Fancy This Fridays #101 + Lillie’s Twenty Wishes

Hi lovelies! Happy Friday!
Have you linked up YOUR 20 wishes yet?? If you’re still contemplating on what to add, here’s another list to gather ideas from!
You can see Kassi’s List here, Kayli’s here, and this one belongs to our momma, Lillie!

Twenty Wishes with Truly Lovely

Mom and Kayli – October 2012

Lillie’s List of 20 Wishes for 2013

1. Grandchildren

2. Explore writing a novel

3. Learn to play racquetball.

4. Swim more often

5. Sew-finish my quilts I’ve started.

6. Learn to cut-piece quilt tops.

7. Learn more technological things.

8. Finish my CPAO degree.

9. Teach a CPAO class

10. Shadow box my hair-I’m scared!

11. Scrapbook my pictures.

12. Take more pictures.

13. Clean out my storeroom.

14. Re-organize my den.

15. Walk more

16. Send more cards to people by regular mail.

17. Grandchildren

18. Grandchildren

19. Grandchildren

20. Grandchildren

Twenty Wishes with Truly Lovely

Mom and Kassi – October 2012

So uh, you can see what she’s focused on wishing for…. haha. But she has some really fun ideas in there too. 😉
That’s Nana Lillie for you. Love you Mom! Great list!

What’s on your list?

Click here for the 20 Wishes link up! 😉

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Hope you have a great weekend!!!!!

Market Tote and Clutch Set

Since Mother’s Day is long gone for 2012 and we’re actually approaching Father’s Day, I decided it would be safe to share the gifts I made for my Mom and Tammy  (hub’s step-mom).

I have really been enjoying sewing lately and was excited to create a handmade gift for each of the mothers in our life!

zip top clutches

I sewed two zipped clutches based off this Michelle Sewing Pattern. The only difference in the two was the color of the zippers. One was black, one was white.

I also made my mom a market tote using a Market Tote Simplicity Sewing Pattern.
I was excited that the black paisley fabric and purple floral accent fabric paired so well together!
The lining of both the clutches and the market tote was the purple floral.

fabric tote

Inside each clutch I also included a brand new Layers by Scentsy shower gel for an added surprise!

These were so fun to make! I really enjoy giving handmade gifts!
Hopefully they were as gladly received as they were lovingly made! 😉

handmade tote and clutch

So what about you? Do you like to sew? Enjoy gifting handmade?

Happy sewing lovelies!

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. We’d love if ! Thanks new friend!!

Sponsor Spotlight – Kristine of The Foley Fam

Hey dolls! Remember we’ve been celebrating MOMMA this month!
Here’s another amazing Truly Lovely large ad sponsor with a Mom related guest post!

Say hello to Kristine of The Foley Fam!

Hope all you Rockin Momma’s were spoiled this year, just like you deserve! Lucky for me I got to spend it with my Mom and my girls (and some Mexican food my fav!)!

My Mom.

 She’s taught me so much, and is the mother and woman I strive to be. When I think of life lessons she has taught me that I will pass to M&M, the saying below is one of them.
It is a friendly reminder, not only to others but mostly to ourselves.

Please feel free to use this as you wish. If you post it on the web tho,
please reference back to my blog. I made it using a picture I took
during one of our morning walks, and the program Picasa to add the text.
So simple, and better yet free! I printed it out and framed it. It is
suited for a 4×6 frame. Just right click, save to your computer, and
have it printed like a normal photo. Enjoy!
I’m finding the saying above holds true in many aspects of our lives, including this blogging world. It’s easy to just assume something about someone, I’m guilty of it as well.
I don’t know what fuels people. I don’t know what’s happening in their
lives, their journey. Who am I to assume they’re just being a jackass
just to be a jackass? Maybe they really are just having a bad day? All I
can really do is make sure I am being the best me I can be, and hope that
positive light spreads to others so they spread some positive light out
It’s easy to get caught up in someone else’s life, how “perfect” it is. Or how perfect it may seem. The blogging world pretty much makes us question ourselves. Why can’t I be a supermom like her, why can’t I make pretty things like her, why can’t I bake like her? Really tho, WHY can’t you? Who says you can’t? Pity parties are definitely healthy, as long as they are short lived and you move on… to bigger and better. So I say we kick pity parties in the bum… hard!
Everyone has their own worries, their own stresses, whether they chose
to document and share them is up to them. If they are sharing them,
comment. Leave your wisdom, praise, whatever. Leave something positive.
If you think someone rocks let them know. Trust me, it makes a difference. Be kind (rewind, ha had to put that in there). It doesn’t take much effort to be kind, I promise.
Everyone has a bad day, but remember someone out there is having an
even worse day. Remember, people are just people. The more positivity
you shoot out there, the more it will circle, and better yet eventually
come barreling back to you!!
Whoa, on the deepness factor of this post (wink wink).
I swear to you I’m not always this preachy over at our place (ha!), we actually are all about having fun! So if you’re into that type of thing, come partay with us!!
P.S. We never need a reason to celebrate, but I do have my Blog-iversary celebration happening right now! Enter to win some FABULOUS swag from some of my best friends! Kassie and Kayli just might be giving something away the last Sunday in May too… just maybe :)
Have a happy day! XOXO

