Archives for July 2013

Fancy This Fridays #137 and Features

Hello dears! You know what I love? When sweet people leave us comments. So shout out to Christine and Kathy for commenting on last week’s post- you ladies are awesome and we appreciate you!

Life has been a little hectic lately. #isntitalways Yeah. Yeah it is. But it’s been extra hectic and extra full of blessings as of late.

Our cups runneth over.

And they’re spilling all over the floor and making a little bit of a mess.

But man, it’s a beautiful one.

So we thank you for sticking with us even when life gets a little messy. And for partying with us through it all. :)

So speaking of Kathy from Sparkles and a Stove and how much we adore her- we love her even more for sharing her Food Truck Style Taquito Recipe– ummmmm YUM. Anyone that knows us, knows that we love taquitos. We were raised on Mexican food. So good! And reading her post was just fun- so much about food trucks I didn’t know.

Sparkles taquitos


Also totally digging on Artsy VaVa‘s SUPER cute Cabinet Door Chalkboard– so simple, so cute, and “pre-framed.” Genius, lady. Genius.

Artsy Chalkboard

And finally- an awesome Double Chocolate Brownie recipe from Debbie of Simple Joys of Home. I love that there aren’t a million ingredients. Hallelujah for a recipe that I can actually use because I already have everything in it! Done and done.

simple joys brownie


And that’s it! Here’s a button for you ladies that were featured- we hope you’ll share it on your blog proudly. :)

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


And just like always- features are pinned to our Pinterest board.

Now onto this week’s party!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

This week we’re celebrating Pioneer Day. (July 24th) A day where we express our gratitude to those who were brave enough to make their way west so that we could live here generations later and enjoy the beautiful life we do. We hope that whether you share in the festivities or not, you have a safe and super fun weekend!



Klara Beth’s Birthday

Hey friends! Long time no talk! Little miss Klara will be three weeks old on Saturday and we finally feel like we’ve gotten into some sort of a routine… As much of a routine as you can get into with a sweet little newborn girl. 😉 So I’m back on the blog today to share Klara’s birth story. I want to share it here so I have a record of the day just for myself and a fun memory to share with her when she’s older. But also, while I was pregnant I found others birth stories interesting and comforting at a time when I had no idea what to expect. So here we go!

Klara Beth

Klara Beth’s Birth Story

My official due date was still just under two weeks away. We had just celebrated the fourth of July by traveling to a team roping outside Show Low, AZ, several hours from home. I rode home with our friends Dusty and Kayce while Nate went on to another roping because I had to work on the 5th. On the drive home my feet and ankles became the most swollen they had been all throughout my pregnancy. Kayce and Dusty both joked about having dreams that I went into labor on the way home with them while Nate was away… Luckily, I didn’t go into labor on the drive, and was able to write my blog post for Fancy This Fridays that evening even sharing a photo of my swollen cankles… haha.


The 5th was fairly uneventful, I did my work for the day, cleaned house a little bit and waited for Nate to make it home from his second day of roping. Saturday the 6th we spent a low key morning at home, then decided to go to a movie. After all, once baby decided to come there wouldn’t be much time or opportunity for a movie night out. We went to the afternoon matinee and saw White House Down. We both really enjoyed the movie, our popcorn and sodas. I even had a salted pretzel and cheese sauce! (So good!)

After we got home that afternoon, sometime after 5pm, we were sitting on the back steps talking about mowing the yard when I started to feel yucky… I told Nate I didn’t feel very good. Walking back in the house I felt my water break. At the time though it was nothing like they tell you it’s going to be… It was a quick short gush and then it was over. No continual leaking, no obvious – yep that was my water breaking. So we got out the baby books, the pamphlets my doctor gave me and tried to decipher whether that was it or not.

That’s when my stomach started hurting. I’ve been told contractions feel like a tightening of your stomach. That they build up slowly and steadily. My doctor told me not to go to the hospital until the contractions were five minutes apart. These stomach pains were quick pangs of pain right in my lower abdomen. The books all say your back will hurt. You’ll know that they’re contractions. I didn’t. My back didn’t hurt. Honestly, I kind of just felt like I was getting a bad stomach bug or something. Now don’t laugh… Nate had just had a bad bug like the week before, so it wasn’t completely out of nowhere.

