The Modern Muse Award

Hey there dolls!
Today we’d like to share a little something fun with you!

Do you know Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife? She’s one of our newest bloggie friends!
We’ve joined together and decided to spread some positive support around blog land!!! To do so we created a BRAND NEW blog award of sorts.

Modern Muse Award

The Modern Muse award is for those blogs that are continually working to share inspiration throughout blog land!
Be it through tutorials, how tos, featuring other bloggers, consistently commenting, etc…

Each of these fun blogs is continually showing support for other bloggers including us here at Truly Lovely!!!

Today we’d like to award The Modern Muse to…. 

Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs

 Tico and Tina of The Beauty of One

 Alyx of Everyday is a New Adventure

 Megan of and here’s to you Mrs. Robinson

THANKS for being a POSITIVE inspiration to us and your other followers/readers/friends!!!!

So, the entire point is to keep the support and POSITIVE rolling!
Here’s where YOU come in!
First, please click over and check out the blogs we’ve awarded above… say Congrats and share some encouragement with them! 😉  Then click here to visit Mrs. White’s post to see who she awarded The Modern Muse award and share a little encouragement around with her awardees.

By now you will have spread encouragement and inspiration to over eight new blogs!
BUT you’re not finished yet….

Grab a button above and share The Modern Muse award with at least FOUR of your most supportive and encouraging bloggie buddies! To those we’ve awarded, we would love if you would be able to participate as well.
With this award there’s no need to share random facts, do weird posts, etc… Just grab a button and pass it on to someone that you feel deserves to be acknowledged for their happiness in this blog world of ours.

Let’s spread a little LOVE and SUPPORT around blog land, eh peeps! :)

And go!


  1. This is an awesome award and I love how she’s in chevron :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Fun, right!?! Mrs. White designed the cute button! She did a fabulous job! We’d love for you to pass it on friend!

  2. Congratulations! I’m actually stopping by with another award for you today :o)

    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks for being so inspiring to me (and I’m sure many other bloggers) every single day! Congratulations!

  3. Aww, I feel so honored!! Haha now comes the hard part – remembering to blog about it!! I’m so hair-brained that’s going to be a challenge! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      You are most welcome Miss Alyx!!! Thanks for being so awesome and always sharing a comment with us! Love reading all of them!!!

  4. awwww thank you!!! I love it =)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Yay! Hoped you would!!! Thanks for always sharing inspiration and happy around blog land!!!!

  5. What a super cute idea!

  6. This is so fun!! I have been blogging for years, but kinda fell off the bandwagon for a little while after my 2nd child was born, but I am getting back into it, so I am excited to meet new blog friends & this is a great way!! :-) Off to comment…Thanks girls!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Whoot! Always excited for a comeback! :) We’d love if you’d like to pass the award on Stacy! Thanks for the visit today!

  7. oh my gosh thank you so so much!! You are too kind to me :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      You are most welcome! Thanks for being so kind and always willing to chat! :)

  8. You’re amazing!!! Thank you so much Kassi – so sweet of your to include me! Thank you, thank you thank you!!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Aw… I blush! 😉 THANK YOU for always being so encouraging and uplifting!

  9. What a wonderful idea!! We can always use some positivity in blogland and I love finding new blogs to read! Love, love, love… :)
    xo Heidi

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thank you Heidi! :) I agree! Spread the happiness, right?!! We would love if you’d like to pass the award on!


  1. […] We created and awarded The Modern Muse award this week with the sweet Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife. We would be so pleased if you would like to pass it on to someone spreading inspiration and happy in blogland! See the deets here. […]

  2. […] just for good measure I joined with Mrs. White to create a new blog award for those blogs spreading inspiration around blog land… Guess who was one of our […]

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