Kayli’s 20 Wishes Progress

Remember that time I updated my 20 wishes progress? Yeah….. June was a good month. haha But I’m here now! And I have lots to catch up on so that’s a bonus. Guys, this year has been a whirlwind thus far and has taken turns I never saw coming. And it’s been wonderful. So Kassi will post hers, and Thursday we’ll have a link up so we can see YOURS! :)  Here’s a little bit of what’s been going on with all of this lately!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Here’s how things are going!

All progress/updates from the first month are in red, February updates are in purple, and April updates are in blue.
June updates are in green.

October updates are in orange

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes by December 2013

1. Grow a garden. (Like really grow one. Keeping the weeds out and tending it to it and all!)

Planted! Hopefully it warms up a little and things don’t get squashed by a late freeze! (:

So I kinda sorta did this one. ha! Some stuff grew! I didn’t really tend to it the way I should have, but that was okay. (:


2. Start playing the guitar.


3. Make and send valentines.

My roommate and I made some this weekend! So the sending part is stalling out a little bit. I WILL be sending them- they might be a few days late but they’ll get there! (:

Sent one or two. I’m just excited I actually made them!


4. Buy my first pair of converse.

I didn’t finish this one- but I AM changing it. The fact of the matter is- I just don’t really WANT to spend that much money on shoes I’m not gonna wear very often. What I DO want to spend money on is a new pair of boots that I love! And I’ll be getting on that VERY soon! (:

So in July I bought a new pair of boots! My first pair of square toes. And I adore them. They have cute purple tops with pink stitching and they’re basically adorable. I’ve already walked many a mile and danced many a dance in them. (: Swoon.


5. Make meditation a habit. (Not necessarily the kind of meditation you’re thinking, just learning to be.)

I’ve started this one- it’s been sort of difficult because adding a new habit is hard- but I have time to improve.
I have to admit I’m not doing a very good job of this, but I’m trying- a little at a time. (:
Guys, why is this one so hard?! haha I always forget! I’m going to try breaking it down by week, we’ll see if things get any better by next month!

6. Finish an embroidery project. (Like pillowcases, or a dresser scarf or something.)

I actually finished my first pillowcase AND I’ve done another little small project- but I won’t cross this off until I finish my other pillowcase (:


7. Learn the alphabet in American Sign Language.

I started this one too! I had them all memorized for like a week and now I forget a few, so I still need to rehearse to keep it in my long term memory- but we’re getting there!


8. Reread the entire Harry Potter series.

Planning to start The Sorcerer’s Stone soon and work on this once school is out! :)


9. Paint again! (And maybe try something super abstract)


10. Sleep under the stars.

Probably not gonna happen since it’s so cold- but no biggie. I’ll come up with a replacement and let you know what I decide on.


11. Read at least one C.S. Lewis book.

I bought a collection of four C.S. Lewis works that I cannot wait to start!! (:


12. Buy 1 FULL outfit that I really love and maybe wouldn’t buy otherwise.

Guys- I’ve discovered I have style. Ask Kassi- I came home from church one Sunday in a cute outfit and she was as shocked as i had been. haha I even bought mint green cropped pants. And I carry a purse now. What. Yeah. I’ll post pictures at some point. (:


13. Get a professional best friend photo shoot done with Sara.

Getting ready to do this over Thanksgiving Break or around then. 


14. Go fishing in the evening off of the dock.

Plans are in the works for this- prime fishing time! (:

No dock- but I did go fishing! Totally counts! (:


15. Do the Color Run!

All signed up and ready to go in January! (:
Went and LOVED it!!! It rained the whole time and it rocked. Seriously, there was color everywhere and music and people were dancing and yelling and it was THE. BEST.

16. Spend an entire day riding horses PURELY for fun- wherever I feel like going.

Been spending a little time with my favorite girl (my sweet horse) lately and hopefully will be able to grab a day to take her out and have a long day of riding. (:

My sister in law and I went out one morning and rode all over the place in July. It was a VERY good day. 


 My sweet horse. Love her. :) And this view.

17. Throw someone a full on party- birthday or just because.

(I just changed this one because I like this wish better! You can see what I replaced it with by going to my original list here.)

So I threw a baby shower earlier this month and it was super fun- but I’m going to leave this one up just in case another party opportunity comes my way. I discovered this is something I LOVE to do!