In the meantime the in laws called and invited us out to dinner. Thinking that maybe what I was feeling was false labor or just a stomach bug we decided to meet them. If it was false labor everything I read says that it will stop if you get up and move around… So that was the plan. Get up and go to dinner. We met at a Mexican food place and I ordered… wait for it… enchiladas. Yes, yes I did. But I honestly thought I was having false labor signs or nothing at all, and they really sounded good. haha.

When we got home from dinner I was still feeling yucky but not like I was in labor so Nate went outside to ride one of our horses and I hung out in the house just waiting it out. While he was outside the pains I was having started getting worse and more frequent. I tried timing them with my cell phone to see if they were contractions but they came on so quickly and they were much closer together then five minutes… By the time Nate came in I was ready to go to the hospital. I was really hurting by then.

Before we left the house we debated on actually taking the bags I’d packed for the hospital because we were completely unsure if it was actually labor. AGAIN, let me reiterate… I am not stupid. But this was my first child, I had never experienced labor before and the things I was experiencing were NOTHING like they tell you it will be. I’d heard first babies are almost always born close to their due dates or even late. First time labors almost always take more than 8-12 hours… etc, etc. I was still two weeks from my due date , if these were contractions they were coming on too fast too soon, the list of doubts goes on… We decided to take the bags with us just in case.

When we got to the hospital (that was a a little after 8 pm) I told the nurses I wasn’t sure if it was real labor… They decided to admit us and get me checked to see. It took about 20 minutes or so to get us admitted and what not… When the nurse checked me she was shocked. ‘How long have you been hurting?’ she asked… ‘Um… just a few hours,’ I replied. ‘You’re already at 7-8cm!’ she told us… They immediately called my doctor and started getting paperwork signed, and things set up for a delivery.

From there everything happened so fast it was out of control! Neither me nor Nate had anytime to really think about the fact that this was it. We were about to become parents! Speaking of parents we called mine and his. Mine were several hours away visiting my uncle, so they jumped in the car and headed our way right then. Kayli, who had planned on coming down the following day to stay with me until baby time, was also several hours away and decided to wait to come until the next day because it was too late for her to be driving that far by herself. Nate’s dad and step-mom came to the hospital and were there for the delivery.

Now, just a random tidbit… I had wanted to get an epidural. I even told Nate on the way to the hospital that I hoped we hadn’t waited too long to get one. I didn’t want to be one of those ‘dumb girls’ that waited too long and missed the window. Well… I was one of those girls. All I can say is don’t judge… waiting because you’re unsure doesn’t make you dumb!!!

From the time I checked into the hospital until the time I delivered miss Klara Beth was only about 2 hours. Overall the entire labor was only about 4-5 hours long. So take that stereotype that first time labors take forever!!! And because we were too late for the epidural I delivered little miss with nothing but one shot of pain medicine in my IV. There wasn’t even time for a second dose before delivery! So gotta say I felt pretty proud of myself afterward. 😉 All the nurses, my doctors, my husband, everyone there was impressed with my pain tolerance. And there I was just thinking it really, really hurt. haha.

After only about 30 minutes of pushing we welcomed Klara Beth Mortensen at 10:52 pm on July 6th, 2013. She weighed 8 lbs, 2 oz and was 19 inches long.


Her daddy is in love! And he was a champ!! He stayed right there with me the entire time. He held my hand, wiped my face with a cold rag and cut the cord after his daughter was born. He even changed her first three diapers! 😉

daddy and klara

FYI, my mom and dad made it to the hospital about 1:30 am to meet their new granddaughter. And Auntie Kayli was able to come early the next morning to meet her new niece.

Klara with papa and nana

We are thrilled to be Klara’s mommy and daddy and have immensely enjoyed these first few weeks… Lack of sleep and all! Klara was ready to come whether we thought it was time or not… And she just barely waited for her daddy to get home from roping so he’d be there to greet her! 😉

Moral of our birth story… Women and their labors really are all unique. Everything I experienced was nothing like what the books say it will be. Just be prepared for anything and everything and don’t bank on it being a typical labor and delivery! Also… don’t feel silly if you’re unsure. It’s completely normal and relatively easy to be confused about labor signs!!!

Did you write your baby’s birth story? I’d love to read it if you have the link! Or feel free to tell me about your experiences in the comments! Also, if you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I’ll be happy to share what I can!!

Pin It to Win It From Consumer Crafts

Hello there lovelies!