Hope you’ll pop over and leave Kristine some bloggie love at her place! AFTER leaving her a little love on this post of course! 😉 Let us say yet again, we are SO thankful for all of the Mom’s in our lives! Including you mommies that read our blog! THANK YOU! And thanks to all our amazing May sponsors!!!

Sunflower Peeps Cake

Happy Tuesday friends! It’s Kayli (:

So in the spirit of finally recovering from my Easter Candy hangover, how about a little something to put your leftover Peeps to good use?

This was actually our mom’s idea. She saw it in a magazine and thought it would be cool to try for Easter dinner. But I think it’s cute for Spring in general! Nothing screams Spring like some baby chickens in the form of marshmallows in the shape of a sunflower. Nothing. And in the event you don’t have any Peeps left after the holiday, (no judgment homie- sugar covered marshmallows are good stuff. I feel ya.) Easter is over and the price of candy always seems to go down dramatically once the big day is gone.

So here’s what you’ll need.

A cake mix

Chocolate frosting

A few packages of Peeps

A bag of chocolate chips

I started with a butter yellow cake mix. You can use whatever you want- but keep in mind you’ll need two layers- so the easier it is to handle the better. I stacked and frosted the cake with the chocolate frosting to get the brown for the center of the Peep flower. Then with a little help from my madre I put Peeps, tail out,  around the top edge of the cake.

I probably should have put them more on the top and less on the edge-we ended up having to anchor some of them with toothpicks. Which probably couldn’t hurt anyway… still cute and a little sturdier. But just for future reference. Also, feel free to take a moment and enjoy the Senior Picture wall in the background. Dang we’re cute…. But moving on. (:

Once we had the Peeps on and staked down, we filled the circle in the middle with chocolate chips to give it a little more of a sunflower look. And this is how it turned out!

It was freakin delicious. Just so you know. (:

Happy Eating!

Linking this here and here and .

Painted Gift Tins

Today I’m going to share a fun gift ‘wrap’ idea with you!!!

Painted Gift Tins!

My mom received a huge stash of those Christmas cookie, treat tins from a friend awhile back… It was actually her idea to paint the tins and add some vinyl cut outs to fancy them up! (Obviously where we get a lot of our craftiness from, thanks Mom!!!)
We laid them all out on some newspaper outside and spray painted each tin with a couple of coats of paint.
We used a few different colors and let them dry really well…



Once the tins are painted and dry, it’s time to embellish.
I made this small light pink tin into a birthday gift ‘wrap’ for my niece.

I used white vinyl cut out in her name and some flowers plus little acrylic diamonds to pretty it up.
If you use the sticky back vinyl you can stick the cutouts on just like stickers.
The little jewels were attached with hot glue.

If you don’t have sticky backed vinyl, you can just use regular stickers too! 😉
I filled the tin with several little treats tied it with a ribbon and gave it to our niece for her birthday.
She loved having her own little tin she could fill with her treasures!

We have since made several of these for different gifts… You can use any shape or size of tin and decorate with paint, vinyl, stickers, anything you have on hand to fancy it up!

Happy Crafting!!!
Linking this hereherehere and .

Happy Birthday to our Mom!!!

We LOVE you!!

Mom, Kassi, Kayli – Summer 2011


Kassi, Kayli, Mom – March 2009

Taylor and her Nana – Summer 2011

Hubs, Kassi, Dad and Mom – July 2011