Still leaving this one open because the year isn’t over and more might come my way- but I also did a mini-surprise birthday party for my roommate last week!


18. Go to the Catwalk.

This one isn’t going to happen either. But I DID go to South Padre and see the ocean for the first time. 7 million times cooler anyway. (:


19. Learn to bake homemade bread!


20. Donate, even if it’s just a little, to a cause that I really believe in. (I’ll be doing lots of research for this one! (; )

Working on this for sure. Just a matter of getting it done. (:


So that’s a little bit of what I’ve been up to. September and October have been….interesting. But more than anything I’ve learned so much and I’ve been really pushing myself to do the things that I wouldn’t normally do. It’s been fun. I hope your 20 wishes list is doing the same for you.

Can’t wait to hear all about it on Thursday!


Kayli’s 20 Wishes Progress- June 2013

It’s summer! And time to get caught up on the progress that I’ve made so far. (Even if it is a little underwhelming.) (;  We’ll have a link up for you tomorrow so we can see how things are coming a long with YOUR lists! And in case you haven’t started yet- you still have almost half of a year to catch up with us, so feel free to hop on the band wagon!! (: And grab yourself a button!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Here’s how things are going!

All progress/updates from the first month are in red, February updates are in purple, and April updates are in blue.
June updates are in green.

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes by December 2013

1. Grow a garden. (Like really grow one. Keeping the weeds out and tending it to it and all!)

Planted! Hopefully it warms up a little and things don’t get squashed by a late freeze! (:

2. Start playing the guitar.

3. Make and send valentines.

My roommate and I made some this weekend! So the sending part is stalling out a little bit. I WILL be sending them- they might be a few days late but they’ll get there! (:

Sent one or two. I’m just excited I actually made them!

4. Buy my first pair of converse.

I didn’t finish this one- but I AM changing it. The fact of the matter is- I just don’t really WANT to spend that much money on shoes I’m not gonna wear very often. What I DO want to spend money on is a new pair of boots that I love! And I’ll be getting on that VERY soon! (:

5. Make meditation a habit. (Not necessarily the kind of meditation you’re thinking, just learning to be.)

I’ve started this one- it’s been sort of difficult because adding a new habit is hard- but I have time to improve.
I have to admit I’m not doing a very good job of this, but I’m trying- a little at a time. (:
Guys, why is this one so hard?! haha I always forget! I’m going to try breaking it down by week, we’ll see if things get any better by next month!

6. Finish an embroidery project. (Like pillowcases, or a dresser scarf or something.)

I actually finished my first pillowcase AND I’ve done another little small project- but I won’t cross this off until I finish my other pillowcase (:

7. Learn the alphabet in American Sign Language.

I started this one too! I had them all memorized for like a week and now I forget a few, so I still need to rehearse to keep it in my long term memory- but we’re getting there!

8. Reread the entire Harry Potter series.

Planning to start The Sorcerer’s Stone soon and work on this once school is out! :)

9. Paint again! (And maybe try something super abstract)

10. Sleep under the stars.

11. Read at least one C.S. Lewis book.

12. Buy 1 FULL outfit that I really love and maybe wouldn’t buy otherwise.

13. Get a professional best friend photo shoot done with Sara.

14. Go fishing in the evening off of the dock.

Plans are in the works for this- prime fishing time! (:

15. Do the Color Run!

All signed up and ready to go in January! (:
Went and LOVED it!!! It rained the whole time and it rocked. Seriously, there was color everywhere and music and people were dancing and yelling and it was THE. BEST.

16. Spend an entire day riding horses PURELY for fun- wherever I feel like going.

Been spending a little time with my favorite girl (my sweet horse) lately and hopefully will be able to grab a day to take her out and have a long day of riding. (:

17. Throw someone a full on party- birthday or just because.

(I just changed this one because I like this wish better! You can see what I replaced it with by going to my original list here.)

So I threw a baby shower earlier this month and it was super fun- but I’m going to leave this one up just in case another party opportunity comes my way. I discovered this is something I LOVE to do!