Since the first Pin it to Win it Contest from Consumer Crafts was such a hit, they’re at it again! They are offering up to $500 worth of crafty goodness to one lucky winner through their Pin It to Win It Craft Wishlist Pinterest Contest!


It’s easy to enter! All you have to do is pin the top 10 items on your craft wish list for a chance to win up to $500 in craft supplies from ConsumerCrafts! Make sure you complete the following steps to enter the contest:

1. Follow ConsumerCrafts on Pinterest:
2. Create a Pinterest board called “Craft Wish List”
3. Go to and pin 10 craft supplies you’d like to win
4. Enter the link to your Craft Wish list board and complete your entry here:

Hurry, entries must be received by August 31st!

I’ve already created my pin board and entered the contest, so if you’re looking for a few ideas, feel free to . Or for more fun craft ideas and supply suggestions , Like Consumer Crafts on Facebook or check out ConsumerCrafts on Pinterest!

Fancy This Fridays #136 and Features

Another week of baby cuddling and newborn adventures around here. :) Mom and baby are both doing incredibly well and I’m personally really digging this whole Aunt thing. There’s something about new babies that makes you stop and look around at just how blessed you truly are. On top of all of that fun- you all definitely delivered on awesome links last Friday and I had such a hard time picking only a few! But I managed- and here they are-

With little Miss in mind, first up is Melanie from Artzy Creations with a round up of 15 Darling Summer Dress Tutorials. Ummm- so cute. All of the dresses are adorable and they look completely doable!

dress roundup

With little ones in mind on this one too- Christine over at The DIY Dreamer shared some CUTE Hand-Drawn Stuffed Monsters. This is an awesome way to bring kids’ artwork to life and do something together. SO fun!!!


And finally- just because this is AWESOME- Victoria from Simply Anchored has a great tutorial on How to Make Your Own Canvas Picture. Guys- this is a game changer- we love canvased pictures but (obviously) no one loves shelling out tons of cash for them! So many good tips!

canvas pictures

We’re so glad you all stopped by and shared- You all definitely gave us lots to look at and try. For you lovely ladies that have been featured, don’t forget to grab a button! :)

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

 And just like always, features are pinned right from YOUR post to our board! You can check that out .

Now onto this week’s party!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Hope you all have a beautiful and safe weekend!


Maternity Leave – Meet Chrissy

Hey there friends! While I’m away loving on my brand new baby girl and all the stuff that comes with it I have asked a few friends to BABY sit Truly Lovely! They each have a fun post to share with you to give you a little something to hold you over until I can come back and share cute baby pics and the like… ;) So please share a little love with each guest poster here and be sure to click over and check out their blogs!

Today’s guest is Chrissy of Whimsical Poppysmic!

Take it away Chrissy….


Hello dear friends of Truly Lovely!
I am Chrissy from Whimsical Poppysmic
Now you might be wondering what that name means and 
where it comes from. Head on over here for the story behind it.
First of all I would like to thank Kassi for having me during her much needed blog break
to welcome her sweet baby girl into this world. Enjoy being a mommy, Kassi!
Here’s a little bit about myself
I am from Germany, born in northern Germany near Hamburg and somehow ended up in the southern part of the country near Stuttgart. I am married to my best friend and soul mate (I know, totally a cliché, but oh so true), Stefan. We’ve been a couple for 20 years now, 10 of which we have been married. I am the mom to my wonderful daughter, Leonie, who turned 10 this past May (whoa, time sure does fly). I started blogging in late 2010 during our time as expats in the suburbs of Chicago where we lived from September 2008 to August 2011. You can read more about that special time of our lives over here.
All in all I was able to spend 7 years of my life in the US – the first 4 years were from age 6 to age 11 with my parents and sister in Ft. Rucker, AL where my dad, who is a retired helicopter pilot of the German Army, was sent as a flight teacher. I always wanted to return to the US, so when the opportunity arose there was not a single doubt on my mind not to go. We loved living there and we hope to be able to return one day for good – that’s how much we love America.
Living abroad isn’t as easy as one might assume, but returning home can be way more difficult than leaving, ever heard of the 5 phase of being on the road? It can be hard, really hard when homesickness sets in, it can be very challenging and it can be an adventure you wouldn’t want to miss. I love writing about it  like here or here, but I also enjoy reading about other peoples experiences living in foreign country.
I love anything handmade, I even had my own Etsy shop for a while, but since I started working part-time I just didn’t have the time anymore. So now I knit for myself, my family and friends, I love embroidery, I crochet (love granny squares) and I recently started sewing. I have done quite a few handmade trades and am always up for one!
I bet by now you already guessed that I write about pretty much anything on my blog. Sometimes you can find a good rant (we all have to let it out every now and then, right), I am participating in Project 52 for the 2nd year in a row and usually post my updates on Sundays
I am just a “normal” part-time working mom with “normal” problems, worries and joys in life. 
I would love for you to come over and say hi, cause I just love meeting new bloggers and making new friends! You can find my blog here or you can tweet with me over , in case you are on Instagram, I am  and you can also follow me on . 
Please make sure to leave a link where I can find you!
Thanks again for having me!



