Archives for January 2013

A Valentine’s Day Engagement

Happy Thursday dolls! We’d like to introduce you to our friend, Megan of And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson! As this week’s Bloggie Bestie she’s here to share a sweet Valentine story with you! Won’t you take a sec and leave her a sweet note? Then pop over to her place where I’m sharing an easy Valentine’s day craft! 😉


Hello Truly Lovely readers! My name is Megan Robinson and I write over at {And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson}. I love to have a place where I can go to express my thoughts, share my stories, and hopefully inspire and uplift other women. I like to talk about womanhood, motherhood, marriage and everything in between!

Today I’m excited to talk to you about a fun little holiday coming up: Valentine’s Day! Growing up, I thought Valentine’s Day was kind of lame. I mean, if you didn’t have a boy to celebrate with then what.was.the.point. So instead I always told people that I was celebrating Arizona’s birthday since Arizona is the coolest place evaaahhhhh! And they bought it. I was quirky so it worked. 

Flash forward: I’m in college dating this supa-cute boy and we’re getting serious. He had planned some pretty awesome Valentine’s Day dates and was totally restoring my faith in the holiday. Then one time we decided to visit Arizona to celebrate its birthday in style, and what do you know, the cute boy proposes to me on Valentine’s Day!  I will be honest. I totally thought it would be so cheesy to get engaged on Valentine’s. But in that precious moment, it was just the perfect way to celebrate the day of love {and Arizona’s birthday} that I could ask for. 

Now February 14th is not just a day filled with tons of chocolate and conversation hearts to me. It’s not even about the beautiful state abundant with saguaro cacti. To me, February 14th is the day that I said “yes” to a uncertain future filled with lots of love and lots of faith. It was the beginning of a life I didn’t even know I wanted until I was with my now husband.

I didn’t know what I was saying yes to 4 years ago. How could you ever know what the future holds? But knowing what I know now, I would say yes again in a heartbeat. {In all it’s cheesiness, it is the truth :)}

Thank you for letting me share my little Valentine’s Day love story with you guys today and thank you to Kassi and Kayli for doing this fun blog swap! I hope you all will stop by my place and say hello when you get a chance, I would love to meet you! :)

Happy Arizona’s Birthday!


How fun to be able to celebrate your engage-iverseray every Valentine’s Day!!! Thanks for sharing with us Megan!!!
Your turn friends!!! Do you have a special Valentine’s day story???

A Dainty Silver Valentine

Hi there dolls. How was your weekend?? Mine was smashing thanks to The Color Run (a recap will be coming soon!!!) and a pretty little piece I’ve been wearing a lot lately. Well, make that two pieces actually. A beautiful, dainty, silver charm necklace and bracelet set from Allena Mistral.
Speaking of The Color Run, Alli of Allena Mistral was at the same race we were this weekend… We just ran at different times, so I didn’t get to meet her!!! Next time we’ll plan better!!! 😉

Allena Mistral

Both Allena Mistral pieces scream pretty! The necklace I chose is her Custom Sterling Initial Necklace with a tiny white pearl charm. The bracelet matches it perfectly. Alli, the owner and designer at Allena Mistral is a complete rock star. She was even sweet enough to put TWO initials on each, one for me and one for my hubs. You can see it reads ‘KN’ for Kassi and Nate, of course.
{Please disregard the coloring in the photo below. They’re both completely silver. The weird color is thanks to an Instagram edit.}

The necklace comes on a dainty silver chain while the bracelet is a a few chains thick to make it a little sturdier. Both wear well and I have received so many compliments on each.

You can absolutely have your necklace personalized with just one initial if you prefer and the stone choices are customizable as well. I got a necklace from Allena Mistral for my sister, Kayli, with a K and a blue crystal charm for her birthstone.

If your looking for a sweet Valentine for a friend or loved one an Allena Mistral piece would be just the thing! They’re so lovely and personal that any girl would love one. I love mine and Kayli loves hers!!! Right now, Truly Lovely readers can take 15% off their Allena Mistral purchase with the code LOVELY15 at checkout!!! 😉 So be sure to take advantage and get some pretties for yourself or your loved ones!!!

So tell me dolls… What have you asked for this Valentine’s Day? Do you give your other half a wish list or just hope for the best?? 😉

Disclosure: I received an Allena Mistral necklace in exchange for my review of the product. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!

