Pen Pal Exchange

Did you ever have a pen pal when you were growing up? Someone you exchanged letters, cards or postcards with? I know I did as a young girl and it was something I’ve always remembered and wanted to do again! We all get crap mail most of the time so wouldn’t it be fun to have something exciting to look forward to getting besides all those bills, flyers and grocery ads?! We think so!

Chrissy from A Lil Dash of Diva and I have teamed up to bring you a Pen Pal Exchange!

The Rules:

You must send your Pen Pal a letter, card or postcard at least once per month during the exchange period

This is meant to be a letter, card or postcard exchange only. There are no packages and min/max amount of cash to spend. If you want to send a small trinket to your Pen Pal that is totally up to your discretion but it is not a requirement or even a suggestion.

If you have a child who would like a pen pal, please let us know and we will do our best to pair them up with another child to partner with for the exchange.

The exchange period will last 3 months at a time. Our hope is that you will connect with your Pen Pal and make a new friendship that will blossom and grow over time. You are encouraged to connect through following your pen pals blog, Facebook, Twitter and any other social media you’d like. You can exchange texts and emails too if you’d like but none of these are required to participate!

*If this first round goes well, we will be continuing with another round with new PenPal partners.
*Please help us spread the word about the PenPal exchange!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely



  1. I hope that its okay for an Aussie to join in!

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun. I actually did have a pen pal when I was younger. We kept in contact until she graduated high school and got married.

  3. I can still remember my penpal from Elem. school. That was SO fun! And I love writing so this is great!! So glad you’re doing something like this! I’m guessing to sign up we add our link above?

  4. How fun, I used to have a few penpals growing up! Such a great way to get to know new people! Thanks for doing this! xxx

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Oh, our pleasure!!!! I have a ton of cute stationary that I can’t wait to use!

  5. What a beautiful idea!!! I also grew up writing to pen-pals.. I even met 2 of them (one from a different country and one from my country, Italy)… it was an exciting experience!!! We are still in contact after 20 years!!! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      How cool is that!?! Would you believe I also had a pen pal… I met him too. :) And he became my husband many many years later…. 😉

  6. So I am not even new to the blogging world but I don’t understand linkups? I REALLY want to do this though. I think that would be the funnest thing ever!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      We’d love to have you Amanda!!! In this case all you have to do is link up the homepage of your blog. :) Make sure you share your email as well.

  7. Looks like a ton of fun, excited to join in!

  8. This is fantastic! I recently wrote a blog post about my pen pals from childhood. I’d love to be included. There’s nothing like receiving something handwritten in the mail. :)

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