The Modern Muse Award

Hey there dolls!
Today we’d like to share a little something fun with you!

Do you know Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife? She’s one of our newest bloggie friends!
We’ve joined together and decided to spread some positive support around blog land!!! To do so we created a BRAND NEW blog award of sorts.

Modern Muse Award

The Modern Muse award is for those blogs that are continually working to share inspiration throughout blog land!
Be it through tutorials, how tos, featuring other bloggers, consistently commenting, etc…

Each of these fun blogs is continually showing support for other bloggers including us here at Truly Lovely!!!

Today we’d like to award The Modern Muse to…. 

Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs

 Tico and Tina of The Beauty of One

 Alyx of Everyday is a New Adventure

 Megan of and here’s to you Mrs. Robinson

THANKS for being a POSITIVE inspiration to us and your other followers/readers/friends!!!!

So, the entire point is to keep the support and POSITIVE rolling!
Here’s where YOU come in!
First, please click over and check out the blogs we’ve awarded above… say Congrats and share some encouragement with them! 😉  Then click here to visit Mrs. White’s post to see who she awarded The Modern Muse award and share a little encouragement around with her awardees.

By now you will have spread encouragement and inspiration to over eight new blogs!
BUT you’re not finished yet….

Grab a button above and share The Modern Muse award with at least FOUR of your most supportive and encouraging bloggie buddies! To those we’ve awarded, we would love if you would be able to participate as well.
With this award there’s no need to share random facts, do weird posts, etc… Just grab a button and pass it on to someone that you feel deserves to be acknowledged for their happiness in this blog world of ours.

Let’s spread a little LOVE and SUPPORT around blog land, eh peeps! :)

And go!

Us? Versatile? Well thank you ladies!

So check it out friends…
We received not one, but TWO Versatile Blogger awards this last week!!!
This is another of those spread the bloggie love awards with a few rules…
1. Thank & link back to the person(s) who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award, and let the giver know you accept the award
THANKS SO MUCH TO Courtney of Its a Reynolds-ful World AND Alisha of Homemaking Honeys for awarding us here at Truly Lovely!!!
Thank you sweet ladies for thinking of us!

7 things about Kassi… Hopefully that I haven’t shared before…
1. The Knot is quickly becoming my best friend as it gets closer and closer to our June wedding! We’re around the four months out mark as we speak!

2. I’m starting to stress out a little… See #1 above.
3. I’m starting to really feel the excitement!!! See #1 above. 

4. My Mr. and I are in the process of looking for a house… (which I’ve mentioned before) but the good news is… I THINK WE’VE FOUND ONE!!!

5. Mr. M and I have two doggies. Miss Penny (mini Aussie) and Miss Pandy (mini Aussie/Shelty mix) and we love them like our kiddos! Yep that’s them! :)

6. I love me some coffee in the morning!! Usually not this big of a cup though…

7. I miss her everyday. Love you sweet little Granny!!!

10 Bloggers Fab-tabulous Versatile Bloggers
(SOME of my fave daily reads, as in not all… so please don’t feel left out if you didn’t get one… I try to spread the love around everytime!)

My fabulous bloggie bestie!! Love her!

Fabulous bloggie bestie blog swapper!! And CUTEST nursery fixer upper!

Linking loyals!!! And great proponents of handmade!!

Fabulous new blogger!!! Great crafting ideas!!

Crazy creative lady!!!

Lovely Brit whit from a sweet mommy!

Fabulous home decor ideas and crafts!!!

The name says it all!!!

Fun soon to be wed, mommy to one adorable little girl!

You can’t beat Bella!!! Fun linkies and giveaways!!!


So there you go… Ladies, consider this your notice that you received the award… and your mission, if you choose to accept it… Pass it on!!! :)

Thanks again girlies!!!
P.S. Check out the Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap…
Going on now with the fabulous Miss Ashley of Being Grown Up!!
You’ll see why we chose to award her up above!!! 😉