Fancy This Fridays 111 and Features

Happy Friday friends!!! I’m so excited it’s almost the weekend!!! Tomorrow Kayli, my sisters in law, and aunt and cousin are running in The Color Run in Tempe, AZ!

My questions to you are first, will any of you be there??? I would LOVE to meet you if you will be!!! And second, have you ever done a Color Run?? Any tips or tricks we should know before running tomorrow???

Now onto the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party!!!

First up, Julianne at Sew Fantastic made this fun Valentine Heart Art. I love that the hearts stick out from the canvas a little bit!

Next up, Khadija of Creative Khadija fancied up her eyeglasses with a little bling!!! What girl wouldn’t love the sparkle in these DIY Glittery Eyeglasses!?!

And to wrap up this week’s features, this Champagne Poached Pear No-Bake Cheesecake just sounds fancy!!! It would make a yummy and impressive dessert for this Valentine’s day, yes?! Thanks to Kira of My Sesame Seed Buns for sharing her yummy recipe!

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!

Hey there lovelies! Where do you order your craft supplies? In the past I have ordered craft supplies from several online craft ‘stores’, but as of late I am really impressed with Consumer

I recently placed my first order on their website and found their selection of craft supplies to be a great variety. The products are organized well into specific crafting categories so it was easy to find and shop for the items on my list. They’re having a Back to Basics promo during these last two weeks of January and I was able to stock up on some of the craft supplies I use most often at a really great price!

In the two screen shots below (and the image up above) you can see the craft items I purchased. Everything from Wilton icing coloring to Mod Podge Dimensional Magic!

You can also see the awesome discounts I received through their site. I saved a total of $8.37 on just these items!

The site allows you to register or check out as a guest. I chose to register so that next time I’m ready to order my shipping address and other pertinent information is already ready to go! They even shoot you a quick ‘thanks for registering’ email so that you can save your information.

I am really excited to get the products I ordered. A few that I am really looking forward to include the doilies. They come in a package of twelve. I have a throw pillow project in mind for those that I’ve had pinned for months!

I’m also looking forward to trying the Goo Gone… have you ever tried it?? I’ve heard it works wonders!

You can find fun craft ideas by following ConsumerCrafts on Pinterest or if you Like Consumer Crafts on Facebook.  Also, don’t forget to get in on the Consumer Crafts Back to Basics sale and be sure to check out their Buy More Save More Promotion too!

I wrote this post as part of a campaign with Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are my own.

Fancy This Fridays #110 and Features!

Happy Friday!!!! Before we jump into the Fancy This party and features, have you entered our current giveaway? It’s for a fun Datevitation love coupon book! In other words, a date night coupon book you can gift your loved one for Valentine’s day… 😉 I did a review about the one I received in case you missed that as well. OH! And don’t forget to use the code ‘trulylovely‘ to get $10 off a book of your own!

Now onto the features from last week’s Fancy This party!

So first up, and speaking of date night ideas… Katherine of Irish Italian Blessings shared her 12 Months of Planned Dates as a Valentine gift idea. If you win the giveaway we’ve got going on you could totally do this without have to make them up. But Katherine’s method works just as well! 😉

Next up, Marissa of Rae Gun Ramblings shared a list of 50 Healthy Snacks. She even has them broken out by calorie count and whether they’re savory or sweet! Now I can totally appreciate the effort for that! Thanks Marissa!

And how fun is this little Lego Travel Tin from Terri at A Creative Princess! She made it from an Altoids tin!!!

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!

Thursday Obsessions with Glued to My Crafts

Hey there lovelies!!! We have a fun treat for this week’s Bloggie Bestie!!!
Meet Stacey of Glued to My Crafts!
She’s here to share her Thursday Obsessions Link up Party!
We invite you to check out her post below, then link up YOUR own Obsessions post!
I’m sharing mine over at her place today as well!
Take it away Stacey….

Hello everyone! I’m Stacey and I blog over at Glued To My Crafts. I’m pretty excited to be “stealing” Kassi & Kayli’s blog for the day. Let me start with introducing myself. I’m a mother to a nearly two year old boy, who keeps me on my toes and inspires a lot of my posts. I’m also a wife to a wonderful man serving in the Air Force. I’m a girly-girl who loves cooking, crafting and inspiring. Ok, the last one is more of a “I hope I inspire you.” My blog is mainly about life experiences, recipes and craft creations. Everything I post can be recreated with simple, everyday items you probably already have in your house. Even though I’m a shopaholic, I’m all about saving money and using what you have already. I don’t spend a lot to be crafty, and neither should you.

