Archives for December 2013

Hidden Valley Ranch Feast

Good Monday morning lovelies!!! Only two days now until Christmas! I hope you’re ready! 😉 Today I have a fun dinner party to share with you! I was invited to host a Hidden Valley Ranch Feast as a member of Crowdtap.

The plan was to invite some family and friends over, have them bring recipes made with Ranch as sort of a pot-luck dinner and then share the recipes with one another. I was sent a box of Hidden Valley Ranch goodies to use during the party that included a Team Ranch t-shirt, a bottle of ranch, samples of Hidden Valley Italian dressing, Ranch dressing and dip mix, and Ranch To Go packets.


For my main recipe I made . It’s a super simple recipe I found on Pinterest.

Hidden Valley Ranch Recipe

I also put together a huge salad bar, as requested by my husband. A big salad covered in Ranch dressing is one of his favorite things!

Salad bar party

One guest brought  a jalapeno ranch dip and another brought potato soup flavored with a Hidden Valley Ranch packet! Both recipes were delicious!!! My nephew Chancey was happy to sport the Team Ranch t-shirt as our official Ranch mascot.

Team Ranch Hidden Valley Ranch Party

My niece, Corryn was in charge of handing out samples of Ranch to Go and the Italian Dressing.

Hidden Valley Ranch Feast

Overall everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the dinner. We each learned a few new recipes to make for our own families using Ranch as an ingredient. The salad bar was a big hit. Everyone loved being able to put together their own salads. I definitely recommend trying one for your next big dinner get together!

Your turn: What is your favorite recipe using ranch as an ingredient??

Disclosure: I received the Hidden Valley Ranch Kit as a member of Crowdtap. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own.

Fancy This Fridays #157

Yikes, how is it Friday already!?! I’m pretty sure the weeks leading up until Christmas fly by once you become an adult… Not so much while you’re still a kiddo though, right?! haha. In case you missed it I shared my family’s Christmas cards this week. As well as a few unique stocking stuffer ideas.

This week for the features from Fancy This 156 there was an easy theme… Chocolate!!! So whether you’re looking for ideas for holiday treats for the neighbors or maybe something new and fun to put out for Santa, we’ve got you covered!!

First up, Mary Ellen of Recipes Food and Cooking shared a delicious recipe for Chocolate Fudge Peppermint Cookies. Yum!


Next up, these Rocky Road Pudding Gifts in a Jar would be a fun treat to take to the neighbors this year!! Summer of Summer Scraps shows you exactly how to whip them up!


And finally Jodee of A to Z for Moms Like Me shared her recipe for the Best Cream Pies. You can make chocolate if you like or any other flavor really, your choice!

Cream Pie Recipe

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Happy Holidays from the Mortensens!!

Only 5 shopping days left until Christmas now!!! Is it just me or has December flown by for anyone else?? Goodness. I barely got my Christmas cards in the mail day before yesterday… But while we’re talking Christmas cards, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my family to yours!!!


I am SO pleased with the way our Christmas cards turned out this year!! I took the photo of my girl myself and ordered the cards from Tiny Prints. They seriously have SO many options to choose from. I made up at least three different cards with the same photo before being able to choose my favorite!

I love that you can choose to have rounded corners, plain square corners, or even choose another fun trim option. They have both folded cards and flat cards. This year I went with a flat card. They are perfect for sticking in an addressed envelope and calling it done! Saves tons of time in my opinion!


Plus the flat cards are easy to display on a hanging card display, fridge, etc. You know for those people like myself that display all the cards I receive at least until New Years! 😉

Granted, Christmas is only a few days away now, but you can definitely still send a card out for the New Year! I love to receive them even after Christmas. Always fun to find out what your friends and loved ones are up to and see a pretty face you recognize!

Your turn: Do you prefer a flat or folded card? Do you send holiday cards annually??

Disclosure: I received a set of Christmas cards from Tiny Prints in exchange for my honest review and promotion of their site. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!


Unique Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Happy Monday friends!!! Only 9 shopping days left until Christmas!!! If you’re looking for a last minute gift idea or stocking stuffer, I have a few ideas for you… I spent this last month testing and trying a few fun products. You might have seen my thoughts on a few items through Instagram, Twitter or Facebook already, but here is my overall review of the #RoseVoxBox from Influenster. Each of these goodies would be fun for stuffing those stockings this year!

