, including us here at Truly Lovely. 
Often one of those goals is creating a better blog presence 
(i.e. layout, background, color scheme, post quality, etc). 
The only way to know how you’re doing already is to critique your blog. 
A better way to go about that is to have someone else critique your blog
Sure you can ask a close blogging friend, but will they be honest?
Surely, but maybe not completely. 

Enter in my idea! Let’s do a blog critique party
If you’re interested in having your blog critiqued by another blogger, comment below. 
{Please make sure your email is connected to your account or that you leave your email address in your comment!}
I’ll randomly assign each person who links up, two other blogs to critique. 
With that you’ll receive two critiques of your own blog!

To be fair and so that everyone is on the same page, I ask that while critiquing you follow the
I’ve already gone through it once with a close blogging friend and feel like it worked well… You can copy the questions into an email and send your answers over to your critique partners. Or you can do a write up of your answers and send over in an email. Either way, let them know your honest, but FAIR opinion of their blog. Cool???

You’ll have until Monday to comment. I’ll make the partner matches and let everyone know who they will be critiquing in an email on Tuesday afternoon. From there, I ask that you have your blog critique done and sent to your two partners before the end of next week. Yes?? 
{*By commenting below you agree to those terms.}

Hopefully this will help us get a feel for how our blogs are perceived by others and an idea of a few things to work on for the New Year! 
At the very least hopefully you can find a few new blogging buddies in your critique partners!
We’ll be joining in as well, so to whoever we get matched with… be kind. 😉
If you have any questions, either comment with those below or shoot us an email. 

Fancy This Features #41

Hosting Fancy This Fridays really puts how quickly the weeks fly by into perspective for us!
It’s already time for the weekly features #41!!!
I love Halloween!
And decorating for Halloween is one of my favorite things! 
Check out this FUN and UNIQUE Halloween wreath by Sarah at The Thriftress!
She used LACE to make the spider webs and spray painted embroidery hoops! LOVE it!
Speaking of lace, check out these lovely lace overlay high heels that Amanda of Carry On, Carry On refashioned! Gorgeous!!! 
AND speaking of wreaths… How fun is this Duke wreath created by Mel at The Crafty Scientist for her sister’s college apartment! I think Kayli needs an NMSU wreath, don’t you!? 🙂
 Here’s a featured button for you lovely ladies!!!
Please grab a button if you were featured on the as well! 🙂

 Thanks for linking dolls!!! 
And thanks for all of the votes at The Picket Fence! 
Just clicking on the button counts as your vote, so if you wanna vote again today… 🙂 
You can vote once a day!

Thanks also for all the sweet comments on my wedding photo! 
You are the SWEETEST bloggie friends ever! 🙂 

Have a FABULOUS week!!!