Every Thursday, on my blog, I host a linkup party called “Thursday Obsessions.” I basically answer some silly questions and pick a favorite linkup from the previous week, that I’m obsessing over. Then anyone and everyone, can link up their obsessions, creations or recipes. Today we are a taking a spin on it together and swapping blogs to share our obsessions. I’m sharing my obsessions on their blog today, while they are sharing theirs on mine. I hope you get inspired by some of the linkups and of course link up your own!

You can follow me via GFC


Obsessively Loving– Jewelry; especially earrings. I feel naked if I leave the house without any on.

Obsessively Reading– For once in a long time, I’m able to finally sit down at night and read a book. The choice this week? Donna Kauffman’s Book Babycakes. (A Cupcake Club Romance) I admit it, I picked it up because it had cupcakes on the front. So far, so good.

Obsessively Watching– Dance Moms on Lifetime. Like any reality show, it’s probably all staged. As a mother, I know I wouldn’t put up with “Miss” Abby Lee. But then again, fame & money makes you put up with anything.

Obsessively Anticipating – Sad to say, my son’s birthday in a little over 2 weeks away. We’re going to go to Denver to celebrate. I still can’t believe he will be TWO. I know I will cry and be in denial that day. Probably eating a lot of cake & ice cream to drown my sorrows. And I’m an ugly crier, so it won’t be pretty.

Obsessively Listening- Silence. This isn’t the first time I have written this and probably not the last. Naptime is golden. So is silence.

Obsessively Waiting on– My husband to get ready for we can do some food shopping. He takes more time to get ready than I do.

Obsessively Wishing- Taxes didn’t go up this year. My husband’s paycheck was nearly $200 short. What the crap? And he got a pay raise! Way for them to mess with our budget. It’s not like we wanted to live a little.

Obsessively Needing– Food. We have decided to do more “clean” eating and live a healthy lifestyle this year. Which means lots of trips to the grocery store because fresh stuff does not last long. Sucks because it seems like it costs more in the end to eat healthy. BTW, hate Walmart with a passion.

Obsessively Crafting– Toddler Crafts for my Break Cabin Fever series, as well as a ton of Valentine’s Day crafts for a linkup party I have coming up. My craft room looks like someone threw up construction paper & glitter.

WIWW: No nonsense Tights and Leggings

This post brought to you by No nonsense. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hey there lovelies, time for another What I Wore Wednesday! This week’s clothing item of choice… Tights and leggings! Specifically No nonsense tights and leggings!

I actually shared a photo on of me wearing leggings the other day because honestly… I’m NOT a leggings wearing kind of girl. I didn’t own a single pear of leggings until this lovely pair of black corduroy No nonsense leggings.

black tights outfit

I was quite impressed to say the least. This one pair of leggings completely changed the look of this outfit. I normally wear that brown top with jeans but I think it’s meant to be worn with leggings… It’s just too long to look completely right with jeans. The leggings were SO comfortable. They were thick and warm for this cool winter weather we’ve been having… Needless to say turns out maybe I am a leggings wearing kind of girl! Who’d have thought!?!

Then take these brown No nonsense tights. I don’t wear dresses very often normally, but especially during the winter months. It’s just too cold. BUT with these tights I can wear dresses all year long if I want to.

No nonsense tights outfit

So basically what it comes down to is that I received a pair of leggings and a pair of tights. Only two items. BUT those two items have insanely expanded my normal wardrobe!!! Nice, right?!

No nonsense tights and leggings can both be found at food and drug stores or even at your nearest mass outlet retailer. You know what that means for you?! For a crazy afforable price you can easily find and purchase tights and leggings to help YOU expand your wardrobe!

To find more fun outfit ideas incorporating No nonsense leggings and tights be sure to like No nonsense on Facebook and follow them on . Or… You’ve heard of Jill Martin, yes?! She’s the author of the New York Times best selling guide, “I Have Nothing To Wear” and a correspondant for Access Hollywood. Well, she’s teaming up with No nonsense to help women, especially like me (the no leggings/tights wearing kind) ;), figure out how to wear colorful tights and leggings with style! For more information be sure to watch this short video.

Happy shopping lovelies!!