First up, the contents! Here’s the Instagram unboxing video I shared when I received the Rose Vox Box.


AS you can see, lots of fun goodies!!! The first thing I tested was the Kiss Nail Art Gradation kit. In my initial review I loved it. There’s three polishes included thus three steps to the process. It was so easy to apply but ended up looking like a professional manicure. The only downside to this polish is that it doesn’t last long. If you have a party to attend or fun event to go to, I’d do the manicure the day of and all will be well. But after only a day or two my manicure started chipping. It might work better if you apply some kind of top coat over it… Just a thought.


I LOVED the Lindt Lindor Truffle! If any of my very own Santa’s helpers are out there reading right now, I would be very happy if a few of these showed up in my stocking. 😉 So yummy!!!!

Lindor Truffle Review

Next up, I tried out the Dr. Scholl’s Cozy Cushions. The following is my thoughts on those…

The belVita breakfast biscuits were decent. Not my favorite item in the Rose Vox Box, but it was interesting to try something new. The blueberry flavor was yummy actually and I enjoyed the taste, BUT to me, that doesn’t feel like a breakfast item. Maybe a quick snack to hold you over before or after breakfast, but not filling enough to make it very long.

belVita review

And finally I really enjoyed testing the Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara. It made my lashes look long and full without the clumps. The unique shape of the brush seems to help with getting your lashes mascara clad without gunking everything up! I found if I curled my lashes with an eyelash curler than applied the Scandaleyes they REALLY helped my eyes pop! Thumbs up for Scandaleyes.


So there you go. A few ideas on goodies to get for this year’s stockings! Have you tried any of the products mentioned above? Your thoughts? Any other ideas for fun stocking stuffers???

Disclosure: I received the items mentioned above as part of the Rose Vox Box from Influenster. As always opinions shared here and through all my social media channels are my own.

Fancy This Fridays #156

Happy Friday friends!!! In case you missed it I shared 5 Easy Snack Ideas using Hershey’s Spread this week. Kayli also shared her take on why Boys Aren’t Dumb. If your single, it’s a great post. You should read it. Or even if you just have single friends. It’s also good thoughts for someone encouraging another in the dating game.

Christmas is less than two weeks away! What do you say we get into the holiday spirit with this week’s features from Fancy This #155!

First up, Katie from View From the Fridge shows us a fun holiday idea to use up those fabric scraps in your stash and make a decoration all at the same time with Scrap Fabric Christmas Tree Art.


Next up, Sara of Thrifty Treasures has a genius idea for reusing your old Christmas tree top – A Porch Light Christmas Tree!!!


And finally this Candy Cane Shake from Moja at Four and Know More sounds delicious!!! Perfect for the season!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


5 Easy Snack Ideas with Hershey’s Spreads

I have just found my new favorite snacking go to!!! Hershey’s Spreads! I’ll be honest, I never really jumped on the chocolate, hazelnut spread bandwagon… No particular reason I guess. Kayli, my sister, did and tried to convince me to try it but I just haven’t. That is until Crowdtap sent me a jar of the brand new Hershey’s Spread to sample.
Oh. My. Yum.

Hershey's Spread Sampling

I am in snacking heaven!!! After a couple weeks of trying several snack combinations I have narrowed them down to my five favorites.

First up, Hershey’s Spread and popcorn. Specifically kettle corn. It just so happened I had a bag from a Cowboy Christmas event we went to over Thanksgiving weekend. I thought, why not?! Turns out it is DELICIOUS!!! Try it. Really.

Hershey's Spread Snack Idea

Then there’s the old stand by… Chocolate and strawberries. Can’t go wrong. You just can’t… yummy!

Crowdtap Hershey's Spread Sampling

Pairing Hershey’s Spread with apple slices makes for a tasty treat as well! Just slice up your apple and dip into the chocolate spread. Easy, right!?

Hershey's Spread Snack

Now this one is going to blow your mind I’m sure… Chocolate and Graham Crackers! haha. Just add a marshmallow and you’ve got a S’more!