Thank you Chrissy!!! It’s so fun to have a friend that lives abroad! Hope you’ll take a second and go check out Chrissy’s blog! Oh, and be sure to check out her Instagram feed as well… She posts the most beautiful photos of her Germany!!! :)

Maternity Leave – Giant Bubbles

Hey there friends! While I’m away loving on my brand new baby girl and all the stuff that comes with it I have asked a few friends to BABY sit Truly Lovely! They each have a fun post to share with you to give you a little something to hold you over until I can come back and share cute baby pics and the like… 😉 So please share a little love with each guest poster here and be sure to click over and check out their blogs!

Today’s guest is Bobbi of Dats So Cute. She is sharing a fun activity to do with the kiddos this summer!!

Take it away Bobbi….


There are so many great things about summer that I love!  One of the main things is spending time with my boys, and finding inexpensive fun!  For those of you with boys, you understand that they are always doing something, they don’t just sit and read or chill, so I’m always trying to think of things that I enjoyed as a kid to keep them entertained.
Last spring we had the pleasure of having giant bubbles made for us, and not only did the boys love them, all of the adults did too.  When we went to the beach last summer, they were once again a huge hit!  We enjoyed them so much we had to get the recipe for them, and I thought I’d share them with all of you! 
What you’ll need:
1 gallon of Distilled Water
2 tubes of KY Jelly
1 bottle of original dawn (THE BLUE KIND)
1 large disposable pan
butterfly nets (cutting all but a little bit off)
It’s very important that you use exactly these things and not make any exceptions, trust me, I tried and they didn’t work.  
Pore the water in the pan first, then add the KY, lastly the bottle of ORIGINAL DAWN.  Lightly mix with the wand, when you lift the wand, slowly raise in the air and huge beautiful bubble arise.




Everyone that walked past couldn’t help but stop and either pop one, or ask to make them.  They are fun for all ages!
I hope you all enjoy!
Come by and check out the blog sometime, new posts are coming soon!
Thank you Kassi for letting me post over here today!  Congratulations to you and your family on your new bundle of joy!  Enjoy every second, they grow way to fast!
Thanks so much Bobbi! What a fun idea this is!! Don’t forget to pop over to her place and say hello friends!

Maternity Leave – French Vanilla Mousse Recipe

Hey there friends! While I’m away loving on my brand new baby girl and all the stuff that comes with it I have asked a few friends to BABY sit Truly Lovely! They each have a fun post to share with you to give you a little something to hold you over until I can come back and share cute baby pics and the like… 😉 So please share a little love with each guest poster here and be sure to click over and check out their blogs!

Today’s guest is Jerri of Simply Sweet Home! She has a delicious French Vanilla Mousse recipe for you to try!!!

Take it away Jerri….


Hi Lovelies! I am so excited to be guest posting here today! My name is Jerri and I’m from the blog Simply Sweet Home. It is a lifestyle blog covering everything from home & garden topics to recipes, product reviews, and even a little beauty and fashion! We also have a weekly linky party called Friday Favorites. Oh! And I have a little jewelry shop on Etsy called !

In the summer time I have always loved eating cool sweet treats. This French Vanilla Mousse is great for parties, picnics, or just a quick snack on the back porch! And it’s very versatile. You can serve it up in parfait dishes or use it in a trifle (perhaps layered with angel food cake or pound cake and fruit!). And I’ve also just poured it up into a graham cracker pie shell! And it’s also super quick and easy! Check it out!