18. Go to the Catwalk.

19. Learn to bake homemade bread!

20. Donate, even if it’s just a little, to a cause that I really believe in. (I’ll be doing lots of research for this one! (; )

Working on this for sure. Just a matter of getting it done. (:

Well, that’s it. haha Summer has been so good to get going on this stuff. The warm weather and the extra time have made for quicker work of things. I really do need to just suck it up and start reading and get going on the guitar thing. But I’m pretty proud of myself for keeping these things in mind and working on them a little at a time!

Can’t wait to see YOUR progress!

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes Progress Report – April 2013

Happy April! (: This month has been so fun- Kassi crossed off a few things, (Getting to see George Strait included.) And I’ve been a pretty happy camper lately, mainly because school is wrapping up for the year and I am SO excited for a break! Hopefully a lot of these undone wishes will get crossed off when summer finds its way back to me. 😉

And as always- remember that if you haven’t started yet- not a big deal! The point is for it to be fun and open- you can absolutely still join us! Just write up your list and grab a button here! If you’re looking for the link up, it’s still open here.

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Here’s how things are going with my list!

All progress/updates from the first month are in red, February updates are in purple, and April updates are in blue.

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes by December 2013

1. Grow a garden. (Like really grow one. Keeping the weeds out and tending it to it and all!)

2. Start playing the guitar.

3. Make and send valentines.

My roommate and I made some this weekend! So the sending part is stalling out a little bit. I WILL be sending them- they might be a few days late but they’ll get there! (:

Sent one or two. I’m just excited I actually made them!

4. Buy my first pair of converse.

5. Make meditation a habit. (Not necessarily the kind of meditation you’re thinking, just learning to be.)

I’ve started this one- it’s been sort of difficult because adding a new habit is hard- but I have time to improve.
I have to admit I’m not doing a very good job of this, but I’m trying- a little at a time. (:
Guys, why is this one so hard?! haha I always forget! I’m going to try breaking it down by week, we’ll see if things get any better by next month!

6. Finish an embroidery project. (Like pillowcases, or a dresser scarf or something.)

I actually finished my first pillowcase AND I’ve done another little small project- but I won’t cross this off until I finish my other pillowcase (:

7. Learn the alphabet in American Sign Language.

I started this one too! I had them all memorized for like a week and now I forget a few, so I still need to rehearse to keep it in my long term memory- but we’re getting there!

8. Reread the entire Harry Potter series.

Planning to start The Sorcerer’s Stone soon and work on this once school is out! :)

9. Paint again! (And maybe try something super abstract)

10. Sleep under the stars.

11. Read at least one C.S. Lewis book.

12. Buy 1 FULL outfit that I really love and maybe wouldn’t buy otherwise.

13. Get a professional best friend photo shoot done with Sara.

14. Go fishing in the evening off of the dock.

15. Do the Color Run!

All signed up and ready to go in January! (:
Went and LOVED it!!! It rained the whole time and it rocked. Seriously, there was color everywhere and music and people were dancing and yelling and it was THE. BEST.

16. Spend an entire day riding horses PURELY for fun- wherever I feel like going.

17. Throw someone a full on party- birthday or just because.

(I just changed this one because I like this wish better! You can see what I replaced it with by going to my original list here.)

18. Go to the Catwalk.

19. Learn to bake homemade bread!

20. Donate, even if it’s just a little, to a cause that I really believe in. (I’ll be doing lots of research for this one! (; )


And that’s it for this month! I am an advocate of baby steps! ha How is YOUR list coming a long?

Twenty Wishes Progress Link Up – April

Can you believe we are already 1/3 of the way through 2013!?!? It’s weird because in the grand scheme of things the months are seeming to fly by… In the smaller scheme, i.e. the we are expecting a baby in July scheme of things, the months seem to be crawling!! haha.

Regardless, today is link up your 20 wishes progress day!!! If you haven’t linked up your list yet, you can read all about why and what we’re doing with it here: 1 Year 20 Wishes project! It’s NEVER too late to get started!!! If you’ve already linked up with us, we are looking forward to seeing the progress you’ve made so far! So either way, grab a button and let’s recap April, shall we!?!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


You can see my April progress here.

We aren’t requiring you to follow anybody, visit anybody, or anything else really. The point is for you to have a place to share and work towards accomplishing those things you really want to do. Although, it would be SUPER awesome if you were to link up your list, then visit the others that have shared and offer a little encouragement. 😉 Just sayin…

OH! And if you’d like to invite your friends to join in, please do so! The more the merrier!!!