Graham Cracker and Chocolate Snack

And finally a little salty/sweet combo… Hershey’s Spread and pretzel sticks! This one was fun cause you can just dip the stick in the chocolate!

Easy snack ideas

So tell me, what is your favorite chocolate spread pairing?? Have you tried the new Hershey’s Spread yet?

You know my opinion… LOVE it!!! So yummy! 😉

Disclosure: I received a jar of Hershey’s Spread via a campaign from Crowdtap, as always opinions shared here are 100% my own.

Boys Aren’t Dumb

How’s that for a title? So I remain mostly in hiding when it comes to this blog thing, and for where I’m at in my life right now, that works for me. But occasionally I have something that I REALLY want to say. This is a very opinionated post, so understand that before you dive in. Feel free to disagree with me, but have an open mind. Today I really want to say this: Boys are NOT dumb.

Now don’t get ahead of me- I’m not saying boys don’t do dumb things, heaven knows they do and heaven knows I’ve seen it, what I AM saying is that just because boys do dumb things doesn’t mean we get to pin the entire sex with a “Hey I’m a male and therefore stupid” label. And you know who does a lot of that? Me. And my friends. We’re single girls, we’re in the dating pool and trying not to drown and when things don’t work out the way we want guess what we attribute the failure to? The boy and this genetic makeup that supposedly makes him incapable of seeing how wonderful we are. It’s almost routine at this point as we vent to each other, “He didn’t even text me back today, but whatever!” and the response EVERY TIME is “Ugh, boys are dumb.” And that’s almost always the end of that. We hear that statement and that’s the end-all of the conversation. No one argues. It’s a fact.

But here’s the thing, it’s NOT a fact. It’s not the end-all of the conversation, and as guilty as I am of saying it, I’m getting really sick of hearing it. There are a lot of things to complain about when it comes to dating. There’s the society-wide shift from actually taking a girl out to just calling it “hanging out,” which leaves everyone involved confused about the relationship really is and if you can call it a date or an almost-date or anything at all. Then there’s the society-wide shift that tells men that it’s okay to bide their time and not date at all if they just don’t want to.  And then there are the girls that treat guys like dirt and leave them not wanting to date another girl ever for fear of being crushed again. There are problems flying in from BOTH sides and the main issue is NOT that boys are not intelligent.

I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to write this post for a couple of reasons. The first was because I know A LOT of boys that are very bright. A bushel, a peck, a heap even. And the other was because it dawned on me that just because I find a boy attractive, and he doesn’t find me attractive does not make him, or his entire sex, dumb. On the other side of that, if a boy finds me attractive, and I don’t feel that way about him, that doesn’t make me, or my entire sex, dumb either.

I spent the majority of my teenage years with boys who were the most intelligent group of human beings I ever had the pleasure of calling my best friends. They were sweet, they were compassionate, they were bright and could knock out a pre-calculus problem like it was nothing. They cared about me, they watched out for me, they gave me advice, and worried about me. And they still do. At college I’ve made a lot of new male friends who I love as well. They’re also incredibly kind, intelligent, and love their Savior. Good guys are everywhere and exist at every stage of life. My friends are great guys and they are NOT dumb, I would hate for anyone to say so. Think of the boys in your life that you are close to. For every guy we call dumb, there’s a girl like you that loves them and knows who they truly are.

The way I see it there are two major problems with throwing around such a loaded statement.

The first is that it’s not fair to guys.

Someday we’re each going to find a guy who thinks the sun rises and sets with us. He’s going to see how wonderful and beautiful and loving and smart we are. Those men will love our ambition, they’ll love our quirks, and they’ll think we’re everything good in the world. And we’ll love them too. There are awesome guys out there. There are guys that will be wonderful husbands and even better fathers. I know them and so do you. They’re your brothers and cousins and friends. They take their relationship with their Heavenly Father seriously and have a healthy respect for women. I would hate to marry a man who before we started dating I called stupid or dumb. I would hate to marry a man who before we started dating called ME stupid or dumb just because I did not do the things he wanted or act the way he expected me to, or worse, because ANOTHER girl didn’t do the things he wanted or act the way he expected her to. I want to ALWAYS have respected the guy I choose to spend forever with.

boys are dumb post 2

The second is that it’s not fair to girls.

