Archives for November 2014

It’s Christmas Card Time!!!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is making and sending Christmas cards to my family and friends. I love to receive them too… The ones with photos or a little recap of the year are definitely my favorite. Then I display them on the cute Christmas card display I crafted a few years ago as part of our annual holiday decorations.

The last few years I have had my cards printed at Shutterfly. Every year I choose some of my favorite family photos, upload them on the site, choose a fun holiday layout and my Christmas card shopping is complete.

I would love to have the time and patience to craft a unique holiday card for everyone on my list but I just don’t. That’s why I’m loving the ease of Shutterfly’s holiday cards. This year the layout I chose is called Scrap Happy. You’re able to choose the number of photos you want on the card, personalize everything with your names of course and really make it your own! You can even choose to have them addressed by Shutterfly and MAILED if you want!! Hallelujah can you say time saver?!?!

ScrapHappyI’m not including an actual photo of our cards yet because I haven’t sent them out… It is still a little early I guess since we haven’t even passed Thanksgiving… 😉 But it’s the PERFECT time to get YOUR cards ordered for this year!

Right now Shutterfly is offering free shipping on orders of $39 or more (just use the code SHIP39) and a whole slew of other special offers.

Do you send out holiday cards? Are you a craft your own or order online kind of person??

Disclosure: I received my holiday cards in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. As always the opinions I share here are 100% my own. If I didn’t really love it I wouldn’t share it with you. 😉

A Life Update

Wow… It’s been awhile since I sat down to write a blog post. A month as of yesterday in fact. A lot has happened since then I guess. You know, life tends to go on even if the blog posts stop for awhile. 😉


We moved! We live outside Queen Creek, AZ now… I’m not entirely sure how long we will be here, but it’s something new and exciting regardless. It took me awhile but I finally got what I think I’ll need unpacked in our rental home. It’s hard to know what you’ll need over a time period that you are unsure of… But I did get SO tired of digging through boxes to find a hair bow for Klara. Or a sweater for me… So I just unpacked most of it and called it good. If I need to repack it sometime in the near future I will. No biggie right?!

Klara has been a champ through this whole thing. We’ve had a couple of rough days and a meltdown here and there but overall she just plugs along, as long as she’s got her mommy in sight all is well. 😉 And she’s such a good little unpacking helper.

Messy Office

Our life in this new place has primarily consisted of the unpacking of our stuff and lots of horseback riding. We keep our horses at our aunt’s house nearby, so we’ve been going over almost every evening to ride and visit. It’s nice to have family living so close in this new place!

Riding horses

Klara is loving riding horses with her daddy or mommy and has even gotten where she’ll ride on her own if I walk beside her and hold her legs. FYI, she’s not old or big enough to be entirely on her own anytime soon!

She’s also had her very first play date with someone other than cousins! Such a big girl with her very own little friend, Rory!!! {Oh and it was AWESOME to finally meet my long time bloggie friend, Ali of Our Happily Ever After in person!}

Klara and Rory

So what about you friends? I haven’t been able to read a single blog post much less write one… Tell me one thing that’s been happening in your life that I need to catch up on!