Date Night Ideas and a Giveaway!

Valentine’s Day is only a month away! It seems like we just wrapped up Christmas but we’re already on to the next holiday! I do enjoy Valentine’s Day though… Sharing a little something with those I love is always a highlight.

This year I’m already ready with one of the hubs’ gifts! A custom date night love coupon book from Datevitation. {Don’t worry, he doesn’t read the blog unless I ask him to, so this won’t be a spoiler!}

Datevitation is such a fun idea! They are the first online platform where you can create a custom love coupon book for your significant other or even for a friend! There are over 200 unique date ideas to choose from, everything from a little something naughty for the husband to a little something fun for a girls’ night out idea.

Each coupon book comes packaged in a fun ready to gift box. There are over 60 book cover options to choose from with various holiday and other special occasion options. You can see I chose a Valentine’s Day cover with wedding rings for my hubs in the photo above.

Inside each cover is a page that you can customize with a note completely written by you, a simple To: From: message, or they even offer some really cute poems and prompts to get you started. I chose the To: From: option so I have space to hand write a love note myself. 😉

With over 200 fun dates to choose from it took me awhile to narrow it down to just five… But I think I chose a few that the hubs will especially love… Things like going out for a steak at a nice steakhouse. How convenient that they even provide a space to write down the date the coupon was used, right!?!

Or a movie of his choice at the theater. Just saying, I seriously doubt he chooses a chick flick… 😉 But that’s completely ok!

I was really impressed with the layout of the Datevitation website. They set it up so you customize each feature of the book as you go along. Then they provide you a complete preview before placing your order. I was also impressed with the shipping! My love coupon book arrived in my mailbox in just a few short days! Perfect!

Today one lucky Truly Lovely reader has the chance to win their very own customized Datevitation coupon book!!! Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be drawn and announced on Wednesday, January 23rd. This giveaway is only open to U.S. residents or those that can have their book shipped to a U.S. address.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you’re looking for even more fun date ideas be sure to check out the Datevitation blog where creators, Alex and Olga Karpman a husband-wife team, offer video ideas for dates and other romantic gestures.

Now each coupon book normally starts at just $20 for five custom dates but for a limited time Truly Lovely readers can get their very own coupon book for only $10!!!

Use the code trulylovely for $10 off your purchase through January!!!


Thanks for entering lovelies and good luck!!!!

Disclosure: I received a free Datevitation coupon book in exchange for my review of their product. As always all opinions shared here are 100% my own!

Fancy This Fridays #109 and Features

Happy Friday lovelies!!! The end of another week!

My husband has been away at a work training all week and finally comes home today! Hate to be a whiner, but I don’t like being home by myself… especially at night. And thus the reason I hadn’t mentioned he was gone before now. Public service announcement: Telling the whole internet-sphere that your husband/significant other will be away for awhile is just inviting trouble. Don’t do it peeps. Stay safe instead. I only say that because I have friends that tend to announce that kind of thing on their Facebook status… I cringe every time. You just never know!!!

OK, onto happier things, like features from last week’s party!!!

First up, how cool are these ice lanterns from Kirsten of Craftiments?!?! It think it’s probably too warm here already for me to pull this off, but if we get a cold spell I am SO going to try this!!!

Next, Melissa of Redfly Creations shares the DIYer’s Guide to Family Portraits. Just getting into photography myself, I can tell you her tips are spot on!

And to round out this week’s features, Courtney of The Chirping Moms shared an easy but yummy sounding recipe for Crock Pot Chicken. Who doesn’t love a new crock pot recipe!?!?

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!

8 Ways to Save at the Grocery Store

Hello there lovelies!
Today let’s meet our first Bloggie Bestie of 2013!!
Paula of Beauty Through Imperfection!
Today she’s here to share her 8 Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store! With the New Year in full swing, who doesn’t want to know how to save money, am I right?!?! Take it away Paula!!!

Hi! I’m Paula and I blog over at Beauty Through Imperfection. First of all, I am so thankful to Kassi and Kayli for the opportunity to be bloggie besties! I think this is SUCH a fun idea!