Often, the statement “boys are dumb” is the result of a boy choosing to be with another girl. If the guy you were dating has someone pining after him, and he chooses to be with you because he loves you, does that make him dumb? Is he dumb for choosing you? No, he’s not. There are always exceptions and it gets tricky when every person and every story are different, but when it comes right down to it, I wouldn’t appreciate someone thinking that being with me was a stupid choice for a guy to make. So it’s not fair for ME to think that a guy being with someone else is a stupid choice either. It’s hard enough being a girl without having other girls wish misery on you.

The bottom line is we need to be kinder to one another, regardless of what gender you belong to or what your story is or who you’re into or who you’re not into. “Boys are dumb,” is a cop-out statement. It makes it easy to not have to focus on the real problem, whatever the real problem is, and that doesn’t serve anyone.

I expect to be respected by the men in my life so it’s only fair that I grant them that same respect.

Have you ever heard this statement used? Have YOU ever used it? Let me know what you think!



Fancy This Fridays #155 and Features

Happy FRIDAY!!! So, with Thanksgiving being last week, we skipped the Fancy This link up to be able to spend more time with our families. But we are back in full swing today!

In case you missed it, we are hosting a giveaway for a Pampers Celebrating Firsts prize pack.

Here are the featured from Fancy This #154!

We’re right in the midst of the holiday season! To help keep you organized Shanice of City of Creative Dreams made a To Do/To Buy printable! Click over to her site to download your copy!

To Buy & To Do Printable

Next up we love this festive Clementine Crate Centerpiece from Melissa and Stephanie at Two It Yourself. I bet it smells amazing!!

Clementine Crate Center Piece

And to round out this week’s features, Jerri from Simply Sweet Home shared a Frozen Peppermint Pie recipe! Sounds so yummy and perfect for this time of year!!!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Baby’s Firsts with Pampers and Giveaway!!

Disclosure: “This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.”


Pampers Logo

Our sweet little lady will be five months old on Friday. In these five months of her life so far we have celebrated a lot of firsts….

Klara's Firsts

From the top left corner, clockwise – Klara’s first Thanksgiving, her first trip to Hannigan Meadows, her first horseback ride with Daddy, her first Halloween. That’s not to mention the everyday firsts, things like her first smile, her first laugh, rolling over for the first time.

We just recently had one of my favorite firsts… Klara had her first taste of rice cereal. It was the very first time for her to eat from a spoon. We waited until her daddy got home from work so he could join us. We are both big food lovers so it was really exciting to be able to start Klara on solid foods. It will eventually lead to us sharing our love of food with our daughter. I can just picture fun restaurant outings, trying new recipes at home, etc!

Klara's First Food

As our girl grows it’s exciting to experience each new first. I am thrilled that as Klara keeps experiencing fun things for the first time she can continue to wear our favorite diaper brand, Pampers Swaddlers!

Pampers Swaddlers PackagingPampers Swaddlers are now available all the way through size 5!! To celebrate Swaddlers sizes 4 & 5, Pampers has 30 days of incredible giveaways and a grand prize of FREE Swaddlers diapers & wipes for a year going on right now!!!  Visit and enter to win daily prize bundles, plus the grand prize.

Pampers is also hosting a live Twitter party on December 5th at 9PM EST. To join click this link, Pampers Swaddlers Twitter Party,  and follow the hosts, @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers.

Prizes will be given away to participants of the twitter party and will include:

3- Celebrating Firsts Gift Packs, ARV ($250), which include:

  • Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
  • Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
  • Baby’s First Words Book
  • Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
  • $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments
  • Baby’s First Bath Robe
  • Pampers Swaddlers

Grand Prize: Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR camera worth $450!


Pampers Celebrating Firsts Prize Pack Giveaway:

Right now, I have a giveaway for ONE lucky Truly Lovely reader!!! The winner will receive a Celebrating Firsts prize pack from Pampers which includes:

  • Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
  • Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
  • Baby’s First Words Book
  • Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
  • Pampers Swaddlers

Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will close one week from today at midnight on December 10th. Winner will be announced the following day. Thanks for playing and good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway