Fancy This Fridays 80 + Blog Angels

Happy Friday!
I love being able to say that… I love it when Friday is here, don’t you!? 

So today before we get to the Fancy This Fridays link up… Let’s talk Blog Angels, shall we? It’s a project for the month of June, put together by Rosie and Katlyn. The basic premise is you were either invited to participate (thanks Rosie) or you joined up to be and get a “Blog Angel”.

The whole thing is anonymous, so I don’t know who my ‘angel’ is and my person doesn’t know that I’m their ‘angel’… But through the month of June you’re supposed to try to help your partner out by sharing their blog, doing something nice for them blog/Internet wise, etc. etc. All without them finding out who you are.

So this is the halfway point link up… Let me tell you, it’s hard to find ways to help out without giving it all away! Especially if you get assigned to a blog that pretty much has all of their stuff together! BUT I’ve been trying!

I’ll be honest too… I hadn’t even thought about who Truly Lovely’s angel might be. I was so busy trying to think of ways to help out the blog I had been assigned… Then I had an email exchanged with Rosie awhile back and she asked if I’d been trying to figure it out… From then on I started watching… But nope. No idea who it is! I have noticed a few new friends sharing my posts via twitter… Blog Angel? Is that you?? haha. All will be revealed on June 30th…

Until then…. Anyone have any fun ideas of ways to help out another blogger without them knowing who you are??

Onto the linky!!! So… what have you fancied up this last week? We’d love to see!!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! Have a lovely weekend!!!!


  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. You could always do a post about blogs you love and include your partner in it. Other than that, I have no ideas!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Hmm… That’s a good idea! Should have included it in my Lately… post this week! Maybe next week! Thanks girl!

  3. Thanks Kassi!~ Just linked up #20!

  4. MAN!! That is a tough one. I read some of the ideas on the original post and they are ALL great but how would you make a blog button or teach html without them knowing it was you? I had an idea that if a certain post of theirs needed just a bit of help you could have a fellow blog friend post a comment with some friend criticism BUT in the blog world most people get all bent out of shape over any kind of criticism so that too would be a tough one.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Rosie had suggested that we could create a button or something like that and send it to them through her… But the partner I got already has everything they need… But getting friends to comment on their blog is a good idea! Even with just a nice hey there comment! :)

  5. Haha, I’m having trouble figuring out what to do, too!! If you get any suggestions, let me know.
    And i’m going to try to link up something crafty next week… we’ll see how that goes.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      So far a few I received on this post are mentioning them in a post with some of your other favorite blogs… Or encouraging friends to visit and comment on their blog… How about you?? Any good ideas?

    • hahahah! Didn’t you see my sparkly poster I made when I should have been working?!

      It’s so good to see you guys all so involved with each other. I have had all sorts of crazy requests filtering through my inbox, I’m like a blog angel postie right now! Sometimes it’s the simplist things that are the most heart-warming….keep commenting and keep being there!

      Love you guys..

      Rosie xx

      • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

        Haha! I DID see your sparkly poster! :) You girls are the best! Such a great idea!

  6. Love the blog angel idea! How cute is that!!!! If I think of any ways, I’ll let you know :)

  7. Glad you are having fun! I too have had some troubles thinking of things in order to help out my blogger (since I’m taking part this month). I have done so much including sponsoring, commenting, social media love, and trying to link up to her parties. Maybe I just did everything too soon? Haha. I hope we see you for round two in August! :) Thank you for participating! xo

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thank you ladies for hosting! :) I look forward to the rest of this and then next months!!

      • We’re happy to host! We are having so much fun with all of the blog angels and love going around in the blog-o-sphere! Can’t wait for the rest of it either!

  8. WOW, I want a bloggie angel, that sounds like fun! Good luck with that!


    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      They’re doing it again in August Carlee! You should sign up for that one! :) I will definitely be doing it again! It’s been lots of fun!

  9. Hey girl,

    Every blog on my linky, you seem to have already visited and commented…now that’s awesome blog angel behaviour right there. Love that you have done that. AND love the post. If you want to let people know that the round 2 sign up is open from 15th July, then that would be ace.

    If you’re still stuck for ideas, just email me. I’m happy to help.

    Rosie xx

  10. I have the sammmmee problem lol. my blog I’m watching seems to have everything she needs all up in there. So it’s like, well heck, what am I to do now? I’d love to do something beyond makin sure her tweets get my audience, comment as much as I can, participate in her link ups, but it doesn’t seem like she needs anythin. Dang girls knowin what it’s all about before you get there! hehehe

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Haha yep! It’s hard to help when they’ve got it all down! :) But it’s fun to try, right!?!

  11. such an inspiring link up!

    Xo Megan

  12. Thanks for hosting Kassi! Have a great weekend!

  13. What a fun idea, the blog angel. Thanks for sharing it.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  14. That blog angels idea sounds like so much fun! Thanks for hosting!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      It’s been a lot of fun so far!! Thanks for linking Pamela! :) Have a great weekend!!!


  1. […] remember this post in the middle of June? Where I talked about being a blog angel for someone and having one in return? At the time I was […]

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