A little about me/my blog; I have been married to my bestest friend for 4 years! We met when we were both 18, and decided to get married 35 days later! (crazy, I know! but it works for us!) We have 2 adorable kiddos; Little Man (2 years) and the Princess (5 months).


save money

I’m a SAHM, and I’m really thankful that we are able to work it out so I can stay home with the kiddos! I haven’t always been able to stay home, so I really appreciate it now that I’m able to. We are currently living in a 2 bedroom 3rd story apartment(!) and saving all our pennies for a house. I love writing, but the main purpose of the blog is to encourage other moms/wives! You can find funny stories, heartfelt lessons, “oops” moments from my imperfect life & lots more on the blog.

Today, I wanted to share with you a few things that I’ve discovered that can help to save money when grocery shopping! I hope some of these tips are helpful for you!

8 ways to save money while grocery shopping

1. Half your meat – Most recipes can easily be altered to use less meat. I do this with most of the casseroles I cook, and they usually don’t have to be ‘edited’ in any other way. Instead of using 1 pound of beef or what not I use a half pound and save the other half for the next night’s recipe. The flavor is still nice and meat-y and we save a lot of $ every week this way!

2. Bake your own bread – This is not something that I’m currently doing, but I’ve done it in the past and it saved us a lot of money every month. Bread can be expensive, especially depending on what type you buy! We buy bread for a bit over $2 a loaf, but I could bake my own for about 50 cents a loaf. BIG difference, and can make a huge impact on your grocery budget if your family really likes bread! (my boys LOVE it!) I used this recipe when I was doing it. It’s an easy and fast recipe that makes really yummy bread! You don’t even have to worry about kneading the dough!

3. Meatless meal – Do one meal a week without meat. Meat makes up a majority of the cost for most meals, so even just doing 1 meatless meal a week could save you a lot in the long run. Do a meal like beans & rice, meatless spaghetti/Alfredo noodles, a lot of fresh veggies/potatoes (Baked) or even breakfast tacos. So many options to save a ton of $ every week!

4. Shop sales – Only buy produce that is on sale. Familiarize yourself with the average price of fruits/veggies that you like and shop accordingly. We eat fruit and veggies by the season, and sometimes I will change our menu to plan around an extremely cheap veggie I found in the store. Plan to be flexible if there are good deals on ingredients to something that you know how to make.

5. DON’T shop aisle end caps – You know those “great deals” on the end caps of aisles? You are just walking by and then you see something and think “oh yeah, I need that!” and so you grab one and keep going? I don’t know why we automatically assume it’s a great deal if it is on the end, but I’ve noticed that most of the time it is not. Many times it’s an awful deal and if you go search for that item actually on an isle you can find the same thing (different brand) at a much lower price. So when you see something you are forgetting, go and find the product where it is normally located in order to find the best price.

6. Buy “off” brand – Do I even need to say this one? Don’t always buy name brand. Be willing to experiment with the off brand stuff, and you will end up saving a lot of money. Target brand (up & up) diapers are amazing, and they are half the price of name brand. Walmart whales (equivalent of goldfish) are actually better in my opinion, but they are much cheaper. There are so many great products that are not name brand, be willing to try and see what your family likes.

7. Stock up when there are sales – If something that you use regularly is on sale, buy as much of it as your budget will allow. This month chicken was half the price it usually is, so I stocked up and filled our freezer! We will be eating mainly chicken meals for at least the next month (depending on how long the sale lasts), but we are also saving a LOT of money.

8. Buy some treats – Okay this may sound counter productive but hear me out. Find a healthy limit to “treat” food (ice cream etc) and stick to it. If you cut out all of the special foods you will end up splurging by going out to an ice cream parlor or hitting up the grocery store another time in the week to pick something up (and we all know it is impossible to go to the grocery store and leave with just one item). I keep our treats/junk food limited to 1. We can only have one sweet/sugary/’treat’ in the house at a time. I will not buy more than one a week and I will not buy any more until the first is GONE. Meaning if it lasts longer than a week, I won’t buy anything else ‘special’ the next time I’m shopping. This keep us disciplined, healthy, on budget and enables us to enjoy special desserts and treats a few times a week.

These are just a few of the things that we do to save $ each month. I hope they help you as well!

Thanks again to Kassi and Kayli for the opportunity to share!



I don’t know about you, but there are several tips here I know I can use to save money the next time I’m grocery shopping!!!
Thanks so much to Paula for sharing her tips with us! Won’t you take a minute to jump over and tell her hello at her place?
I’m sharing a guest post there as we speak!

AND if you’re interested in being the NEXT Bloggie Bestie, learn more about it here, then shoot me an email!