Recipe for French Vanilla Mousse
1 (14 oz.) can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 cup cold water
1 (4-serving size) package French vanilla instant pudding mix
1 (8 oz.) container frozen light whipped topping, thawed
Nila Wafers (or other cookies to garnish with)
Directions: Whisk sweetened condensed milk and water in large bowl. Add pudding mix. Whisk 2 minutes or until well blended. Chill 5 minutes. Fold in whipped topping. Spoon into serving dishes. Chill. Garnish as desired. (I layered with Nila wafers.)

Thanks so much to Kassi for having me here today!
Please come by and see me over at my blog and .
Also, follow on , , , and .


Yep, I’m all about cool, sweet treats! So yummy! Thanks for sharing Jerri! Please leave her a little bloggie love friends! Thanks!

Maternity Leave – Beer Margarita Recipe

Hey there friends! While I’m away loving on my brand new baby girl and all the stuff that comes with it I have asked a few friends to BABY sit Truly Lovely! They each have a fun post to share with you to give you a little something to hold you over until I can come back and share cute baby pics and the like… 😉 So please share a little love with each guest poster here and be sure to click over and check out their blogs!

Today’s guest is Alli of Simply Alli. She’s got a delicious drink recipe that I would love to try in… oh… a year or so…. haha. But for you non-preggos out there, it sounds amazing! 😉

Take it away Alli….


Hello there, I’m Alli and I blog over at Simply Alli.  I’m stoked to be here today to share this fantastic summer drink with all of you! It’s perfect for these hot summer days.


Just the name of this recipe makes my mouth water, Beer Margaritas!  This fun, summer drink is amazingly refreshing and oh so tasty!! Just be careful though, one too many of these and you’ll forget where you left your shoes the night before…just saying…


1 can of pink frozen lemonade-thawed

Tequila – you pick how much :)


1 bottle or can of beer

Pour the can of pink lemonade into a pitcher.  Fill the empty can with tequila (we like them strong) and pour that into the pitcher.  Next add one bottle or can of beer to the pitcher and fill up the reminder of the pitcher with Sprite.

You’ve been warned!

Have fun and enjoy responsibly :) 




Thank you Alli!!! These are the perfect summertime drink!!! Be sure to say hello to Alli over at her place as well! Simply Alli!!!

Fancy This Fridays #135 and Features

Happy Friday everyone! This has been the fastest and greatest week ever around here with the arrival of my brand new niece Miss Klara!!! (: As you might imagine- Kassi has her hands full with baby so I’m doing my best to fill in a little. And I’m also totally faint from cuteness overload with all the snuggles and adorable baby clothes. So I’m up this week for features!

First up is Laurie over at Laurie’s Little Bits of Creativity with what looks like an AMAZING recipe for Berry Blast Orange Shortcake. A fun twist on the classic and so perfect for summer!

berry and orange shortcake

Speaking of things that look delicious- check out these very cute and very Patriotic Pinwheel Cookies from Jen at Don’t Mess with My Tutus! I’ve been itching to try making pinwheel cookies for myself and these are adorable. Also, who doesn’t love eating something that fills them with national pride?! ‘Merica, friends. ‘Merica.

patriotic pinwheel cookies100

And finally, with my new favorite baby girl in mind- Jessica from Sunny Stitching has generously shared a free crochet pattern for the cutest Chevron Baby Blanket. So fun and cozy.


Here’s a button for you lovely ladies that have been featured to grab and share over on your own blogs. (:

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


And as always, features get pinned onto our Featured on Truly Lovely board which you can check out .

Now on to the party this week!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Thanks for linking with us friends! Hope your week has been as blessed as ours.


Celebrating with a Shabby Apple Giveaway!

Let’s celebrate shall we?? Today is mine and the hub’s two year wedding anniversary!!

laughing wedding

AND baby girl decided to make her appearance this weekend!! Meet little miss Klara Beth Mortensen!!!

Klara and Mommy

So here’s to celebrating two years of fun and laughter with my mister and to becoming a mommy and daddy on July 6, 2013!!! I’ll be back to share more sometime later!!! Won’t you celebrate with us by entering to win a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple!?!

Shabby Apple is an online dress boutique that specializes in vintage and retro dresses. Here are a few of my favorites…

Shabby Apple Dresses

The Alice, This Day Forward and Belle de Jour.

Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will close one week from today on July 16th, and the winner will be announced the following day! Thanks for entering, for celebrating with us and good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway